
Took a career personality test for one of my business class. Its pretty much an HR class and the class is a requirement for my finance degree. On the test it pretty much said that I wouldn't be cut out for the business world. And at first I ignored my results, but now I'm really starting to believe it. I have a hard time making connections, I'm bad at handling pressure, I'm insecure af, and I have major anxiety problems. Ffs I'm not even that great at math. I feel so fucking lost in my life right now. I still have a few more classes to go. I guess if I wanted to I could switch my major again, but I don't even know what I'll switch it to.

What do you guys do for a living? Do you guys feel like you're in the right field or are you just faking in order to make a living?

Attached: almondmilkhunni.png (603x727, 595K)

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Flip burgers at McDonalds

What the fuck are you talking about a test that tells you you're not cut out?

Give me the name of the test

>Took a career personality test for one of my business class

All bullshit


Fuck a test. Just do your best and finish that degree user - it will pay off.

Basically my whole class did this test. We used the data and matched up career the right paths for each person. And by the results I'm not cut out for the corporate world.

I know its some bs HR test, but I feel like me being the Jow Forums man I am, is not cut out for the corporate world.

those tests just measure if you can be a good, well behaved NPC that will carry out the tasks it gets assigned. don't take it too seriously.

Attached: GzBMMN4.png (416x435, 114K)

NSFW image on a work safe board.

No matter your career, you are destined for mediocrity because you're carnally minded. Your energy and life force go the moment you ejaculate. Sexual images pollute the subconscious and draw you downward.
This also is why you have anxiety, your sexual excesses disrupt neurochemical homeostasis. Oxytocin and 5-ht, rather than being released steadily throughout the day are released en masse upon orgasm. As is vasopressin. The tiredness and apathy by the orgasmic prolactin rise only compound all of these.
Modern insights into neuroscience are revealing more and more the profound effects these endogenous compounds exert. Yet, nobody is addressing the elephant in the room. That sexual activity, modulates and profoundly affects these. People do not want to admit their instant gratification stick is not a free lunch.

1. Start business
2. Make your first sale

Congrats, you’ve now achieved more in business than 99% of your ‘business’ classmates ever will.

Go into accounting instead.

Thank you based oxytocin advisor, keep these thoughts away from me

made for bbc

but isnt ejaculation from sex different from ejaculation from masterbation? I mean obviously youre still ejaculating, but arent different hormones released when you cum inside a partner rather than with your hand? I know when you hug someone certain chemicals are released, which would not be if youre just fapping

I say this because I usually feel a lot better and more energized after sex with a hot girl vs. after masterbation. but obviously if i bust 10 nuts in a row ill be out cold


The person you are now isn't the person you're going to be. Work on yourself and be who you want. There's no handbook to life, you can't compare yourself to others. Set your sails, find your course, and let the wind carry you home.

>Drop out of ee
>Graduate ie
>Become a neet by flipping btc

Fuck wagecucking. But "I'm bad at math" is so fucking alien to me... Especially when we are talking shit like finance, all you use elementary grade math.

OP, you learn most from what you’re bad at, and the best leaders are the ones who don’t want it but can.

Take steroids

I've thought going into business admin. Am I fucking myself up? Like what jobs can I get with that degree?

Attached: 1420505588697.png (315x476, 195K)

Become a crypto dev OP. Levi did it.

Unironically this.
Nobody will call you a stupid fag if you're an admin but you're also jacked as shit.
Nobody sexually harasses Xena either. If you don't get that reference zoomie then Google it.

I took one of those tests in high school and it matched me with accountant, pharmacist, and computer programmer as the top matches. It's spot on because I could see myself doing any of those. I ended becoming a pharmacist and it's been a good fit so far.

programming is fun


It satiates more meaning you tend to do it less.

Imagine how hot she would be without tattoos.