Spanish babies born with excess hair

MED BVLL genes or pharma error?

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i fucking hate body hair more than anything in the world

i have a lot of it. Get used to it, FAGGOT

Pharma error
They put a different label on minoxidil

me too, dude.
it still sucks. i wish i was hairless.
body hair is ugly

Its proven that the pharmaceutical company gave them minoxidil by mistake. It has nothing to do with genes.

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In this case it's an error like and said, but our girls are hairy in general regardless and that's kinda hot



is your body hair black or blond? if it's blond it's o

upper body hair is darkish blond, lower is pretty much black


>Spanish babies born with excess hair
>A pharmaceutical distribution company is under investigation due to mislabelling of a product that may have caused excess hair growth in over 20 babies.…
what did they mean by this?

I wish that was me

tfw half black
tfw less body hair and long legs

superior genetics

Dark asshole hair on girls is not hot

I bet you dress like a girl

>Dark asshole hair on girls is not hot

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I was born with long hair on my shoulders

i dont

show us a picture


>and that's kinda hot

