How do we take back Jow Forums?
How do we take back Jow Forums?
It's ours now, wh*Teboi
Don't ever call Norwegian bros wh*Te again you dumb coon
Ban shitskin flags(except for Pakistan). They constantly whine about bullying while contributing nothing to this board. All low quality shitposts come from them. The non-white posters on /sp/ are based and bro tier though
Ban english ISPs
Ban poltards
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.
Ban lgbtards
Ban g*nerals
Make everyone's flag the Gozitan flag.
Pin Jap and Finnish posts.
Fuck off Norway fucking shit!
Ban everyone
Ban me
Ban Germans and Finns and the board quality will skyrocket
Ban posting an*me
It truly is the only way
ban all race-bait garbage on sight
You don't improve a board by banning its best posters, m8.
Remove moderation, let slip the dogs of war.
Most recebaiting garbage comes form your flag monkey
It's one guy though