Do you like Ireland?

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i dont like gingers anyway, but most irish have black hair

Why do you hate redheads?
Redheads are cooler than blackheads.

90% of them aren't gingers.
Stop with this meme.


Yes, why would anyone expect the britbongs hate the Eire?

Was the Irish race a mistake?
>very ugly to the point even we make fun of ourselves
>all Irish are depressed and suicidal
>all Irish are alcoholics
>literally 0 achviements and no history at all
>cumrag for Britain, yes for BRITAIN for 800 years and then the EU
>British had to civilize us because we were literal cavemen
>high point of Irish history: losing a war against UK
>despite the high GDP per capita memes, we are rather poor
>Irish weekend: 3 days of drinking beer and booze and then to work on Monday to plan our suicide
>high unemployement rates and GDP keeps falling as we speak
>no place in Europe, as we aren't Nordic, Baltic, Slavic or Germanic
>even our neighbor countries find Irish as disgusting hobos
>literal Celt-Iberians
>proudest moments in the past 30 years was 2 grand slams in a sport with 5 other teams, we still keep bragging about it and making documentaries and movies about it
>Irish are the biggest attentionwhores on internet
>there's a good reason for why so many Irish use imageboards. they want attention and mentionings, because that is the only thing left of what gives them joy
>Irish bully British on internet 24/7 because they are jealous of them and they want their attention. when a Brit replies to Irish, Irish feel more Anglo and happy to he noticed by superior beings
>Irish post IRA memes out of anger, not because they like them. they actually hate them but have no other choice. all Irish want to be like Anglos

What have the Irish ever done for my country?
abso-fucking-lutely nothing

gingers are ugly


I liked Ireland before they legalized abortion


>very ugly to the point even we make fun of ourselves
Same for Russians

>all Irish are depressed and suicidal
Same for Russians

>all Irish are alcoholics
Same for Russians

>high point of Irish history: losing a war against UK
Same for Russians (losing a war against mongols)

>we are rather poor
Same for Russians

>no place in Europe, as we aren't Nordic, Baltic, Slavic or Germanic
Same for Russians

>Irish are the biggest attentionwhores on internet
Same for Russians

You are literally the island ruskies

yeah Ireland/Scotland is where you've got redpilled Nigels.

no shit you stupid faggot. but the british isles still have the highest percentage of redheads

I have red hair and it's shit.

They look like faggots who I would have no problem beating the shit out of

Most Irish people aren’t ginger

>They look like faggots who I would have no problem beating the shit out of

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>Westbrit detected

Fuck off home on the dort you d4 yuppie cunt

less than 1% look like that

he unironically be the ultimate chad if he just cut his hair, compare to your soybeard starbucks worker looking motherfuckers

but women love getting the shit fucked out of them by guys with long blond hair

I've been to your poxy cunt. You're all lanky faggots that our inner-city kids could spark

Calm down ye little faggit

i know, the dutch are all greasy effeminate telephone poles

>manlet being butthurt that our men mog their leprechauns

go blow up a hospital in Belfast you IRA niggers

Make me, prendergast.

Why European hate ginger so much?
I think ginger is beautiful

Ok then, meet me at Merrion square then you cunt

Is Ballymun dangerous?
I'm interested because the rent is cheap.

Spanish-Irish best alliance ever

I like

I love red hair

Fuck ireland, fuck gingers and fuck guinness. Assholes

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Not really

No, I don't.

>>very ugly to the point even we make fun of ourselves
>Same for Russians
False. We rather talk about how bad healthcare infuence our aging compared to other.

>>all Irish are depressed and suicidal
>Same for Russians
False. Only internet talks. Won't face such thought and talks in real life.

>>all Irish are alcoholics
>Same for Russians
Somewhat false. Many alcoholics really. But quite a lot of nodrinkers today also.

>>high point of Irish history: losing a war against UK
>Same for Russians (losing a war against mongols)
False. Last and probably the greatest time of our history is USSR. Among others we could mention Ivan the Terrible period and 1812-1850 as also peak of geopolitical power after Napoleonic war.

>>no place in Europe, as we aren't Nordic, Baltic, Slavic or Germanic
>Same for Russians
False. Slavic. And there is a long history for our our special way for others to follow.

>>Irish are the biggest attentionwhores on internet
>Same for Russians
False. Rather do not get an appropriate amount of attention.

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i love irish tavern songs

>having self-awareness makes you a yuppie

It's great.
Problem is, they allowed abortions, so they ll die off soon enough.