>18 year old
>still a virgin
Its over isnt it?
18 year old
Should've lost it at 14
A guy I know is 21, met him a few months ago. He's kinda awkward, he used to complain about still being virgin. After 3 months, he has a gf.
Love unironically comes when you expect it the least, I'm not even memeing.
I had sex at 21, you just feel it's not the same. It will never be the same
>Its over isnt it?
I had my first kiss and lost my virginity at 25.
Now I'm almost 30 and my life is awesome. I'm married to a legit 9/10
pay a prostitute right now
>I had sex at 21, you just feel it's not the same. It will never be the same
What? Sex as a teenager is awkward if anything.
What really is different is love. Teenage love is on another level of intensity. Kinda cheesy but it's true.
surely you did
It is. If you didn't come here maybe it'd be a different story.
>virgin until early 20's
>facial features get exceptionally pretty at early 20's
Sometimes life just goes like that, atleast wait a while before kys
bro come on now like 20-40% of people that age are virgins
Meh, depends on the country, the socio economical origin of the people you're thinking about.
I'm 18 and I'm still a virgin, among with most of my friends, boys and girls alike. It's just that we grew up with strict parents and many my age don't start to fuck like rats, not even at the college. Imagine having all the pressure related to education, then getting a job, etc.
No time for sex. Tried to convince some girls to sleep with me, but even the chaddest chad wouldn't go too far with them. They're either affraid of commitment and choose to be alone, or engage in stupid relationships with barely any physical contact.
It's sad what's happening, especially when you're horny af. I could go for sluts, but my dick gets hard only at those girls who read all the time and have no time for me or for anyone else.
I lost virginity in 21 and regret nothing. Sex is overrated
Meh, depends on the country, the socio economical origin of the people you're thinking about.
I'm 18 and I'm still a virgin, among with most of my friends, boys and girls alike. It's just that we grew up with strict parents and many my age don't start to fuck like rats, not even at the college. Imagine having all the pressure related to education, then getting a job, etc.
No time for sex. Tried to convince some girls to sleep with me, but even the chaddest chad wouldn't go too far with them. They're either affraid of commitment and choose to be alone, or engage in stupid relationships with barely any physical contact.
It's sad what's happening, especially when you're horny af. I could go for sluts, but my dick gets hard only at those girls who read all the time and have no time for me or for anyone else.
lost my virginity at 24
I'm 22 tomorrow. I really thought this was gonna be the year. Well I thought every year was the year since I was 17.
Tough luck if you're fat.
I'm 24 and i just don't care anymore
>oh no I’ve never had sex before
Bruh who cares
Just say you are not a virgin and no one will be able to check, retard.
Then you can just pay a whore and you will probably have a better sex than your first time.
Lost it at 24 by getting a gf by accident. It's not over.
Why is that hard to believe? I'm not ugly and I'm 6'3". My issue was complete lack of confidence. Once I managed to get my first kiss and lost my virginity, it was like a door was opened and I finally had the confidence to talk to hot girls and date them.
From there I just met my now wife naturally,, we dated and it went from there.
yup girls fuck at 14
Don't worry, sex isn't that great anyway
It's not over until YOU say it's over.
Fuck metalheads.
25 never kiss
There is still hope, hang in there
We are all gonna make it (hopefully)
Try being 23, pal
:'( i missed boat!
Yes, I molest only young boys
I'm 29 and still a virgin lol
Only 2 more years and I am a wizard.
lmfao what a fuckin loser
t. 18 year old non-virgin
this Chad had his first kiss when he was 20, lost his virginity when he was almost 21
chads get the fuck out
Literally me except 1 year older than you
>NOOOO get out of my virgin sekrit club!!!
where did you meet her?
I know a grand total of 0 women who are interested in me it's literally not going to happen unless I start looking
Where in Ireland do you live?
She was a coworker at a new job I had just started. Found out she lived a couple minutes down the street from me so we ended up hanging out all the time.
it's over because you are smelly terrone
He's Italian m8.
Oh fuck
try 8
the awkwardness is part of it.
Yes but sex as a young adult is vastly superior.
well i cant really attest to that