Should we just make a deal with Poland and split Ukraine how it was?

Should we just make a deal with Poland and split Ukraine how it was?

On a scale from 1 to 10, how smart do you think it would be?

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Other urls found in this thread:–Ukrainian_War

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Very smart, but Polaks don't trust you enough to make any deals.

Crimea not Russia?

-1 in our case. why would we need this wasteland full of banderites? we have got enough of our own clay to improve

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0. Russian imperialism is pathetic because Russia is a pathetic country which doesn't even have a single multinational corporation/brand. It doesn't produce anything of use

We need to separate these banderites from Eastern Ukraine

Ok moldavaher

Galicia has turned into European Zimbabwe - ukrainians fucked our rightful lands beyond saving. It's not worth getting it back for us anymore.

We need to separate it from East though

0, we should grab both ukr*ine and pooland

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I'm fine them having their own piece of land. Let it be like it is now as it would cost an enormous amount of money to develop these lands which neither Russia nor Poland have to invest.

Nobody wants to deal with banderites
The absolute state

This is fact. I remember one time when people wanted to boycott something russian to support LGBT there was nothing at all to boycott. Stolichnaya vodka said they are from Latvia lol


West and East Ukraine shouldn't live together
Lenin made this mistake less than 100 years ago

Just gotta redraw the borders and pacify them
Somehow worked out for central asia

Redraw what? We created it when partitioned PLC with Prussia and now don't know what to do with Western Ukraine

Germans would probably say the same thing about you and our former Eastern provinces.

>mfw chinese occupy Siberia, and pidorussia think how to divide Ukraine

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>sibir vash
sure thing

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>giving control of the Danube to Russia
Fuck no. Give up Budjak and then we'll talk.

No, we should split Russia with China instead.

>dreams in 2014
>still dreams in 2019

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dabbed on 'im


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So, Russia 6 years can not divide the African country of the 3rd world? pathetic

We take our rightful clay and throw all pidorashkas out.

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Please shut up. You’re embarrassing us

What mean US, alyosha?

How come France is more populous than the Ottoman Empire? What happened?

>Ukraine never even existed before the 20th century
>""""rightful clay""""

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Western/Southern Europe was densely populated since Neolithic

By this image, give poland belarus and ukraine all the way to the dniper, the rest take it for yourselves. Ukraine has no reason to exist

+50 opinion granted a dutchy title????

Russian Federacion also never existed before 20th century. So what?


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But Anatolia and Egypt used to be similarly populated?

Half of your """country""" is controlled by drug cartels. You cannot recapture your territory from armed bandits. Are you sure a stinky Mexican can write that? Or is it self-irony?

>What mean US

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>you cannoooot defent your country on Jow Forums. I have beta cuck mentality so should you

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Ukrainian autism is showing itt

>Ukrainian autism is showing itt

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Ironically Mexico got a lot more history than whatever the fuck your "country" is lmao

If by ‘defending’ you mean ‘shitting your pants’ then sure

More death for nothing.

> muh gdp
> which does not prevent Mexico from being a third world country torn by an internal war of drug cartels

>muh irredentism
>muh rightful clay
>muh greater Pidorussia
Why do virgins like to spend their time daydreaming about the aforementioned concepts?

OP's post and all replies following it were retarded at first place. But you got mad only after my banter. Stop being autistic.

>history of Mexico
Oh yes, I know. They had been practicing cannibalism for a thousand years, but could not invent the FUCKING WHEEL. Great history of a great country.

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Half of your """country""" is controlled by Russian milita. You cannot recapture your territory from armed bandits.

Not an argument
You’re wrong

Better than yours, fuck off and give Lwów back.

I don't want violence but Galicians and Donetsk guys are impossible to imagine together

No, they fucking can't? We took much better care of those lands than you, and they are our now for good.

Do you mean 7% of Ukrainian territories? And yes, these territories are not captured by Ukrainian drug cartels, but by a country that has the third largest military budget in the world. Do you feel the difference, poole?

>Half of your """country"""
More likely 1/20

>how dare you offend Pidorasha
Such a pathetic hypocrisy by another bootlicker

Only after you give away german regions

>give Lwów
Try to take it away, a coward who throws his women, children and the elderly to certain death)))

You are a dumb fuck, Russia is a geo-political power with second largest army on the planet.

Donetsk guy lives next to me. I'm from Lviv btw)

Germniggers started the war, so they deserved to have it taken away. Ukros murdered Poles and they are to blame for Wołyń massacre.

>a coward who throws his women, children and the elderly to certain death

It will not be our certian death, it will be our victory.

It was still called Russian. For example, Ukraine was originally called Little Russia (Malorossiya).

>Ukros murdered Poles
Poles murdered Ukros
>are to blame for Wołyń massacre.
So?Lviv isn't even in Wolyn. What's the logic?

For example, Russia was originally called Muscovy :-)


You guys are arguing about nothing since both Poland and Ukraine along with Lvov are rightful Russian territories.

Malorossiya btw never included Galicia

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>Germniggers started the war
So, you dont started the war against West Ukrainian People Republic?

No, we did not you lying sack of shit. You butchered people like fucking animals.

Never happened.

Poland never was, and Kievian Rus existed back when Moscow was still nothing more than a Huge fucking Swamp.

>You butchered people like fucking animals.

By this logic, Romania is the heir to the ancient Rome, because they have the same name. What about Italy? There was no Italy, only Romania!

Name Ukraine was also used in speech along with Malorossiya. And does it even matter how it was called?

valid argument on why did you get butthurted only after my post.

>Kievian Rus existed back when Moscow was still nothing more than a Huge fucking Swamp.
>what is Novgorod Rus

It was a feudal principality called "Grand Duchy of Moscow" which was populated by ethnical Russians, just like Prussia was populated by Germans and not Prussians who were a Baltic tribe. Also, there are a few rivers with the same name (moskwa) in other Slavic lands such as Poland.

Yeah, we are people you faggot

>Never happened.
Just like wolyn massacre :-)–Ukrainian_War

I think Ukraine should make a deal with China and split R*ssia

Armiya Krayova or whatever you call it did the same with ukrainian civilians in return.