Do americans really do this

do americans really do this

Attached: Clowns.jpg (1120x894, 223K)

There's the proof. What more do you want?

So this is the power of Jow Forums

literally says they're from reddit

>straight pride

They really do

same thing post 2016

pride for straightness


do americans realize they are completely insane?

>Free Kekistan shirt

why are americans like this?

Imagine being an adult and doing that shit
What's the deal with americans

>implying there's a difference anymore

blame Jow Forumsreddit

if he was french he would be waving a white flag

No, their insanity stems from a complete lack of self-awareness


they think they're being ironic

Fuckin white people

So they have autism?

so Jow Forums

Imagine if amareicans were real

This board is reddit as fuck 2bh

we r great

Attached: west.png (865x826, 1.13M)


They rarely think at all

Induced autism anyway. It's caused by things like poor overly-introspective education, partisan politics, and propaganda.

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This thread is currently reading 25 replies (not great, not terrible).

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Yes, and?