Why are white women so based?
Why are white women so based?
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Nice man feet.
They mean the 80s British singer Black you cuckold obsessed freaks
i wish i was black...
baed american nationalism
They are american therefore not white
Don't be so upset suomi brah
Why are cucks so obsessed with Neggers they Photoshop this
Here's your photoshop bro.
>Wow, libcuck socialist women will NEVER look as hot as our MAGA ladies! I can't wait for a Based Black Man (with lowest unemployment rate ever) to Make My Wife Feel Great Again!
It's a photoshop, cucks are so annoying, they should be rangebanned and permabanned
Notice how they get the ugly ones.
No one was payed to do this!
Both the right and the left are obsessed with nigger cock.
Looks like you have to be apolitical or ancap in order not to be a faggot.
Oh fuck....
This is British actress Honor Blackman. Thoughts?
cope and seethe you dicklet
Notice how this is how insecure 4channers cope?
Notice how whittu piggu gets the best black qveen.
I literally cannot see FAGApedes recovering from this thread.
it's just a photoshop, so dumb
>the right and the left
I am racist and a socialist.
So there is no one political side I belong to
Your grandmother sends her best wishes
black qveen thread now
God, this is hot. Is this from some porn?
Wowza, it's almost like blacked shit is for literal faggots
>It's a photoshop
ignore this post, wrong image
and? God cucks are mentally blacks or at least have the same intelligence
Your entire cope was that it was fake lmfao mr monkey
burgers are a weird bunch
I'm not gonna ignore it, I'm actually gonna quote it so that people don't miss how the brazilian triggered by cuckposters has a cuck image saved himself:
Lulz, pathetic.
>all this copin
but it is fake, you didn't prove a single thing, unironically you are the one coping. Is your iq lower than 30?
there're more than 30 br posters here, argenegro