This made me uncomfortable
Do Americans really cheer at the death of people they don't like?
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Yes we do, but so do all of you. Every time there's a shooting in the states you all gather on Jow Forums to cheer.
Why wouldnt we? When bin laden died my entire fraternity had a bbq party
good riddance
This is sick. Americans are really fucked up, we really need to weaken them so they keep their shit at home.
Those are not americans. True americans would cry the death of a job-provider, a hot-blooded patriot who defended the free market and capitalism
When's the next shooting btw. Getting bored.
We never do it publicly, there is a minimum a decency to have if you're civilized.
The answer is always yes
I don't.
It's basic humanity.
Also it's not like bad ideas magically stop with the person's death. I was somewhat shocked when I saw Americans celebrating in the street when Bin Laden was killed.
That's pretty based. Why should you respect someone just cause they died? He was a horrible human
>He was a horrible human
>Do Americans really cheer at the death of people they don't like?
i do that as well tbqh
>David k*ch died
Praise the lord
>I was somewhat shocked when I saw Americans celebrating in the street when Bin Laden was killed
Really? He's responsible for the biggest terrorist attack in this country's history. Three thousand dead, six thousand injured. If Iraqis can beat Saddam Hussein to death and have a party about it, why can't we cheer when Bin Laden gets headshot?
>makes the world a worse place to live in for everyone except him and his own for decades
>i'm supposed to be somber when he shuffles off this mortal coil
David Koch was an evil man though.
Jow Forums doesn't cheer at the death of victims after american shootings. But merely at the recurring lack of proper response to deal with the issue.
Everyone is so hypocritic here that it hurts
fucking this Jow Forums is the king of doublethink
>dude give up your basic rights because a few kids got shot!
This is why Yurope is dying, you're all a bunch of bootlickers that suck up to your elites
Categorically false
Why do Eurobonobos always make up excuses and false reasons for why they do things instead of accepting the real reason (they’re hateful little people angry at their own growing irrelevance)?
I do and I'm not even American.
Doesn't everyone?
We also cerebrated death of Kim Jong il
I still don't know who that is
I'm of the opinion that we shouldn't even celebrate when killing your enemy in a battle:
From the Tao Te Ching, Chapter 31:
"When many people are being killed,
They should be mourned in heartfelt sorrow.
That is why a victory must be observed like a funeral."
One thing is to feel relieved, one is to cheer loudly. It's obscene.
The key word was "people." Anericans aren't people.
No we don't, not even our more radical and cringy hardcore communists celebrated the death of the last militar dictator. And also I've never seen anyone cheer for your shootings here, and my friends are edgy sociopaths.
You are not world wide relevant.
>tragedy happens in Europe
>every country in the world flies flag of that nation and shows some form of condolence
>tragedy happens in the U.S
>every country explodes in criticism wanting us to ban guns, blames DRUMPFY, millions of people virtue signaling on twitter on how much they hate the U.S and that it's well deserved for not giving up your rights.
This is so cringe.
fuck that gay shit
>But merely at the recurring lack of proper response to deal with the issue.
I concur. We really need to reform our mental health institutions in this country.
It's definitely a mental health issue and not all these guns and the culture of death that exists here.
Fuck Europeans especially, they're the biggest hypocrites.
Well he was a scumbag asshole shut up shitalian pussy
Ding dong the witch is dead after Thatcher died.
Excuse me?
"That gay shit" just so happens to be an incredibly valuable ancient book of wisdom that makes the Bible look like the shoddy junk that it is kek
>treating the symptoms instead of curing the illness
The proliferation of guns is not a new thing in the US retard
Neither is America's high crime rate, and it's not just about how many guns we have, it's why we have them.
Jow Forums is dominated by US politics. People in Portugal, for instance, don't feel nearly as strongly about public figures here (except for Ronaldo).
We laugh at your inability to solve your problem rather than the deaths itself
I think it's because Americans love to open their mouths, they have nothing to hold it back. They all hate Trump because he constantly posts a stream of nonsensical shit, but at the very core he truly is symbolic of the American people entirely. A continuous line of disrespectful, incoherent and nonsensical stream of shit.
>the biggest terrorist attack in this country's history
The cringiest soyshit I have ever heard.
You retards don't realize how little that attack is compared to all the civilians in the middle east dying every day because of your cunt. It's been almost 20 years and you guys still bitch about 3k people dying as if it's a lot.
>This is sick. Americans are really fucked up, we really need to weaken them so they keep their shit at home
It all stems from class disparity
it’s like that clip from The Onion
>and next up, the equivalent of 4 americans died in pakistan today
Entirely correct post.
Found any nice girls to rape yet gonzalez?
save for spelling
You’d know about all that wouldn’t you, Hassef Omar
>Neither is America's high crime rate
violent crime is at historic lows
David Koch dying is unironically good
>he thinks people laugh at the victims
We make fun of your retarded way of thinking "Random people easily buying 20 rifles and 40k bullets = freedom and liberty"
It’s literally a british thing, blame them.
Also see
Leftists are nihilistic and godless. Why would you be surprised when they celebrate the death of anybody they disagree with?
David Koch is literally a kike who only cared about himself and screwed over the entire world to appease his greed
It's odd how anybody could like him.
Fuck off serbshit! 9/11 was 3000 innocent civilians dying because a bunch ragheads got brainwashed by pisslam to kill infidels. We didnt start this war be sure as hell can finish it
This is a very boomer post
yes, you started this war.
9/11 was completely justified. Only a complete imbecile would think that Bin Laden was in the wrong there
thank you for your service
thank you for your service
How tf can anyone defend Bin Laden?! He's literally worse than Hitler
I hope you get scooter murdered
>We didnt start this war be sure as hell can finish it
No, you can't. You will back out of it just like in Vietnam.
any man that hurts the eternal american is a good man by default
It only took us a few months to destroy Afghanistan and Iraq. And Vietnam would have been an easy win if it weren't for the protests
totally deserved it