Has the internet made you more racist?

Has the internet made you more racist?

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I'm not racist because it's a crime, and crime is for negros

I didn’t give a fuck about Western Europeans before but now I hate them with passion.

It has made me unironically think Swedes are all mentally challenged

No living among Arabs, niggers and other filth for 27 years have made me racist.

cope more poolak

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Only against Europeans

How many black people did you actually grow up with sven?

always was a racist t b h

This. The idea of nations is that every nation has its own culture. Multiculturalism does not work, it only worsens relations between cultures.

it has only made me hate canadians. living with nonwhites irl has made me racist

I disagree completely and would like Bavarians and Russians to invade city

It made me hate a lot of things.

I don't know, 100-120 Somalians maybe plus another 40 mixed niggers from other African countries. The Somalia "youth club" was across the street and every single fucking neighbor was Arab..
I grew up in a commie block area aka The fucking Gaza strips of Sweden

Thats not a lot my city, my city has over 2 million black people, hundreds of thousands of indians/pakis and double those combined numbers for spics and I'm not complaining

>2 million black people
And did all those 2 million black people just arrive from war zones all over Africa? No? Didn't think so. Our niggers are fucking war criminals, child soldiers and murderers seeking "refugee" status here. Where the law can't fucking stop them.

Jow Forums hates mixed race people with a passion.

Jow Forums is Jow Forums without the underaged shitposters

ur the sven from Husby? What's it like?

it made me more racist for a while but then i grew up and became very antiracist

obviously yes. earlier i thought that afro-americans are nice and funny like Eddy Murphy.

Wrong, both boards are underage posters mostly.

Made me to love cock maybe

no, i was already racist

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It only gave me more tools to cope with my incel livehood

>What's it like?

Fun.. Besides all the car fires, shootings, stabbings, rapes and murders we also have a serial arsonist who in the last month have set fire to 5 apartments.

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no but it made me sexist


so I googled and from 2018 to date there was literally only one murder in Husby, some guy got stabbed

"all the shootings stabbing murders" my ass, fucking drama queen

im racist until black people decline on crime, stop being 13/50, and are actually respectable

I doubt he even lives in Husby, he's bitching about it in Sverigetråden as well. I live about 40 minutes from Husby and been through there many times. Seems pretty calm to me.

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>cum on my face lebron

sandniggers made me racist

Only gook are racist. True cultured men are above such foolishness

Nah, there are messed up people in every country.

>According to Finnish public service broadaste Yle in 2018, economist Takaaki Mitsuhashi from Japan described his visit to Husby: "whatever it was, it wasn't Sweden. We don't want those developments in Japan".

It did make me racist against Jow Forums.

That's what being a racist means, right?

Yes, I lost many brown and black friends when I fell for the white genocide/oppression memes

Towards whites

it made me an expert on places I'll never go and people I'll never meet

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A lot of things changed throughout last 10 years to be honest.
I flip-flopped and changed my views and values several times, went from a pro-russia vatnik to a liberal, then figured that liberalism is a actually a shit ideology for dum dums and now i don't care about politics, race, nation and all that shit alltogether because imo only zoomers and degenerates think and talk about these.

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the thing that actually made me the most racist was moving into the city

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i didn't even hate niggers and i believed in the "human race" until 2015

wtf I thought the refugee crisis started in 2015/16

I never have a chance to actually interact with non-whites so I depend entirely on what retards on the internet tell me

Not really. I was already aware that people from a lot of other races and countries were practically animals.

Black girl looks better on the left than the right

Yes, it made me realize I only hate male immigrants. Girls are welcome. God knows I adore them.

From 2012-2013 yes but since then I grew a brain.

I think Europe should be stay white and that race is not just skin deep. But I always took that for granted anyway. Other than those two facts I've been won over by the based American salad bowl.

you can't not be racist in a multicultural country
either you're a progressive that is racist against those who make society better or you're a conservative that is racist against those who make society worse
no middle line

I mean is racism even wrong in some instances? I think racism is pretty retarded but when it is necessary to keep the nation afloat i see absolutely no problem. South africa as an example. But germany with the jews as another example? Nah senpai

social conflicts are what make societies worse, differences are what create social conflicts
this multicultural bullshit is just propaganda for making countries easier to be dominated by homogeneous nations (guess which one)
Divide & Conquer: the easiest way to dominate a group and take its territory
the melting pot "theory" gave the US to Israel easily

This overlay isn’t even fair desu

Why English have this word??

quite the opposite

less racist but made me hate the whole human race more


Because if you say only "japanese" it can have different meanings, like the people living in Japan.

More racist and gay but I hide it and resist it

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Fuck these countries

Only against Brazilians


t. ahmed

Why not Brazil?

t. northeastern that got out of the jungle to clean Hans shit stains

>Pooland's zoomers making bommers jokes
They really be one of a kind

I dont hate any human.

btw niggers and sandniggers are not humans

Since one cannot be racist against cumskins, not I am not a racist

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Jow Forums has made me less racist

Weird. How so?

Interacting with people from all over the world made me realize that we really aren't that different from each other