Your cunt

>your cunt
>is it a barbaric shithole that allows baby murder?


Attached: AbortionLawsMap.png (1350x625, 62K)

It will very soon (luckily)

polish whores can't get an abortion in pooland so they go in neighboring cunts

Here they equate you to a nazi if you are even slightly against abortion.
There was this website against abortion that got shut down because it was 'hate content' against women rights.

The fuck and the hell?

Post the none edited map at least

Attached: AbortionLawsMap.png (1350x625, 52K)

Yeah, that shit is pretty fucked up, I evne met a feminist who was for abortion up to full term, that's literally baby-murder, but they are so brainwashed that thye have lost the ability to use their brain.
They instead rely on distant-centralized thought: ie: Quotidien telling them what they should think

Abortion is not legal in all US states. Some states it’s outright illegal, in other states it’s “legal” but clinics that murder fetuses don’t exist.

damn imagine impregnating chilean lolis and force her to bear the offspring

Brazil is still fairly barbaric though.

Well you are on par with Africa so I guess you're not barbaric at all

Anything that isn't fully legal or fully illegal is incoherent trash.

Sadly we are in the brown category now


Here people are nationalistic as fuck about the abortion thing. If you post some pro-abortion stuff in your social media, you could lose your job if your employer saw that

i support abortion. it's basic right. but father should have right to deny financial support if he doesnt want baby. aka financial abortion.

im glad i can just cum inside and not care desu, fuck them ugly fetuses

Attached: lemv5l0cgu611.jpg (3088x2320, 846K)

Imagine having a stricter abortion ban than Saudi Arabia

Wtf rape abortion has been legal since the 1920s here

If it doesn’t have a consciousness, it’s no different from the sperm cells you murder 5 times a day you dumb monkey

Goverment will pay for it, which means he pays for it regardless

>Brazil allows baby murder in cases of rape or health risks
what a shithole

Humans don't have consciousness until they are around 5 months old, so killing a newborn is ok based on that logic

Hmmm, isn't the grey policy the most redpilled?
Also what the fuck is up with Germany???

Afaik it is more like 'Illegal with exception for maternal life or health' but actually getting an abortion is pretty complicated because, amongst other things, doctors are allowed(if not encouraged) to refuse carrying out the abortion

So it's okay to kill NPCs like most libtards or negros are?

It seems we are the most retarded in SA

Stop killing babies

How old are you