I imagine myself leading a raid at Uyghur concentration camp in Xinjiang, slaying dozens of H*n guards with my bare hands to rescue fair Uyghur maidens
I imagine myself leading a raid at Uyghur concentration camp in Xinjiang...
When will you get islam, fellow brother?
imagine a good innocent muslim girl, raised by her mother to be a virtuous and chaste woman and to always follow islamic law, which she does 100%
now imagine that one day PLA soldiers kick down the doors of her house and take her and her family prisoner for aiding the independentist struggle
maybe they did maybe they didn't, the result is the same as she is then taken to a re-education camp, where the guards are bored and frustrated as all the prisoners so far were all male, until she arrives...
they take her to a backroom and let out their frustration by gang raping her for 6 hours straight, this repeats daily in between the brainwashing sessions until she is mindbroken and can only think about cocks and Xi Jinping, not even remebering what the words "Muhammad" and "East Turkestan" mean...
One reply = one bomb I will throw to Chinese embassy
uyghur qtts are super qt
>good innocent muslim
No such thing
>good innocent muslim GIRL
They are a thing. And they need to be rescued and bred by whites and asians.
And all italians are mafiosi
Incel cringe
Mafioso are based and redpilled
based orthodox BVLL
truly the third Rome
This Portugese incel is the same one that admitted being a 30 year old virgin in the Communist party of Portugal (0.2% of the votes). Just how pathetic can one be?
imagine getting so butthurt you start lying like that
lol pathetic muslim incel, your women are getting COLONISED by HAN BVLLS
The average Chink/Gook mindset:
- "Unit Nanking Comfort 731 was Asian Holocaust, we wuz Jews and shieeet"
- Copying Kikery trick and Nazi guilt-trip
- Trying to demonize Japanese flag and Yasukuni shrine, like niggas trying to demonize Confederate flag and monuments
- Unironically bluepilled and leeching off Jow Forums
She doesn't seem very happy desu
Why do Japanese claim they have high IQ but all they do is repeat the same shit? There's nothing unique a Japanese poster will tell you. There is nothing new. You seen one of them? You seen all. They have no self thought. You don't have any opinions of your own. Only repeating garbage you see others post. I bet the IQ tests are just remembered instead of natural. In reality you're one of the dumbest, drone like people
Lol what rhymes with Uyghur
based nip poster
Even Chink insectoid incels have sex. Why cant you?
The chink fears the samurai
How is this relevant J*poid? Did I insult you?
you insult my JOMON BVLL master by your presence
and you insult your women by trying to keep them from their true love (american, japanese cock)
Based third roman
Why can't i get Uyghur gf?
>incels have sex
not much brain matter inside your muzzie head, is there?
>Jomon BVLL
We apologize for killing all the Jomon.
Diliraba a cute! CUTE!!!
based and italypilled
Why is every discussion about race and religion(especially islam) so hate filled and agressive?
in Xinjiang you can buy a Uyghur bride for real cheap
ragheads are getting CHINKED.com
Beautiful ayran uyghur forced to marry an ugly mongolid chink
>mfw westerners and muslims unite over their hatred for chinks
Humans are tribal. Without any mechanism to control their expressions, people can be real assholes. A human condition.
seeing this beautiful woman marrying this fucking rat gook face is infuriating
I'm going out tonight, If I see some fucking rice face Imma hit on em
>Be me, portuguese guy in East Turkestan
>Start walking on the street
>Suddently notice a Uyghur woman sitting on a bus stop
>I say "óla"
>She bows her head in respect
>I sit next to her
>She asks where I come from
>I say "Portugal"
>She says "Cool"
>I ask her name,she says:''Arzu''
>She asks me what I'm doing in East Turkestan
>I say I was just visiting...
>Suddently 4 han communists appear and sit next to us
>They start harassing the Macau lady and threatening to deport her to a concentration camp
>I say "How about you stop harassing her?"
>They get up from their seats and surround me
>I grab my cross necklace and put it over my shirt
>They lunge at me
>I completely destroy them
>They ask "Where do you come from?"
>I say I come from Portugal, the last bastion of christianity in europe, the most honorable and glorious country in europe, never conquered, last home of the Templars
>They run away
>Suddently Arzu starts hugging me and kissing me
>I grab her and bring her to my bed where we have sex.
>She gets pregnant and have beautiful hafu
>They say "Thank you João, if it weren't for you we would have been raped and had god damn han communist children, unfortunately Uyghur men are cucks and inferior to atlantic men..."
>I look at sky and say "Esta é a ditosa pátria minha amada"
Pointing a gun at her
>nine bombs now
Make em nukes Azerbaijani fren
Is this the opinion of Jared Diamond? The same ripe ivory-tower retard that wrote Guns, Germs and Steel? Whatever his opinion about a topic, that's a good barometre for the wrong take.
Chinks only keep men in the camps. They distribute Uyghur maidens to PLA officers
Yes, and he also assumed that the root of Japanese language was Koguryeo, the ancient dynasty of Korea
However, in Korea Silla unified the Three Kingdoms Period, so current Korean language is basically based on Silla korean language
but Goguryeo korean language became the root of Japanese
>The modern Korean language is derived from the language of the kingdom of Silla, the kingdom that emerged triumphant and unified Korea, but Silla was not the kingdom that had had close contact with Japan in the preceding centuries. Early Korean chronicles tell us that the different kingdoms had different languages. While the languages of the kingdoms defeated by Silla are poorly known, the few preserved words of one of those kingdoms (Koguryo) are much more similar to the corresponding Old Japanese words than are the corresponding modern Korean words. Korean languages may have been even more diverse in 400 B.C., before political unification had reached the stage of three kingdoms. I suspect that the Korean language that was carried to Japan in 400 B.C., and that evolved into modern Japanese, was quite different from the Silla language that evolved into modern Korean. Hence we should not be surprised that modern Japanese and Korean people resemble each other far more in their appearance and genes than in their languages
Baekje was the strongest influence on Japan but In fact, the founder of Baekje was originally the prince of Goguryeo.
Based and Joseon pilled.