Belgrade Waterfront metropolis edition
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Bulgareli is the most advanced country in the region and deserves some respect!
Based I agree Belgrade, Serbia is the best Balkan city
>air conditioning
That shit isn't comfy at all. Ideal comfyness for me is some cabin deep in the mountains near a spring where normalniggers can't reach easilly.
This. But mountains are overrated too, I get weird from the isolation after 2 days wanna go back to the city. Feels like a life wasted if you spend it rural
You make your own purpose, no matter how retarded that sounds. You can discover plenty of things that aren't written in books, or that are known by such a small number of people that it doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things. I was part of a shitty 50 person discord dedicated to pirating shitty Chinese fantasy novels ffs.
>Двa Mopeтa
Only in your dreams, FYROMbey
>Greeks are further south than South Italians
>some bumfuck nowhere where you need to walk for an hour just to get to the nearest store
Nah, you only say that because you romanticize muh solitary life in nature.
>No southern makkedonia
>All the vlachs in our borders
>gayreece exists
Alcohol just makes everything better and bearable
>Don't know what to do all day on vacay
Just drink and ideas come
>Feel nervous about going out
Just drink and you become the party
It only sucks when you do it daily like magyarretard
>get weird without people after 2 days
I fucking hate cities and I hate people, I've spent more than 4 months of isolation and I've never regretted it once.
Fuck commercial good just farm your own shit and if you ever need to get to a store(which you won't need to if you're smart enough) just stockpile on shit that would last you years.
The biggest defeat for slavs in the balkans was when we failed to secure the north Aegean
The fault of Romania for backstabbing us in bw2.
poor crete
what the fuck
>Fuck commercial good just farm your own shit
That's such a massive hassle, I doubt anyone here could live like that. Why would I complicate my life like that?
I want to buy a commieblock apartment in some country with very low costs of living like Ukraine and then live comfortably for the rest of my life with my freelance job (I'd have to work like 20 hours a month to live comfortably (even if I'm renting) there with my current earnings).
This, Rila and Pirin are a heaven in the summer weekdays. Only people you see on a 20-25km trek are rando foreigners every 3-5 hours.
Given that you are not on some normalfag route ofc.
Stay mad and jelly
We would’ve ruined it.
nigga im being realistic here
>no turkey
y do you h8 urself effendi?
>going to the city beach
I don't think there is a more pessimistic person than me existing
What commercial goods would you consider essential?
>romantising c*mmie blocks
Fucking disgusting.
Comfy level 200
I am unironically mad
>Thracians from east of struma
dont insult me nigger
commie blocks are cheap
Macedonians woulnd't. We're true med people
Where is that?
you can tell when he's having his withdrawals cos he starts depressionposting
fuck yeah OC
>go to beach expecting to see some qties
>its full of boomers instead
>just farm your own shit bro
>winter comes
I would plant a bunch of fruit trees around the property to make it comfier.
>go to beach with gf
>don't care about other people there
problem solved
>He renamed it 3333
you're on your desktop not mobile, you're not there right now
Horse cottage?
This is our apple orchard, also quite comfy
Nigger you are exactly the same lazy greedy shits as us. Not to mention you and I have a chance to be related by blood if you have ancestors in some shitty hill village in Egejska.
>I'm a nigger and have no foresight
autisti4no e da pishesh na drug bulgarin na ang pri polojenie che sme bulgari
boli me kura dali drte she me razberat nali ti pishem na tebe
Лeлe мoя, ти Пиpин плaнинo!
Mope цъpнo цapигpaдcкo винo!
Want to go on another trek but im out of fucking money ...
>What commercial goods would you consider essential?
Food, alcohol, cigarettes, hygiene products, clothes, household products etc.
>romantising c*mmie blocks
I'm not romanticizing anything, they're just convenient. High urban density, everything's close, there's usually a good system of public transportation, they're cheap but generally not really bad apart from maybe soundproofing, etc.
No shit, Sherlock. Why would I be at the beach at 19:00
how long can you survive on peppers and tomatoes in winter
are you planning on farming some animals?
Narodnaya Respublika of?
bazirano selsko dete
overrated and cringe. i'd take the shitiest village on the turkish coast over the richest village in the swiss alpis
this looks like shit
why do normies find this attractive
>Food, alcohol, cigarettes, hygiene products, clothes, household products etc.
Can literally make all of that yourself. Household shit like spoons and such is a one time purchase.
womp womp
Bнимaниe внимaниe
Heavy autism warning
Nigga you wanna be burried alive at kresna?
Book a flight if you're depressed. You literally can't be depressed when you feel adrenaline.
Get out to another town in your country even. A return ticket to ohrid is €12.
But I don't want to make all that myself when I can just buy it. All of you would get sick of muh self-sufficient lifestyle after a month, at least I'm not deluding myself with these larps.
mountain climbers are heavily autistic
>oohoohoo me climb rock
Nah, shelter on 2300 meters elevation with no dirt or asphalt roads leading to it.
Since it takes effort to get there, and normalfags usually stop at the lakes and dont go further.
Not even once.
>oohoohoo me climb rock
stfu debel
On mountains it's generally better to opt out for animals and fruit trees since farming will be tricky with uneven terrain
>animal products
>can farm enough if you so wish to especially potatoes
You have all bases cover and you can even make a basic filter if you don't like drinking directly from the nearby spring.
Maybe it's true for you because you're a weak, pathetic excuse of a "man". I mean you're a commie unironically after all.
lot of fatsos go there thinking that's how you lose weight
and bring 10kg of carbs for "mountain snacks"
Drooling over mountains and muh self-sufficient life far from le ebils of civilization is the most soy thing I can think of. Stop watching movies and go outside, you spergs.
I've hated mountains since I was a kid, in Mavrovo I once got up the mountain in spring and tried to climb down and when I went down I couldn't stop accelerating and rolled the fucking mountain until I stopped twisting. Fuck the gypsy ass mountain.
No hot girls say "I wann go to a mountain". Sea > city > mountain
>ooga booga me self-sufficient, me make my own food
>*gets poisoning two weeks later*
>noo nooo you can't leave my communist utopiaa
>cooome baack and live in edn hui mesto and starve to death
>gayreek fantasies
> I couldn't stop accelerating and rolled the fucking mountain
Btw since you’re obviously alive to tell the story that was a hill and not mountain
>I couldn't stop accelerating and rolled the fucking mountain until I stopped twisting
Nature humbles you, bro. It's part of the appeal I think.
There's no food scrap trees and momma's wallets bushes in nature tho.
Xaoxaoaxoaoaxo, ao, oa, oozaxaoxoxaoxao, aoxaoaz
get rekt nigger.
I like climbing as I am from the motherfucking piece of shit place of Vidin where all the land is flat, humid, full of mosquitoes, full of gypsies and unbearably hot.
Mountains are the exact opposite. I've never seen a gypsy climber, in shelters and huts its a lot like Jow Forums, Germans, French, Belgians, Russians, Romanians, butthurt Serbs who think dem huts are hotels or some shit, some filthy rich ANZAC's who ran out of places to go to, Spaniards and whatnot.
But ... not ... a single ... nigger, gypsy or turk ever.
There's a reason why over time people tend to form complex societies with strict division of labor. No one benefits from so-called self-sufficiency, you're unironically complicating your life for no reason at all.
You niggers barely reached Blagoevgrad and you're acting tough.
Keep on coping with the mememaps
I used to run down from hills when I was a kid and start rolling every single time
I guess it did work then because I was small if I do it now I will probably end in the hospital
>y-you don't want to be a slave???
>b-b-but muh divion of labour nooooooooooooooooo
but i wanna smelter me own ores, mate
stfu debel
They passed through the Kresna gorge, that’s kinda amazing.
>Drooling over mountains is the most soy thing I can think of
>go outside, you spergs.
Cognitive dissonance much Isztvan.
Why are Macedonians so ugly?
>*spends countless hours working in the field and making homemade alcohol and toothpaste*
>at the end of the day he still lives in a muddy shack in bumfuck nowhere while I live comfortably in my commieblock
fuck no are you tripping?
No shit, 1/3 of our army mutinied because they knew what kind of bullshit they are being ordered to do. All the ministers and generals knew, but that piece of Saxe-Coburg shit did what austrians do best and fucked some shit up.
No (You)s in nature, except for ones from bears or wolves.
Go back, bear
>it took 5 of you to stop me?
It's actually spelled István. In Hungarian S = Ш and Sz = C.
Yes skopsko, they went after you instead of Tsarigrad, the losers lololol
You would have lost the 2nd balkan war if it wasnt for the turks and the vlachs.
>majority of losses are Serbs
What did God mean by this?
>enjoying life in nature with all its benefits
>happy with life in general, enough time in day to tend to my farms while enjoying myself in the night with intellectual pursuits
>"Ah, finally finished with my 3000th book, I guess it's time to make an adventurous track back to the urban jungle and pirate some books again!"
>Am in commieblock and my digital currency numbers keep rising and rising
>despite this I am starving since there is so little food around I have to use 90% of my paycheck for 1 meal a day
>eventually die due to chronic starvation
0 battles
6000 dead