>does your (((police))) go into public transportation, beat and pepper spray random citizens for no reason?
Hong Kong
>does your (((police))) go into public transportation, beat and pepper spray random citizens for no reason?
Hong Kong
holy shit
Holy fuck based
Fuck Hong Kong
I'm conflicted.
On one hand I hate commie China.
On the other I hate whiny, entitled sjw protestors.
Who to support? hmm
>for no reason
>when xi shows no mercy
what does xi has to do with the hk police?
Heheh, nothing personnel, kiddo.
fucking based
fuck criminal scum I stand with the THIN BLUE LINE
hk bolice are corrupt and do the mainlands bidding
Are you retarded
Holy mother of based
Fuck CIA
even though hong kong is supposed be somewhat interdependent the mainland china government is the highest authority
No but my police drop kicks soi goy faggots high on weed
That was the weirdest kick I have ever seen. Looks like he was trying to click his heels together desu
>when an unathletic boomer tries to make an ufc impression
CS GO's creator was Chinese
based and freedompilled
>entitled sjw protestors.
None because you are too god dam stupid.
come to Mexico
fuck you zoomer
no they prefer to shoot people for no reason
>calling them entitled for wanting freedom from winnie the poo
Why don't you show the videos of these rioters attacking an old man on the train for telling them to get off?
>cockroach rioters charge train station and start smashing random shit up like a pack of feral niggerss
>boards train to go chimp out somewhere else
>train driver refuses to let train leave
>passengers tells them to get lost as they are delaying their journey
>they start attacking the passengers
>police catch up with them and raids the trains
>protestors who a few minutes ago were attacking an old man and acting hard suddenly turn into crying little bitches
Oh good morning Xi
Fuck Ch*na and fuck all you contrarian faggots in this thread
based police dabbing on the glowniggers
>t. CIA agent on vacation
china is national socialist
>this is considered dropkick in lardass america
no but i wish
>China is so based
>have no mercy for abandoned kid
>dog eat dead child
>man eat dog
Such is cycle of life in China
Counter strike original was also made by a Chinese
Pick up that can!
50 Renminbi has been deposited into your account and your social score has improved by 2 points. Keep up the good work comrade!
Good bye hong kong
*kicks the can at you*
that's the point you dumb zoomer
csgo was made by straight white males in bellevue
It's the same thing conceptually