>3 and a half years without smoking a single cigarette
>mouth waters when i see someone smoking
Should i go back?
3 and a half years without smoking a single cigarette
That shit made my anxiety even worse than it was.
Just quit it cold turkey.
No. Also, it will taste horrible. I stayed like a week without smoking and when I smoke again the first roll was absolutely disgusting. Because it really is
Its the same with all things inherently bad for you.
Give up soda for a month and it tastes like shit.
start vaping bro
>that mutt hand
Jesus Christ stop
No, try to make yourself feel proud for resisting the urge, you're not some faggot that cave in for short term pleasure are you OP?
Im not american
Fuck no. Tobacco is disgusting
I wouldn't recommend it
Then go the fuck back Jose
no, otherwise i wouldnt be 3+ years without it.
I always wanna start smoking then I remember even fucking Jow Forums tells you not to do it
as if vapers cares about it
I'm here legally on a work visa, why do I need to go back?
t. ancestors came in the XIX century
Exactly, so there's no need to start again. Good job on quitting in the first place by the way