Non-Slavic speakers think Russian sounds tough...

Non-Slavic speakers think Russian sounds tough, meanwhile other Slavs are sneering when they her Russian and their soft nj, lj and ije sounds. Russian sounds good only when women speak it.

Attached: 4B4C5A4D-52AB-400D-B7EB-F8526B040D05.png (544x479, 160K)

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It’s the same with german. People think it sounds like adolf hitler while in real life it sounds normal.
Unless it’s some alcoholic screaming at his wife on the street.

I think German sounds pretty.
It has too many "soft" sounds though (r, tz, sch etc).

I have heard German speech several times in real life and it was annoying as fuck.

English is like music.

I dunno I once heard some British dude talking on his phone and I almost threw up because of the way he was dressed and the way he spoke. Literally a posh annoying cunt.

>Russian sounds tough
It does.

>soft nj, lj and ije sounds
Uhm... We actually have soft and not soft versions for every (not sure) consonant sound


I'll tell you secret but the majority of non-slavic speakers can't hear the difference between slavic languages. It's just pshshstvopshch shit.

>Russian sounds tough
It does but it also sounds really nice in music.

I found out that Russian and Belarusian are more different than Spanish and Portuguese

Most of Jow Forums users don't even understand what are you talking about.

a secret*


Thoughts on Belarussian?

Russian sounds sort of primitive. Serbocroatian sounds brutish, West Slavic languages sound mechanical and childlike. Slovene sounds like a normal language.

Belarusian is a lot like Lithuanian.

Why Westslavian is mechanical if then you state is childlike

is there a softer language than Swedish?

Commit seppuku, Slovenia

nabijam ti mater na kur dok mi govna ispadaju izravno u tvoja usta

Which Slavic language should I learn? I am conflicted between Czech, polish and Russian

Attached: IMG_20190818_115501.jpg (1440x1412, 226K)


Russian sector of internet one of the biggest, and Russian classical literature one of the best. Also modern Russian literature is not a lot translated into foreign languages.
So Russian is definitely more useful.

Russian is more useful than Italian nowadays except Iraly

I heard some English pikeys or something here yesterday. I couldn't understand a single word they said, only that they spoke some sort of English.

Useful for what? I work in IT. Not sure it would be useful to me.

It has more to do with Italian being less useful

Do you expect somebody will try to persuade you? Nobody cares. Learn Polish or whatever, but in 50-100 years even Polacks will not be speaking Polsih.

I was just asking how it would be useful to me, there's no need to get so defensive

Italian is the most learned foreign language outside the big 4 though. It even has more learners than French since recently

But russian sounds like a rough and unrefined Serbo-croatian

>thread mentions Russia
>kuzukuzu appears
Like a clock

All slavic languages sound the same to me. It’s just R sounds and Sh sounds

Thanks, I will know it

>It’s just R sounds and Sh sounds
It's enough to say "Russia"

I don't actually hate russia. Hate is reserved for true shitholes like the usa or ksa

Attached: dilijan.jpg (2048x1150, 266K)

Slavic languages sound cuckish because of the way of pronunciation, we place sound near nose, when in english for example sound go down to throat, it sounds more manly.

Watch this, notice how brutal the first dude sound in english, but he speaks very soft on polish in the conversation

>Czech, polish

gbri srbi sprdeschko mrstschfirchko bzdrychko
This is literally what all southern slavic languages sound like
Russian sounds tougher than your vowel-less barking


Hrvtska Bzhrdski Przhkstonski Bdrglkdki

all slavs sound like retards with down syndrome


>Why Westslavian is mechanical if then you state is childlike

because Czech distinguishes vowel length instead of having a pitch accent
The lenguage can be soft as hell and sad
Or it can be barbarian premitive as hell mad as hell

Russia can be soft as hell really soft
Russia can be not soft at all brutal thet you cant get any brutal from what its now

You can diside what style you want to start you can start your speach soft and end up the speach barbarian premitive as hell screaming thet even gods will hear your screams

In composition with Russian language or serbian Croatian bosnian about barking and screaming russian lenguage win !!!

Bump i just get from gym i love this thread

I love jugoslavian soviet threads here we need more

Bump reviving this thread

shut the fuck up and go back to europe if you like the russian "language" so much

is this you shahar?

Russians sound like bees. They are like bbbzzzzbzzzzBBBBZZZZ

Russian just due to the sheer amount of free games/books/movies they upload online.

since when does shahar comment?