Saturday chillingz edition
Saturday chillingz edition
Other urls found in this thread:
first for god damn niggers
>saturday night
>thread is more active than ever
>other saturdays its crickets
second for god blessed Bulgarians
god bless Turkey
A Bosnian told me the other day that their pipes are under the ground, though.
Based lel
The Balkans are destined to be ruled by the Nu-Ottoman Empire.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't.
*nu bulgarian empire
You misspelt Bulgaria...
You misspelt Bulgaria...
Balkans has no future.
I wonder if there's a rivalry between Plovdiv and Varna who's the 'second capital' of Bulgaria
No. Turkey has no future.
Balkans has a bright future, especially Bulgaria.
have sex virgins
i'm unable to can
'Fendi... It's all lost.
I'm kinda fascinated with these giant Turkish cities no one ever heard of. Just think that Kayseri has over 1 million inhabitants - what do these people do, where do they work? I don't think there are a lot of foreign companies and factories in Kayseri.
Made me kek
>Do you know what you're saying would entail you autistic sperglord?
Nigger, medieval feudalism was an unstable system tainted with frequent infighting between lords, power struggles between lords and kings, resentment over inheritance and succession, poor education compared to before and after the middle ages, very high rural crime rates, peasant revolts, famines, and armies where the vast majority of soldiers just worked for $$$ instead of any real loyalty and turned on their former employers after victory. It was a fucking mess. Did it stop anyone? No, because mass scale revolts were fucking difficult to pull off.
Starvation and famine where widespread in medieval Europe, partially because the low grain fertility rate and little developed agriculture and on the other hand because food preservation was very limited and long distance trade of basic food was practically non existent. One bad harvest /long winter would mean people would go hungry, two bad harvests in a row meant that people start dying and only the strong survive. This was a normal part of life for like the 95% of people that were self-sufficient farmers/peasants during the high medieval.
And another thing -- medieval peasant levies. Peasants were needed to work the land; if they weren't working the land, famine would start to set in fairly rapidly. Any king that actually drafted large numbers of his peasants to fight would cripple himself economically. This is a common misconception.
imagine the kraut dick having penetrated your ear so hard the dickhead came out the other ear
you don't need foreign companies to have jobs you cuck
Silivri soğuk.
They're shit.
why does a Turkish babushka look like any other Slavic babushka, but a young Turkish woman
looks nothing like a young Slavic woman at all?
Actually young women in Turkey seem to obey the islamic dress code more than the old women. You don't really see old Turkish women wearing hijabs or black clothes, while it's not rare among young women.
You're thinking far too pessimistically about pre-industrial times.
Also peasants would breed for more farmhands and then the excess promising kids would be sent to the capital to work some other job. It didn't mean if you were born a peasant you'll die a peasant in the slightest, in fact that's where most soldiers came from. I suggest you actually read up some books on medieval economies before you make such common uneducated guesses.
well, you're partially right, I couldn't believe Poland could sustain a 1 million+ city without foreign investments, it would have 80% unemployment, but for some reason such cities exist in countries like Russia, Turkey or Brazil so they must have some kind of economy.
yes, it's hard to believe Turkey is only twice as populous as Poland yet it has 10 cities 1kk+, while Poland has only one and this one has only 1,7 million people, while the Turkey's biggest city has 15 million. Are there no villages in Turkey? The country must be extremely urbanized.
Because when your on deaths door you cant be a whore
>I suggest you actually read up some books on medieval economies before you make such common uneducated guesses.
wow, Laszlo must be butthurt af now, as he has probably read tons of books about it
>reading books
At best he has read a few wikipedia articles.
>peasant warriors
Not really, conscription was a thing only after the 18th century.
at least now I understand why Turkey has such wonderful highways - they simply don't have villages and I guess most of land belongs to the state so they don't need to buy it from 100,000 individual farmers. They can just build a straight road from one 1kk city to another bypassing all villages on the way without complicated junctions and a lot of bends.
no, its ancient byzantine roads built by greeks stolen by turks
Why is kurwa pshek such a disgusting piece of shit srb mutt autist?
I want to cycle from Sofia to the biggest city of my home country, Istanbul. How many camping spots are there in Bulgaria/Northern Greece/Western Turkey? What about wild camping there?
you can camp anywhere you want in bulgaria
the land is free for all and you can shit anywhere you want too
>I suggest you actually read up some books on medieval economies
t. reads fiction books that romanticize rural life
>It didn't mean if you were born a peasant you'll die a peasant in the slightest,
Not all, in fact not even a significant number, of people could become artisans in cities. Social mobility is extremly rare for most of the medieval era. You have of course some exceptions, like Robert de Sorbon, whose father was a peasant, but he went to Paris, got a scolarship, studied in the university and became a scholare close to the King before founding the school of Sorbonne which still exists. Social mobility becomes much more important with the XVth Century, at the end of the era. Social mobility mostly relied on wealth (which the majority of medieval peasants did not have) and sending sons to the town to become a burgher or an equivalent of that.
In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't change much. The life of an average peasant was still horrible, he was still the poorest member of society and therefore most affected by famines, and so on.
>in fact that's where most soldiers came from
Stop bullshitting. This was the middle ages there were no professional armies, a few full time soldiers in a lords retinue perhaps but most were undisciplined levies who'd get drafted to die but would go back to starving if they don't.
Turkey is very developed. When I was in Instabul, I was surprised by how many local brands of all kinds of stuff exist. While if you live in Bulgaria you feel like the country is producing nothing, cause even most local companies use brand names, adverts and packages in English...
I wondered how you could say something to a person and its like you've never even told them anything, but then I remembered I'm talking to a commie. I'm ending this spergfest right now.
communists made your """country"""
show some respect
Not an argument, Animetard "just serve in a professional army in the 12th century, bro" Animetardovich.
For starters, learn what levies were. Peasants didn't "become" soldiers, they served in the army for a brief period of time then went back to plowing the fields. What a delusional mega retard, lmao.
Are you lonely /balk/ ?
No. And I will not dress up as a woman to make up for that.
from time to time
i have many friends
ovorazpolagam s li4ni telefoni
what joy do you find in spending your time to post in /balk/ when you have many friends
i like talking to people from exotic countries
this isn't fanta
Like how fucking delusional you have to be to claim that peasants, who were arguably the poorest class of the medieval ages, lived comfortably, had great social mobility and an opportunity to serve in the army when the brunt of the military force consisted of fucking levies. And then, on top of that, having the audacity to tell me to read a book. Lmao read your elementary school history textbook first, faggot.
dude imagine arguing with a pathetic fatass commie. kek
Let's sip one beer and relax bro. Life is good
dude imagine arguing with a pathetic bony lanklet. kek
just shut the fuck up already you annoying little cunt
calm down, I haven't said anything about Serbia yet
He's angry VW picked Turkey
kinda true, I know a lot of Turkish companies like Beko, Gulermak, LC Waikiki, Otokar, Karsan, Turkish Airlines, while I doubt an average Turk can think of at least one Polish company
They still haven't.
Remember, remember...
did it?
all car manufacturers pick turkey because of low wages and hard working people
doubt that wages in Smyrna are low
it looks first world compare to Poorgeria
>Beko, LC Waikiki, Karsan
very based companies
until the plant is started i dont believe in anything.
wow that's sad
it confirms no one cares about what politicians say or if the country is democratic or not - at the end it's all about low wages
btw few people know about VW factory in Sarajevo in Yugoslavia that produced the famous Bosnian limousine - Golf II. It would be nice if the factory was revived.
>again unconfirmed sources
These Turks really like to pay media heavy for propaganda. The turkshits seriously believe they'll win out to an EU country
wages seem similar to bulgaria
it comes down to politicians taxing and workers
shitfians finally have hot water after a week of not bathing
>you need hot water to bathe
Very soy post. They're tougher now.
i dare you to make a woman bathe in cold water
none of us has this problem
I like cracking jokes with the superandroid beings that are Bulgarians.
What are some countries that you really dislike that aren't from the Balkans (Turkey included)?
For me, it's South Korea.
I dont really know but the worst experiences online was with people from UK,Turkey and Russia (spain too maybe)
rashans are pretty good team players online
that's what collectivism does to you, blyat
but i think my worst experiences have been with sw*des
pretentious closeted homosexuals t b h
>is a commie
>dislikes a commie country
Pretty much all non muslim countries
nvm, i'm a retard
It's okay, man. We'll pretend this never happened.
scandinavian countries/muttmerica
kind of like your parents do with your birth
>scandinavian countries
I dislike them too. Such a bunch of irrelevant nobodies with the blandest culture imaginable and no history worth mentioning that act smug because they became rich over the last few decades.
Rude and uncalled for.
Exactly what your dad told me after I fucked him and left.
Still, they're based.
*fucked him and right
Good thing we're not diplomats amirite.
It's funny how most European stratonyms (names used to personify a country's army) are derived from Ιωαννης (which itself comes from יוֹחָנָן [Yochanan], meaning "Yahweh is gracious")...
Hans.. Ivan.. John(ny)..
We don't use Yahya though, we use Mehmetçik. Das rite we're not wh*te
Moms musaka
looks smol
its lasts for days
what are some low carb foods that are actually tasty
then your smoll ;)
Yes indeed you need to be more intelligent than a doctor to get a high paying job there what do you think this is?