I work in a circle k. Sometimes white people with swastikas and white power tattoos come into the store( i dont work in the best area). Im mexican but Im 6'4", 6'5" with shoes on but I look asian af, alot of people think im hawaiian. They always treat me with respect and call me sir but kinda disrespect my black female coworker. I think its funny how they pick on a fucking female but never me, they even try to be friendly with me and talk about shit and start a convo while they sport these racist ass tattoos and confederate flag clothing. why is this? One skinhead dude comes into the store and is really friendly with me. Why? honestly, if i wasn't a giant ass dude i feel like these people would try and walk over me. Fucking sad if your gonna rep racism you better stand by your shit.
I work in a circle k...
cringe skinheads.
i would have sex with her
she has kids, I thought about it but nah.
wh*toids are all bark no bite
what do you gain from making stories on Jow Forums? mexcrements are weird creaturas
this is real life bub, go back to your burning jungle you fucking subhuman monkey.
Wow that was a long post and I dont have time to read it. I can guess your problem is bullshit though.
Take a shower, go to sleep and tomorrow to work. No other advice is given.
They recognize the superiority of Polynesian looking fellas.
In short, they're morons. Better they strike a conversation than rob ya, I guess
its only 12:45
go back to your tribe you shitstained indio pendejo cabron
>Brazilian flag
>that post
What the fuck is a circle k? And how do you know they're actually racists towards mexicans. My cousin did a stint and he said while he was being moved he had spent a month in an Aryan brotherhood vs black Prison. He told me the white boys protected him. He couldn't join the gang, but he was cool with his celly who was a skinhead so they had his back. I mean it might just be they're in some weird gang and are retarded and only hate who they're told to. Also being racist towards mexicans in texas is retarded we're everywhere
circle k is a gas station
/convenience store
Why do you call him bub? (That's german for little boy)
Bub is he old slang for buddy/bro.
Because you are a guy. You have a brotherly bond with them. That's the biggest thing. Even white supremacists aren't all that mean to men of other races because they are the same sex. Only homosexuals fight with other men.
That is so wrong.
Holy shit.
just roll with it
t. tranny or homo
>circle k