Do Americans really do this?

Do Americans really do this?

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He’s a stay at home dad, kid isn’t his, and she made him wait 3 months to fuck


They do. Cuckoldry was virtually inexistent before americans.

If I ever found out a girl I liked had ever 1. Fucked a nigger, or 2. Been in a threesome+, I'd drop her immediately

Here's her husband

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>They do. Cuckoldry was virtually inexistent before americans.
Have you never read a history book? Geoffrey Chaucer was making cuck jokes back in the 1400s in the Canterbury Tales. Cuckoldry has existed for centuries

Good thing you havent found out yet then ;)

My phone costs more than your house you fucking primate

But Jow Forums told me niggers couldn’t be beta

Don't reply to me ever again. I don't talk to Finns. And don't reply to this post either as I'm not going to respond again.

Niggers are the most beta and insecure people in the world. It's crazy how insecure they are.

god i fucking hate women

look at this dude

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umm have sex sweetheart

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Some of these responses are funny af

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Is the husband white?

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He's a muslim arab

Believing /int.

White males in general really do this.

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Didn’t someone here die? Which one?


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Finns are garbage tier.
Nobody in Europe even knows who the fuck they are,what they do or what they want.
Just some retarded chink aliens that nobody gives a shit about.


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His white admixture made him that way.

ewe tfw no Jow Forums bf to abuse me uwu

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One cucked nigger in a sea of bvlls isnt gonna change anything man

lmoa I like how this basically basically describes every Jow Forums e-thot

fake, blacks can't be cucks. he has to be indian

I just had a realization. We, Americans, are pretty weird Huh

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Probably 75% of women in america have had a threeway by age 20

Well said.

The absolute state.... Jesus Christ, this world needs to be nuked 10x over.

the slut got her throat slashed by one of the guys she was mentally fucking with

thot, patrolled

Lmao based

Isn’t this the bitch that got decapitated?

>Virtually inexistent

Makes sense, since Pinkos love handing over their wives/gfs to the local Tyrone... AND paying them to have sex, lmao.
The absolute fucking state!

I want to know more

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Judging by the nose looks indian

Are you upset this one guy didn’t cuck you?
Don’t worry, plenty of Muslims/Arabs can fulfill your fetish on your women.

I think he's a fellow latino. Could be from the Caribbeans, Colombia or Brazil, I'm betting on the first two.

Thot being thot.
Threatens one orbiter that he’s getting too “creepy” and she wants out.
PINKO INCEL is superbutt Hirt, doxxs her and kills her.
Gets caught, like an idiot and decries gaming as the reason for his temptation to kill.
Hopefully he also gets raped and killed in prison for ruining games and killing a decent looking cum dumpster, white slut,

yeah, but is there sauce?

We like to emasculate black men and have them as gay characters

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>worshipping white women
White women are demons, don’t post here anymore Patel

At that point it's obvious the guy is a maschocist

that is the westerm world for you lmao
i am glad i am not westerncuck and soon china will destroy america


>stay at home dad
he cucked her

My gf hasn’t done any of that but she’s slept with like 20 dudes and we’re 27

Kinda considering monkey branching and dumping her, she’s fun to be around but meh

its not all bad haha

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looooool orbiters BTFO

You dumb son of a bitch.

I mean I’ve slept with around 10 but still

like your iq

Do you have a vid?

Yeah $25 tho, sorry my shit not free

come on anons I got .50 cents

girl herself was psychopath too. it's hard to feel sorry for her. they are animals. cancer of society.

men and women are not the same thing

that's pretty conservative number for a western girl. if you want relatively inexperienced girl, get yourself a muslim. they are super-picky and ultimate golddiggers though.

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Sleeping with 10 men as a male isn’t an accomplishment, faggot!

Ehhh the average outgoing girl probably has 15, 20 is kinda slutty so I might just drop her

Stop acting like a bitter incel

>only 10
Have more sex, incel in potential

I’ve never really been one for casual sex though, every time has been with a girl I’ve cared about and that takes a while to foster

Her on the other hand, most of hers weren’t like that, I think that’s what bothers me

I’m gonna make your sister my personal cum dumpster, bitch!


cuckoldry is an almost exclusive american thing and they are the ones pushing for it

>they're even more cuckold than they are white
lmao 56% mutts

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You can follow up from there

post source

This is the only redpilled post ITT

Lmao your country is going to be underwater in 10 years

That's how I feel about them.

Have you thought about the fact that not only is america fucking huge compared to your cunts, but also has a lot of negros, who may watch cuckold shit and self insert as the bull.

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Lmao. The more sexual partners the more degenerate shit she has done. For me any girl that has over 10+ partners has already done a threesome. I already knew a girl 3 years ago that claims to have had 14 partners tell me she has done a threesome

cope more, cuckold mutts

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Ok retard.

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I am a hundred percent sure you have never slept with a woman in your entire boomer life

>when the cuckold convention is about to start

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that post was probably written by some faggot freak who wanted to find a guy to sext with and catfish.