Why don't westerners eat bread with lard?
Why don't westerners eat bread with lard?
Because we're fat enough already
Animal fat is good for you though
it's sugars that are a problem
bread has sugar
We"re not poor, we can afford meat and butter
they call onions lard in hungary?
The pread is pig fat
>mad cuz it's not halal
I do
Brazilians aren't westerners. You are Southrons livign in America.
no idea. It sounds good.
google 'manteca de chicharrones' and 'zurrapa de lomo'.
We italians actually do, but it's served a little better than just plain bread with raw onion.
Forgot pic
I thought white bread with sugar was only an american thing
its banned here
We used to back in the day, but it went out of fashion. Some weird boomers still do
Why the hell do Hungarians eat this in school büfé's- aren't they concerned with childhood obesity?
white bread is essentially glucose
the starchiest food on the planet is essentially just glucose
That harsh man.
What was the reason?
It was a thing in the past
Very rare now because it's unhealthy af
We add cracklings too
>store stopped selling frozen cows blood
somehow, I know this is americas fault
But we do. You can order it in most restaurants and buy it in supermarkets.
>eating lard
>t. eats blood and little girl kebab
we prefer butter
We do. It's breddy gud, too.
disgusting poverty food
Plain bread, lard and whatever piss that ii would probably eat one wiyh onion
>animal fats?? eeeew, only when it's extruded through a nipple please
Bloody amerimutts trying to destroy our culture and traditions. If they come after our bloodsausage or our liver there will be war.
>Why don't westerners
Don't pretend like you aren't a western EU country currently living under the US influence
>please mister dane, my family is impoverished, may i have some of the scraps from your table
>cold slimy pig fat? yummy
They don't know what's good
A lard bread a day keeps the marxist away.
>all western is US
Get a load of this pider.
Because we have butter and liver sausage
a fat slice of bread with lard, pickle and greaves uhhhhh
>Bloody amerimutts trying to destroy our culture and traditions.
Europeans have no culture and your traditions are attempting genocide every few generations.
Oi cunt. Shut up or I will throw your body on a barby.
leucoplasts is glucose?
leucoplasts are just organelles
starch is amylose or amylopectin, which is a branched or not-so-branched glucose chain, and is what leucoplasts store (among other things)
I'm not sure if any food that's slightly processed like bread even has any intact organelles left