Holo: Prolific Pajeet alanmasters Shills HOT

One of the biggest Pajeets in the biz is shilling HOT:

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-13 at 1.44.44 PM.png (2934x1994, 589K)

Good.. let the pajeets start their shilling campagne, let it go up just a little more and then dump on all the latecomers.


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No one is shilling HOT now that captcha is killed

>now that captcha is killed
what did he mean by this

Yeah what happened

mfw it's about to break out and anons aren't getting on the train
mfw poorfags can't post

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which one of you did this

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You heard it here first. Get in.

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meanwhile it's tanking

Just noticed it's tanking on ETH ratio, holy shit ETH is up massively kek, dat bounce
Tons of green volume in BTC and red volume in ETH

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anyway, it's an obvious fractal

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-13 at 2.30.07 PM.png (2218x824, 202K)

Why won't biz listen?

Say what you want about the project or team but tell me why you wont invest in this graph? HOT is about to pump.... AGAIN.. And so many salty bizlets will go "Whyyy didnt I buy Holo". Why did I listen to the retarded fud. "Fuck, I thought it would dip more"

No. It's not going to dump hard because there are not massive sell-offs, because most people that hold right now are smart enough to know this token will be huge.

>have to pass KYC + credit check for every coin on holochain.

>have to either maintain your own personal blockchain history, or trust that someone else is storing it for you. If either party loses the chain data you lose all your money. It doesn't have guaranteed permanence like bitcoin. If being a notary (a node that maintains records) ever becomes unprofitable they will dump your records and bail in a heartbeat.

>have to pay fees to notaries any time you do anything. Its ethereum all over again.

>HOT is not even required to use holochain; its bordering on useless even if holochain succeeds.

You have to be really deluded to say "credit check".

I swear these retard bizlets who think they are "fudding" have reached new levels of stupid.




Attached: pepedolf.jpg (225x225, 11K)

screencap it.

HOLO making heads and shoulders ready for massive dumping

this, confirmed
sell it all

worlds biggest head and shoulders