Could i pass as a local in your country?
Could i pass as a local in your country?
>we wuz seldjuks n shit
You might be a kebab, but to us you'll still forever be an ang moh.
How does it feel to be a gay wolf ?
No, also free Anzu
You already are.
you kinda look like me
Yes but why in Germany?
I was born here
Yeah we have a few middle easterners in my city
You could pass as Bavarian
Piss off
stfu english teacher, the japanese are one of our best allies.
Unironically yes especially if you shaved that pubic hair off your face
no, too wh*te
t. toy boy jap
t. low test slav cuck
Unironically too white
You'll be mistaken for a slav
Yes, there's a big Balkan immigrant population here
Maybe as a Romanian immigrant
What does it says on the stone? Also rock n roll!