>Hong Kong martial arts icon tells Chinese state media recent events in his home city are ‘sad and depressing’
>‘Safety, stability, and peace are just like fresh air, you never know how precious it is until you lose it’
What do we think of this?
>Hong Kong martial arts icon tells Chinese state media recent events in his home city are ‘sad and depressing’
>‘Safety, stability, and peace are just like fresh air, you never know how precious it is until you lose it’
What do we think of this?
Pro-Beijing cuck
Pro-Beijing BVLL
He's completely right. Only an absolute degenerate would want to get beaten into a coma by cops in a 100% futile endeavor that even has a factual expiration date (2047 - HK will merge with the mainland). If you are HKer and displeased with the future of Hong Kong, make money and get out of there instead of destroying the city.
Jackie usually has very sensible opinions, r*ddit hates him because he isn't a flaming hardcore militant against muh evil organ harvesting muslim killing dictatorship.
Truth is the HK protests are just useless, and if anything they will push Beijing even more to invest in Shenzhen to make Hong Kong redundant. Hong Kong has nothing to gain from the protests.
Based. Fuck the rioting incel soyboys
The Hong Kong freedom movement is headed by someone who looks like this
>A Brit writing this
Absolutely based and redpilled.
yes plesident xi very good man prease don't kirr my son i don want no twabble
His son is in prison in the mainland for getting caught with drugs
He’s scared the CCP chinks and Xi Jinping will torture him to death if he speaks out against them
>A Brit
user, I...
Are you an expat?
Wasn't his son released ages ago?
t.xha ping pong
CCP shill
only trumptards, r*Ddit and CIA assets support le epic anti-commie color revolution
Based hong kongers would rather destroy the city than submit to the mainland fascists
kung-fu chop !!!!
kung-fu kick !!!!
This is such a degenerate thought even the lowest huezilian scum would disagree.
Look at this dude
What the fuck would the Chinese know about fresh air?
Based, protestors are just tools of western imperialist CIA niggers
lmao. This is your LEADER, protesters?
Typical retarded good for nothing zoomer.
Have sex
Do you even know what fascism is?
>be Jow Forums
>hate china
>also love that china is attacking HKers who don't want to be part of china
>be White Aussie, aka descendant of the worst convicts
>piss into your own mouth
socialism with extreme nationalism
Fascists opposed socialists in literally every country. Have you heard of the Spanish Civil War? Or the Lead Years in Italy? Or the Romanian Legionaires?
yes, and the communists in the soviet union and other countries shot social democrats and even other communists
that fascism is anti-Marxist does not make it non-leftist
> franco
> fascist real
only anglos stand against china.
They should let Brad Pit loose on those protesters
Nothing will happen in 2047. If Hong Kong lost its special status, then there would be nothing to differentiate it from Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Plus, common law does not have an expiry date. Hong Kongers have a history of emigration hysteria. In the 1980s, nearly a million Hong Kongers left, but of course most of them returned after realizing nothing really changed.
>then there would be nothing to differentiate it from Shenzhen and Guangzhou
And? Hong Kong is more and more irrelevant for the Chinese economy, it's a price worth paying to eliminate the border.
>Nothing will happen in 2047
All the bridges they're building on the Pearl River Delta are to get ready for when the border falls down.
The People's Republic of China will propel humanity into prosperity against the reactionaries of the West. China has forever been the forefront of humanity, and it will soon regain its rightful place. Those who oppose the People's Republic of China are dooming themselves.
The Imperialists of Japan will face the People's Republic's wrath.
The Separatists of Taiwan will soon be reunited with the People's Republic.
The Reactionaries of Tibet will be crushed by the weight of the Party.
The South China Sea shall remain part of China.
The Agents of the West in Hong Kong will be crushed for their treason.
And the American Imperialist Dogs will soon be destroyed from within.
Praise be to the People's Republic and the Communist Party!
Long Live the People's Republic of China!
If they let hongkong go it can set a precedent for the Uyigurs
He's right, the demands are unreasonable to expect especially with such weak protest leaders.
Ultimately Hong Kong is sabotaging itself for no reason.
Then again all that instability might lead to companies relocating to ASEAN so it might be a good thing for us.
Hong Kong hosts a lot of big international companies, it would be foolish to chase them away even if they are small when compared to the entire Chinese economy. Also Hong Kong is depended on by many Chinese businesses as a gateway to global trade, rewriting those trade agreements will be very annoying (look what's happening with brexit). Also building roads and bridges is a nationwide policy, it has little to do with Hong Kong politics. Have you traveled to Hong Kong before? The traffic at the border is horrible.
Never travelled by car at the border 2bh.
Anyway, I don't know man, the Macau-Hong Kong bridge is kinda suspicious to me. China can potentially cut off Hong Kong from its airport without isolating the airport itself, the bridge is RHT even though it connects two LHT territories. You probably know more than me though, so I don't know.
I'm struggling to imagine an American being annoyed at someone else for regarding his own nation higher than foreign interlopers trying to undermine it. Or is nationalism in the US really just mean American exceptionalism?
>Pro-Beijing BVLL
I'm inclined to believe this is fake.