How the FUCK do whores like this get to make money by selling fit tea and shaking their ass on a private snapchat...

How the FUCK do whores like this get to make money by selling fit tea and shaking their ass on a private snapchat. I work 80 hour weeks and these fucking cunts sell there bodies online to basement dwelling virgins. Why is the world so fucking unfair biz. We are all shilling virtual currency while these sluts are longing virgin incels

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so go long on e thots then you moron

Literally start a business to monopolize the incel market

What's stopping you from jumping on some tren/test and hitting the gym and doing the same? Typical beta male bitching how life isn't fair.

>also no fucking tits = nonfertile

Attached: zyzzbrah.jpg (1087x820, 162K)

What they have is more special and desired than whatever cuckery you contribute to the world in your 80 hours loser.

She can learn to do your job. You can never do hers.

2nd this. Keep moping and you’ll become a trump supporter like all the other crybabies

> Zyzzposting in 2018

Yeah because dying of a heart attack at 22 is alpha as fuck.

> tfw you just realized he died 7 years ago
For fucks sake I’ve been here too long

Think historically, what role have men and woman played?

As much as the world today likes to flap their lips about equality, it is clear the mentality is still there, even if subconsciously.

*Some* girls are aware of their looks, and are aware of the easy manipulation of beta incel orbiters.

Strip clubs, prostitution, insta thots.. Think a few 100 years back, when men were considered the bread winners, how did woman go about making a living..?

Simple - they tried their best to attract a man. The men provided, the girls stayed home. Now we live in this sensitive pussy ass world where woman can work alongside men for the most part.

You truly think all woman are made for that? They rather go on dates with the man of their choosing, get orbiters to pay their expenses, and simply live their life like an NPC. Some woman are more crafty than others in this regard.

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Protip: most of them are actual whores that fuck men they meet off of Instagram for money. I met a girl the other day, took her out for a drink and realized she was an Instagram whore. Then she dropped the “I actually only fuck if you’re willing to pay”. I was shook that she was an actual whore but her ass was so far that I paid her $100 to eat it for an hour

Instagram “”models”””” just find their clients in their DM’s, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel

Women wont pay to see a dude naked, and fags are too busy fucking eachother 0/10 business idea

if I could upvote this twice, I would

they have 10 years to capitalize on their looks, unless they are in the top 1% of women their loos go to shit after 30.

>Yeah because dying of a heart attack at 22 is alpha as fuck.
actually it unironically is

Dying fighting for something, saving someone, accomplishing something, is alpha. Getting cheap shit in a shit hole and being unable to control the situation is for idiots. Like saying Darwin prize winners are all alpha.

>Paying a prostitute to eat her ass

>Like saying Darwin prize winners are all alpha.
they are. betas have no balls to win darwin prize

"extra circulars"

I feel you, OP, but thats just how the server goes. You have a pipi, unless you are gay forget about easy sex money.

Sex change op
That'll fix your problem but you'll still be a faggot

>it's alpha to die a young weak male
dude couldn't even bench 300 lbs

you should decrease your s o y intake bro

Control what situation, bitch.

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It was a heat of the moment sort of thing, and her ass was so fat

That wasn't related to steroids or partying. He had an undiagnosed heart condition numb nuts.

No but they get paid because other dudes want to look like them to get laid so in a roundabout way they actually do.

Also I wonder what you look like hippo boy

Did you at least fuck?

wait why am i not longing virgin incels.
how do u invest in cam whores?

i wish i could be as alpha as you user - posting to a forum of basement dwellers

>tips fedora

"Wonder what you look like hippo boy"

You dont, cam whores invest in you

For the last 3-4000 years. Women were in similar situations. Wondering why the fuck are they stuck in a shed, feeding babies with their tits while men went out to work and make money. Current gender inequality is the byproduct of our patriarchal past.

Tl;dr - If women were as obnoxious in the past like they are now, then we wouldnt subject to bouncing asses on the internet as much.

> an undiagnosed heart condition

Yes I’m sure the fuckton of steroids he was on didn’t exacerbate that or anything

if there is a demand for it market will supply it no matter the product

Eh, 6' sitting around 205 with 14% bf. Gonna be doing a cut over winter so I should look pretty decent once the summer rolls around again.

you can start by not projecting your insecurities hth

Before you point the finger, as men we have ourselves to blame. Who do you think gives women the money to begin with?

If you hate women, you men too. It's a human problem.


Listen to the Bilzerian and Joe Rogan interview. 75% of those women with Insta accounts are getting paid for sex

QUICK how to short women?

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