I have a feeling that Janitor selection is a bit biased. Only people from certain countries can become Janitors

I have a feeling that Janitor selection is a bit biased. Only people from certain countries can become Janitors

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I applied, I hope I'm selected. I try to be extremely impartial and improve this community

>I applied, I hope I'm selected. I try to be extremely impartial and improve this community

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Let me guess: autoban for Amazon threads?

this site is an amalgamation of extremes, not entirely sure how you would remain impartial, but good luck regardless


Report all snownigger and ang*oid posts to the moderators

That monkey is a king.

I applied to Jow Forums actually, Jow Forums was my second option. Only if I stay as a janitor for a long time (a few months probably) can I become the janitor of my second option



It's tranny recruitment central. That needs to stop






I don't truly hate trannies, but I hate spam, and there are too much tranny threads everyday on Jow Forums

He's a brazilian, he's a janitor, on r9k, he's doing it for free.

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Some heroes don't wear cape.

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The only problem is that they will most likely spread to other boards afterwards which wouldn't help at all

They've already taken over some boards, I can understand the brazillian's reasoning tbqh

Those mentally ill social rejects have a whole fucking discord dedicated to this

I know, they took over Jow Forums but it wil only get worse if they nowhere to go
Right now Jow Forums works as a sort of containment board for underaged faggots, trannies and incels
I don't want them to spread all over the site


Have you applied to the community College yet. Stop wasting your time here you fat faggot.

Im gonna give SAT first in October, I want to apply and see the world. Its painful living here with my parents. I told them about this and they are fine with it, money is no issue since dad's got a bunch of land too.

By spreading them, they get weak, we can't allow them a board to grow (except /lgbt/ of course)

>Jow Forums

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There's not much we can do unfortunately other than try ignore them and hope that they don't spread out

I applied for /o/ because it's slow and there's not much to be done.

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>applying for the opportunity to do it for free

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