Well well well, after being MOCKED by TROLLS, look who turned out to be exactly right?
Told ya so!
Other urls found in this thread:
ohnononono abort exit all markets
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
>As predicted..
Isn't this the retard who's a literal permabull? How stupid is he really? Too many retards in this space still, not buying shit till this REALLY bottoms. Got a nice collection of these retards on follow, can't wait to see them all capitulate one by one.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
Hows that litecoin megamoon going
bnekro a neve is ocklc yad tw a ice
>can't wait to see them all capitulate one by one.
As they have not any money in the market but siphon out the money of the retarded, this might never happen.
A couple of them however will be hit by lawsuits or "vanish" under strange circumstances.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
checked, we bull now
How much will my daughter be worth, user?
As predicted
haters BTFO
Litecoin 10.000 eoy
win-loss record: 1-2000-0
Even a broken clock is wrong sometimes
>being wrong 15x in a row about something that is literally 50/50 because it can only go up or down
>finally be right on the 16th time
>Hurr durr I told you so
This was the kid on the playground whom everybody in elementary school hated
Is this the guy who's going to eat his dick?
Let's just ignore months and months of completely failed predictions...
Wait why the fuck is biz still following this guy?
I wonder how much money his daughter has to lose before she figures out her dad's a moron.
Holy shit
Even a broken clock is right twice a day... Is this the guy who's going to eat his dick?
Damn this guy FUCKS
No you're thinking of McAfee. You're thinking of McAfee and his dick. Putting his dick in his mouth. You astronomical faggot.
Clock is a day twice even a broken
>"Hello sweetie how is uni going? what about those multiple jobs you told me about"
>"Everything is great, hey if you could send me more money that would be great"
>"Did you buy the litecoins?"
>"Yeah...sure dad..."
>"Great, so glad you followed pops advice, so how many do you have at the moment?"
>"I don't know uuuh...38?"
>"Excellent, i..."
>"Dad i have to go, please don't forget to send me more money so i can buy more light coins ok bye"
Why the fuck did he end that with a winky kiss emoji?
Marius is the Nate Silver of the year 2018