September tomorrow

>September tomorrow

What have you accomplished this year Jow Forums? You know there's only a few more months before 2020, right?

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got married

Because you're a polish subhuman most likely.

true I'm just a fucking poolack brainlet kill me

Got into uni gonna meet with the love of my life, heh, its alright i guess.

I quit my job in April, learned phlebotomy. Still waiting on my clinicals to start

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nothing. and i'll continue to accomplish nothing. no job, no education, no money, no skills, no friends. i had every chance in life and i bungled it at every turn. fuuuuuuuuuuuck

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What exactly do you even do all day?

got my first gf and lost my virginity

Been to 8 countries, rode a motorbike in three, and aced all my grad courses.

Made some gentiles gay.
Stole money from Europeans.
Got an 17 Arabs into Europe

please provide a step by step guide

I found a really nice apartment in central Stockholm

A little bit but I'm still a trapped NEET


shitpost and look for wageslave jobs

>worked and saved up money
>got a distinction on my college course and gained a qualification from it
>applied for and got into uni
got Jow Forumster
It's been a great year

>trading a boring shithole for a hot and humid boring shithole
but why

Weak, are you even trying any longer?
Wheres the jew i used to know? The child sacrificing, christian blood drinking, money extorting, pest bringing devil worshipper. Who are you and what have you done with my shlomo????

stop fantasizing

Poles have no souls after hurting Germans during WW2

What is phlebotomy ?

I'm sure that there are ways to escape from our situations.

I am on the internet everyday. It's my main drug. At least 8 hours per day.

So classy. Are you rich ?

Holy shit
Tfw just realize that i have become a NEET, should i move to r9k?

>on the internet everyday
So is everyone but are you learning things or just wasting time?

Got a job, moved out and live on my own, life is ok now.

How you cannot find job in country like France or US?
Even when you have low-skilled job, you can have cool standard of life.

No, I just got really lucky. It's a tenancy.

>stop fantasizing
OK I will get my shitsu together

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I had my one year wedding anniversary, my wife graduated and got her dream job. I am in my senior year at my university and started applying to grad schools. I was able to quit my job and focus on school full time since my wife makes good money now. We're getting a good car for super cheap from a family member, and things are generally looking really good.
I almost got my wife and her hot friend drunk enough to have a threesome, but the friend was too drunk and ended up just going to sleep. That would have been the coolest thing I'd done all year

I moved house, cleared my debts and have a job. I am single though, oh well.

Got engaged, bought my first house, got a raise, and started my graduate degree (which is being paid for by my employer)

Both, learning new skills and wasting my time on limitless entertainment.

Based. What is great about Central Stockholm ?

Start on engaging an activity outside of the internet

>took a 6 months long intro course in biology
>participated in Sweden's largest skiing competition
>broke my hand
>slept with a qt
>got a sailing boat (actually dad did but I helped in restoring it and fixing the engine)
>beat up some shitskins
>started basic training
It's better than 2018 tbqrdgh

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Nothing, I have been doing nothing for 12 years now.

I doubled my patrimony.

I'm part whiteoid im sorry I became weak

>made several new friends, a lot of them are girls, I know I'll have a girlfriend by the end of the year
>made a little recording studio in my room
>saw Opeth, The Cure and Slayer
>joined a writing club, seven of my writing are going to be published
>started a metal band, bad side is that it's reallly hard to keep them together and make them do something
>went to the seaside after nine years of not seeing it

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I already reached lvl 27 on my paladin, don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks about me

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la ce canti boss?

Epxected you to be german

Bas, clape, chitară, dar merg pe principiul că dacă îmi dai un instrument, după vreo două ore îmi dau seama cum să-l folosesc.
Am făcut aşa cu un acordeon.

I have become fluent in sumerian, read the Iliad and watched House MD. 4 times.

>September tomorrow

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I graduated school, started playing guitar, beat Metal Gear Solid 2 on European Extreme difficulty, I built myself a new computer, started going to college, and I finished watching all of the original sailor moon anime

Wageckucked, got a pay raise three times, got my Electrical License upgraded to 3x250A, gave my father ~14000$ to pay for his debts, built a city in Minecraft (again), watched more than a two dozen anime titles, wasted at least two months worth of time listening to music, started learning German again.

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got cheated on twice, broke up w gf of 2 years, accepted mom is an alcoholic, crumbled under pressure and failed college courses for first time, failed three classes and got a C in the other, got addicted to PCP and was psychotic for 3 months and have no memory of entire days and was apparently being an asshole to everyone i knew, paid over $1500 on towing and parking tickets, covered sister and ex for over $3000 in rent. Made my first android app tho which was pretty cool. hopefully last 3 months of the year are better.

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You mean you invented a computer


Finished my conscription and continued my education. That's gotta count for something r-right?

i simply got extremely lucky, she was making it obvious that she liked me. sorry cant help much

Got my driver's license, was able to work a few months and about to enroll university. Other than that, this year was pretty uneventful so far.

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Cool, good luck buddy with your band

Is it mandatory for everyone?

Thanks, fren!
We're going to be the most evil sounding band in my town.

It's "mandatory" for all males after the age of 18 but you can get out of it via a doctors certificate saying your physical/mental illness prevents you from taking part (this one also works if you get severy injured mid conscription), opting to do civilian service (= extremely underpaid labour) or doing prison time.

I've grown a lot this year, mentally
I plan on getting to the physical part in 2 weeks or so when I will have more time
I've found what I want from life and how I want to live my life, and so to speak found myself mentally
Really reshaped myself character wise
Maybe it will affect 2020 as well, my mental growth. I hope it does, I really want to grow even more

youll make it bro. I swear.

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