oz edish
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spoiler that hog next time please
>If the child (no matter how young) wants to change genders then I'll support them because I'm not a fucking nazi.
oh lawdy she comin
off to bed lads
dont know why anyone would choose to be a woman
like having a willy desu
women live life on easy mode
trannies don't realise they'll NEVER be real women however
saw a middle aged woman being wheeled around tesco before. she gave me this look of total abject humiliation and despair, like shes totally given up and has been reduced to living her life in a child like state.
ruined my day. imagine being lonely and depressed yet you also can't fucking walk.
son came back from kindergarten going off how he wants to be a cat
the wife's taking him to get his hands amputated and replaced with paws
brain lobotomy is scheduled for october to make him more catlike
mad world
post cooming tim
I think the 40% suicide rate is largely due to the cognitive dissonance they experience when they go through with it, and realise they can NEVER be their desired gender no matter how many cosmetic changes they make
lazy cunt probably on the dole, taking your tax money
Cat meow because it knows that in my bag the food
Recording a choon
Doing a read
why don't they just get their balls snipped off and live out their life as an effeminate eunuch fuckhole
i think i'm having a stroke
If hitler wanted to completely get rid of trannies then he wasn't that bad of a man imo
heart palpitations are off the scale my heart is missing loads of beats wtf im gonna die
what a nice video :)
V energy drink for me
Doing a read
need to get on a bus but i'm too hungover
sweating like an arab on a goat farm
>ruined my day. imagine being lonely and depressed yet you also can't fucking walk
Story of my life desu
I want to join a shooting club but the crusty old fucks running haven't left any contact details that are up to date anywhere
eat the food
Dad just came in and asked why I was in bed
got breathalysed by the inspector on the bus and was told to get off
Dad just came in my bed and ask why i was dad
Was once served a 3 course sunday dinner on bendy bus in Glasgow
lmao remember when dave or some other insane cunt here was adamant that around the turn of the millenium there were bendy busses with tea carts on them
alri lads when we heading to table 46 at the montagau pyke?
Debbie is cute
Quite happy with my score predictions from earlier
How did the tea cart get along the bendy bit?
Deactivated my OKcupid for 6 months and came back to find the exact same women still there
Wouldnt happen in sweden. Too dangerous to be stranded and drunk
The degree of introspection achieved by Nietzsche had never been achieved by anyone, nor is it ever likely to be achieved again. ~ Sigmund Freud
it's called a train mate
you arrive in shottingham
why is it so small?
remainers are such lazy cunts
Trafalgar Square literally empty compared to most saturdays
say "nigh"
sounds like you're saying now in a strong belfast accent
waterfront sports pitches need to be culled
what grocery store do you usually go to
i go to lidl because i'm poor (and it's a 2 minute walk)
thats at the end
>in the wake of
>nothing to mix my grog with
Fucking nightmare scenario. Would give it a miss but it's 2am and I'm nowhere near tired.
When did soccer saturday peak?
Aldi, Walmart
Who else /having a good weekend
/ here?
men that wear flip flops are actual fucking gimps lmao
theres something wrong with remainers
Weekends piss me off a bit tbqh. Too many other people out.
Weird them old cunts that on a moderately warm day will wear jeans and a jacket but have flip flops on
your feet dont need to be the coolest part of your body like? I've never went ahhh my feet are fucking boiling
The end is night(=now)?
Makes sence desu
tim just uploaded his 19,000th youtube video
speaking of pronunciation
is it true that the t in britain shouldn't be pronounced and you guys say it more like bri'ain
like to go back to the very first ones when he wasn't mental
emilia clarke wont date you bro
really gotta stop masturbating to dancing korean girls
i'm not the albino
Decent talent
Is he the guy that is like a british w chandler guy but dosent need any help? Seems insane that managed that. How long has he been going on?
Isnt it yanks that cant say t. Bu''on etc
man this purple haired cake in evangelion is fucking hot
Mari? yea she is
From whom the beat tolls
How likely is a housing market crash within the next 5 years lads?
no, user
>housing market crash
i don't think there will be a crash but there might be a stagnation in price growth
government won't allow a crash because boom booms entire networth is tied up in their properties
fuck me how has this man not been sectioned yet?
He even looks like a distant cousin to w chandler
send them back
his pork and beans are out