do japanese women really do this
Do japanese women really do this
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that guy is not even good looking, what's her problem?
She isn't either. Completely average. Same level.
>He just walks away
Jesus Christ Japan what is wrong with your men
who is this chinese woman keep posted on Jow Forums
and still she's prettier than 90% of japanese girls
You have never been here fuck off.
>tfw find both the guy and girl semi good looking
such a cruel world
are you paid by this porn producers?
Relax bud. You'll be fine.
Literally me when i was in osaka
How are thai girls? The meme is that Viets are the best looking but I've heard that among south east asian Laos girls are considered the best
Any other link I could find?
Not on my pc right now and won’t be for a while, much appreciated xx
humm What if We get your ugliest women so they aren't involved into your genetics, so our uglies men are also not involved into our genetics.
than we Create Happastan somewhere in Siberia and keep getting profits from this anclave.
Seems like deal, isn't it?
Show tits pls
U first xx
No this one was just some game iirc. If the guy came late then he would be chased
I am a Japanese woman and ashamed those self awareness.
She looks like drunk though.
>I'm japanese woman
Sure Takeshi. Japanese women beg for white cock
She's very drunk.
Have you never been outside before? Why do you think bars and clubs are the go to place for one night stands?
>She looks like drunk though.
Imagine a sober woman in the night time slutting to the nearest white man she saw on the street
>I am a Japanese woman
Even if so, why have you metioned it? Wanna see tonns of (you)s with "Tits of GTFO"'ish replys?
nigga just get android instead of crapple
>Even if so, why have you metioned it? Wanna see tonns of (you)s with "Tits of GTFO"'ish replys?
I just wanted to say that OP's woman is not our representative...usually I hide my gender on internet...(._.)
I started really hating Asian women. They're so self hating. Awful personalities. White mens whores. How does such levels of self hate not turn guys off?
Majority of Asian women doesnt care about white men in real life.
We are too busy to living in here.
Then why does Japan have a hikimori problem?
Also Asian Americans are even worse
every developed country having hikkikomori problem and majority of Japanese people aren't hikky.
I dunno about asian americans.
It might have worked if you were well-known here as "literally Teresa Mother", user.
Ofc most of the women aren't generally acting like on the OP's video.
I'd say that attractive women are curse to a nation. And dumb-attractive are even worse curse.
How do you get so geated about a group of people you never even met? You don't actually believe memes, do you?
I don't believe memes but i have social media, Luigi. The perks of the 21st century is you dont have to travel across the world to know how garbage some people are
because society only needs skilled and educated ones, the failed rejected by applies are prone to be one of those.
>i've never seen a drunk woman in public before
Wow the memes are true: Spanish anons really are shut ins with no lives.
You do to be able to make a general statement, I don't know what you saw on social media, but i strongly doubt you came in contact with enough asian females (btw with that you mean all east asians, counting SEA too, or just japs and gooks?)to make an even remotely valid statistic
All southrons that use Jow Forums are shut ins (me included). You need to be severely isolated in such social countries to use this website
>because society only needs skilled and educated ones, the failed rejected by applies are prone to be one of those.
It works for almost every society
>drunk girl sees camera and does shit for attention.
Wow only Japanese bitches do this.
SEA is even worse
If you want to check it out you can just make a dating account, set location to bankkok and enjoy seeing Asian whores throw themselves at you because you're white
the core of problem is that parents spoil their children or try forcible education on them, mostly causing by what happened in childhood.
Well that's sad.
even stupid like gaijin girl can write better kanji than me.
>The meme is that Viets are the best looking
pretty sure its pure meme
yes they really do
is he a cuck. why would he do this and let her upload it on yt?