Are Arab girls actually getting Blacked in France or is it just a meme?
Are Arab girls actually getting Blacked in France or is it just a meme?
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Do you hear yourself?
everyone is getting tchiiiped at this point
it happens but it's exaggerated
Are nigs starting to outnumber the Arabs in France? I started noticing way more Africans while I was walking around in Paris last week compared to a few years ago.
Looks like Mbappe.
reminder that the boards resident British Jow Forumsposter is a self-hating Arab/paki/Indian
فاكر نفسه اسبيشل
Looks like Oslo
>feigning ignorance to avoid being shat on for your true racial origin
Sure thing
everybody is getting blacked
just submit to your new overlords
It's real
I have that feeling too. A lot more nigs where I live. They behave generally more appropriately than arabs because they are here since only a few years
You're clearly not since you closed your borders. Cunt.
They are Carthaginian. Imbecile.
It is interesting if only Maghrebi girls are lusting for BBC or it concerns Arabs in general. I don't heard about jungle fever among Levantine or Gulfie women.
Was it actually worth it to use a vpn for that post?
But they get whited in all those shitty french language hijabporn videos on pornhub
Levantines are racist towards blacks and even other middle easterners but worship ”whiteness”, even some consider themselves white. They use blue contact lenses, avoid the sun to stay pale and some times dye their hair too to look more european.
t. Knower
>I don't heard about jungle fever among Levantine or Gulfie
Yemenis and Saudis got Blacked so not sure about them.
Yes here too, they want to be like Kardashians so they date blacks only
Imagine being this delusional. I bet your brilliant and infallible study was based on a few images, in keeping with your intellectual level
dying hair is pretty common here too. i thought it is like there everywhere.
>Nigger hasn't seen southern Yemen.
Only for gays or woman
In France arabs hate blacks and consider them as thugs and lesser people. Arab girls get married with other arabs or with white guys but never blacks.
Yes, I am the living proof
>92.8% Arab
>thinking I'll accept his 'fastidious' Jow Forums standards
Yep, retarded
Sandnigger Gangs use guns and shit to settle disputes in Marseille. Marseille is a dangerous shit hole because of Arabs. Who's the thug really?
As a Syrian, this is true. However, the ones who consider themselves "white" mean only their skin color, no Syrian knows about the ethno-cultural meaning of the word white that is used in the west.
Whiteness, blond hair and colored eyes are sings of beauty that have been long praised even before Syria got colonized by the French.
tl;dr we aren't trying to become "you".
Lots of syrian rapefugees in my town, they look browner than gypsies
Your people should know their place and forcibly remove all levantines with light eyes and hair and take back the hoardes of browns they unleashed on the west for homogeneity purposes cause no one outside of Europe and the new world deserves blue eyes
>Who's the thug really?
Poor people with no education. Since there's a lot of poor uneducated arabs and even more blacks they tend to account for the majority of crimes in Paris.
Niger has subway?
And who's responsible for the majority of the crime in Marseille? Arabs are worse than blacks.
From what I can see on a day to day basis in public transportation blacks are way worse in terms of behaviour than arabs. Ask a parisian and he'll tell you the same, blacks are in average way worse than arabs. Idk about marseilles tho
From everything i've seen arabs and niggers get along very well in France, more than any other country in europe
>tries to look like us
>arent trying to become us
Idk about that one I dont have a real problem against it, I find it cute but a bit bizarre
I dont mean they are trying to culturally become ”white”, just that they racially want to have more common european traits.
Imbeciles, syrians are whiter than you cletus&gert flompendinkle
There both as bad as each other. Niggers are just more numerous in ile-de-France.
That's cause they're all Africans. Our Arabs/Persians hate blacks and think they're white cause the census makes them white
They just get niggered more in real life.
sudan-user is that you?
Not that faggot. He's a disgrace to all Sudanese
why are whites so obsessed over cuckoldry?
Even before the internet they slobbered over the handsome swarthy med or romantic Frenchman wining and dining their wives. They're fuckin weird
Stop samefagging
I am not, stop bullying me and go back to the montecarlo slots
>It's that British flag with another mena women getting blacked thread
I can't tell the difference honestly. North africans just look like lighter skinned black people
its probably true in france
with the massive influx of niggers AND sandniggers
all these hijabis get a free rein and start fucking niggers quite evident by the butthurt comics made by muzzie artists
Continents mean shit, that's like saying arabs are asians
t. faceblind autist
"Thanks Omar, since you brought Samba I can finally get some rest
-You know I cannot refuse you anything, my beautiful Safya"
"Looks at Safya ! She's always showing her ass on instagram. Samba, I'm sure you could get her, she loves blacks
-No problem, I'll get her, I love arab girls
-Arabs and blacks we're all brothers"
These will never be not funny
"Hmmm, your kisses are sweeter than my exes'"
"Hi my dear mother, I'm home, kiss me !
-NO MOM DON'T TOUCH HER ! I saw this whore kissing a black guy"
my cousin married a black arab woman
Dreams :
"Thank God I met a faithful and attentive husband with whom I had a wonderful child
-Mixed-race children are the prettiest"
"You're so dirty I'm going crazy, I'm gonna throw you in the bin
-Daddy ?
-You have no father ! Shut up and eat !"
Now let's get things straight. First of all as far as racemixing with whites goes, you'll more often see an arab man with a french girl than the other way around, so if anyone is getting cucked it's not us.
Second of all, when racemixing with blacks is concerned more often than not the man is black, but that's only because black women are not seen as attractive for the most part. The same can be said about white-black couples, the male is almost always black.
But it doesn't say much about the attraction of the black man, the gender imbalance comes from the unattractiveness of their women.
Of course most arabs are dislike arab women who racemix, that's just nature talking.
I'm not even racist, but fuck these black refugees are ugly.
I recognize the photo on the left lmao
that amerimutt face lmao
I want to impregnate a Levantine Christian woman
lmao where did you find those?
they look turkish
On the internet. They're quite famous among arabs.
Fast season in maghrebi households
"I'm so hungry, I really look forward to eating this night
-Me too my love, hopefully you're here to help me overcome my hunger"
Fast season in haram (= not legal in sandnigger language) households :
"I really want to have sex, come here my little Arab girl
-Stop it Travyon, you know it's fast season and sex is forbidden during daytime.
-TCHIIIIIIP I don't care, I want to have sex !"
That's what mena people with no black admixture looks like
Of course on the internet, but do you know where they originated? Twitter, Facebook? Fucking jvc?
Algerians in 1958
"Here my brother, take this gun and liberate us from the invader !
-Thank you sister, independance will be ours. God bless Algeria !"
Algerians in 2018
"Here bro, I bought you a new hair dryer, you will finally be able to finish to straighten your hair !
-Cool ! I will be so fresh to dance the way way !"
(the way way =
idk man just google "bd beurette khel"
>92.8% Arab
This is completely blacked according to Jow Forums.
>latinos in USA
>put on head scarf
>LARP muslim
>play in porn with american men
>americans fap to this delusion that others are as delusional as they are
Most Yemenis are dark skinned and would be called black in arabic. Many already have african admixture. They live right next to the horn of africa so obviously they do. Even I'm 1/16th black. They are probably 1/2 black. Arab is an identity but that doesn't mean it is a race.
Why do you care?
where did I care?
Just a meme silly :)
>reading VICE
>trusting VICE
wtf are you doing?
I don't know
We are talking about arabs in france,and you complain about american porn
i have never worn a headscarf.
where did I complain? also, why do you care so much?
>consider them as thugs
This is a compliment from the araboan point of view and I'm not memeing.
this must be repeated a lot on arab language social media because I've heard this cope with arabs and pakistanis before and only a few scenes/companies have done that with latina girls in headscarfs
it must absolutely send you lot fuming if you get so upset and repeat it all of the time
>amerifat denying obvious fact
t. seething muslim.
you're women are thots too. I've banged Kurdish and Turkish girls. It wasn't harder to get them into bed than other sorts of american girls. The only difference is that the muslim girls had to be home before 11PM or their parents would get upset.
ITT: Americuckold porn believers
no i'm say it's only happened in a handful of scenes that most people wouldn't notice but it seems you arabs need to cope and pretend there's not any middle eastern women doing porn when that's not true
They look arab and so do turks
>Les beurettes a singe qui n'assument pas leur relation avec leur makake
wh*te people are wierd
always the same memes, articles and pics in these " le arab girl fuck nignogs " threads.
this should be enough of a proof thats in an exagerated whitecel cope
wtf is a TCHIIIIIP ?