>i couldnt live without religion, christianity is the fundamental building block for our society
I couldnt live without religion, christianity is the fundamental building block for our society
You're welcome.
>You're welcome.
why not both
I thank Judeo-Christianity every day for birthing Western civilisation.
Without Christianity, you probably wouldn’t even be alive.
Majority of /sci/ is Christian or sympathetic towards Christianity.
this logic could be applied to almost everything you braindead fucking shitsatin
Wait, really?
Huh. The more you know.
without you ancestors having sex you wouldn't be alive so whats your point?
Without Christianity, you wouldn't have made this thread either.
And we'd both agree that's a good thing.
because of that mindset Islam will become the religiom of choice in Germany
Naw man, the Deutschie's gonna topple the Islamobrownies with his strict, rational, skepticaal-logical atheism! Society will continue to function with science as the building block of society and where people will worship the scientific method and be humbled by the majesty of the universe in observatories instead of cathedrals and churches.
Zoroastrianism is the true aryan religion
we're not, stop pretending to browse the board
>i choose to believe in higher beings even though there has never been any proof for anything like that throughout the entirety humanity
>where do you draw your moral compass from?
I do. And one Yugoslav autist doesnt change what I've stated.
>If not X then it's Y
You are retarded and probably an amrimutt in Singapore
Western society would be better as an atheistic one
how retarded do you have to be that you would unironically be religious?
>how retarded do you have to be that you would unironically be religious?
>yeah im atheist, why?
you don't and we are not and 1 georgshit isn't going ot change that
It already IS an atheistic one, kikenigger.
>he has hundreds of soyjaks saved on his
Santa María madre de Dios there is no way you are older then 13
Gottlosigkeit ist die Ausrede der Höllenverdammten
Genieß die ewige Verdamnis
....on his what?
>Gottlosigkeit ist die Ausrede der Höllenverdammten
Genieß die ewige Verdamnis
I've never been in a church in my life.
Judeo Christianity is not responsible for any civilization
literally no such thing
I dont even know what judeo-christian implies to be honest.
>older then 13
you appear to be a 13 year old as well
It used to be called Christian culture, but after ww2 Americans started to add Judeo, to please their Jewish masters.
Old Testament plus New Testament. The fallacy is the idea that Jews follow the Old Testament rather than the Talmud. Modern Judaism is everything Christ criticized in the Pharisees, whom he likened to snakes and vipers.
Saint Louis did nothing wrong.
To me it seems just really bizarre, should we call protestants catholo-protestant? I mean it came from catholicism but it supports almost none of its traditions. Or Islam? Should we call Islam Judeo-Islamic since it has some oc its roots in judaic beliefs
faggot heathen
I bet you're the same faggot shitting up /lit/ with your shitposts.
Kys, zoomer.