And how had your nation handled it?

And how had your nation handled it?

Attached: Przechwytywanie.png (496x488, 82K)

Only boomers play with German style here while clouding up the whole room with cigarettes and cheap beer

Why did we get the faggy french suits instead of the badass ones with swords?

i played a game called liar and it hase the german style thingy always thought its specifically designed for that game

I've played with both styles of swords growing up in Florida and Puerto rico.

french but we call them diamonds, clubs and spades instead of tiles, clovers and pikes

In Austria it's Herz, Schell, Oachl and Laab

Which one would be the original? I know tarot uses the Spanish/Italian symbols.

The Italian one is Neapolitan actually, there are various different types of these depending on region. I use the Tuscan deck which is very different

wtf i didn't know anything but the french version existed
and we call it spade, not pike

Ass, Vierzga und zudraht ist!

>A Fucking Leaf

Heaschts, Schööö, Oache und Laab

Its always french ones here

Spanish. most old people are obsessed with it and the older you get, the more ypu play. My grandma could be any faggot here at any card game that uses Spanish deck.

French ones.
But I'd like to buy german or Spanish ones just to be Not-like-others.
We call them
Chervy Bubny Kresti and Piki

Clovers is also called Clubs here.

Don't young Spaniards use it? Here we use it for everything, even blackjack. I find it more aesthetic and colorfull.

yes but technology exists, so everyone is using their phones all the fucking time now, unless you go on vacation and carry 2 decks to pass the time.

Here in Mex we play with the Spanish and French ones

Attached: images (61).jpg (439x699, 60K)

by having our own

Attached: magyar_kartya_lapjai_32.png (1600x1200, 2.88M)

Ah yes

>our own
Good joke, those are Doppeldeutsche.

Forgot pic

Attached: Doppeldeutsche_Preference.jpg (3996x2526, 2.42M)

I fucking hate this game. My mother forced me to learn it numerous times, and I forgot it each time.
Fuck card games.

in gulf countries we call them like pic related

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here it is school kids and young people that play it. But I'm not sure what game you're referring to. You can play plenty of games with those cards.

kier, karo, trefl, pik
But now that I think about it, I think my grandfather used to use the German translations (except for leaves for some reason)

These are the best ones because of one thing
We call the bells, balls
You would not believe how much fun children can have by making dick jokes the whole game

they are usually called different names for each game. I meant my grandma could play tons of games when she played with her grannie group all day. they usually kicked my ass all the time. I tell you old people with cards are the most dangerous people in the universe. they will drag down your self steem to negative levels.

We use the french symbols but the different concepts: hearts=>copas (very old word for "cups"), tiles=>ouros ("golds"), clovers=>paus ("sticks" or "clubs") and pikes=>espadas ("swords). It's more like the spanish/italian fashion.

Ours are very close to the French but we call them hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades.

Is there any site where I can send my own designs so they send me a printed deck?
All I've found so far are retarded sites where you send a photo and they paste it in the middle of a French deck

French suits
German suits
Northern Italian suits
Spanish suits

Attached: Italia_semi_delle_carte_da_gioco.png (466x521, 5K)

same in italy

French but the names are hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades for us. I used to he obsessed with card design as a kid. Mostly play durak and magic now though

French but we named them hearts (hati) , diamond-shaped (wajik) , shovel(sekop), and afro (keriting)

These are good for only one game in particular, idk what it's called in English but with normal cards you only use 7+ and 1. With these you don't have to look through the deck and select them.

Not sure if it's the one you're talking about but we used to play a game called King Or Loser here. I can't remember what the rules were apart from needing at least three players and only playing with aces and cards 7+ like you say.