Does your dad have a hate against certain nationalities? My dad absolutely hates gypsies and French people

Does your dad have a hate against certain nationalities? My dad absolutely hates gypsies and French people.

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My dad worships jews and dislike to hate moors and gypsies

Mine hates moors and niggers. But Over all, He is not a very hateful individual

no dad

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He does seem to have a sort of negative opinion about the US, though definitely not on the levels of hatred.

He often makes fun of Bosnians and calls every bad and corrupt politician a Bosnian criminal and mafia.

t, leftycucksson


>Dad never liked republicans. He's Salvadorean . He loved all races except African Americans.

He never expressed a deep disdain for any nationality or group of people, since he realized people are individuals.
He didn't care for gypsies though

My father woud never admit hating anyone, but i've heard him many times say racist things about arabs blacks and moroccans to certain extent

Same goes for my mom. Once had to stay in emergency room for the night, and the nurses gave me a bed next to an arab woman who was there with her family, so my mom literally screamed at the nurses to give me another bed. And it worked

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my dad hates everyone and is just generally racist with no specific prejudices

Finns and blacks

You are joking

My dad hates every other nationality, blacks, moors and every other region that isn't Asturias. He isn't even Asturian, he is freaking Toledan.

t. ashkeNAZI

chinks, kikes and niggers

what did you mom screamed about to the nurse? what was her explanation?

Black people in general, even if he didn't meet any blacks

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Nope, my dad only judges individuals he actually meets.
He likes to stop and help strangers and do volunteer work at his local church.

No he hates finns and niggers. He thinks finns and niggers are lazy parasites

No one really. He hated people for their personalities more than anything. He did dislike asians though, mostly because of their driving but it was rare that it got bigger than that for anything.

no burakku peeporu prease

Something along the lines of "these people make a lot of noise, and my son needs a rest"

I know you are joking you can stop the act and say it

curious, what did he hate about them?

yeah my dad's a shipboard officer and he fucking HATES non-whites due to exposure.
when I used to eat with my hands he would smack me across the head and say
>eat like human not like an indian
or if I crossed my legs while sitting
>are you a fucking turk? We are white people, act like it
He's okay with gooks and emirates arabs though

My dad dislikes blacks a lot. Gypsies too, but everyone dislike gypsies here anyways.

Might be true if his father is old since Finns used to have a pretty bad reputation here a few decades ago.

>when I used to eat with my hands he would smack me across
What if you are eating a taco, how would that work?

>Gypsies too, but everyone dislike gypsies here anyways.
that's a given everywhere except the US for some reason

Why dont you believe me? Grandpa also hated finns he called them ”barley flour poisoned finnbastards” because barley flour is so cheap and according to him finns are cheap bastards.

Ate blacks and spics
Tolerate chinks
Luv otha whites
Simple as

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My dad dislikes immigrants and gypsies but he's pretty calm and collected about it
he even reprimanded me for speaking shit about immigrants when i didn't have straight facts about the issue

we don't eat that.
I made burritos a few times and I ate it with a fork and knife. He basically just dislikes SEAmonkeys and indians the most.

>that's a given everywhere except the US for some reason
Majority got assimilated. Supposedly there are a shitload of them in Washington state, but I have never seen one, at least they didn't look like or acted like the ones I saw while traveling in europe.

my dad hates poor people.

>I made burritos a few times and I ate it with a fork and knife
I hope you don't eat pizzas with a fork and knife.

Those Moroccans.

Maximum the yikes

That must be a lot of people to hate if he lives in argentina.

Gypsies. Then again everyone here hates them.

Sorry to hear that

yes it's. anyways he hates lazy poor people, the one that resemble the niggers of your society.

Well if they are in florida, I think they would feel at home.

He hates blacks, natives and arabs
But I think he hates the shitty lazy ones not the actual good ones.

when it's hot I do.

My dad hates low caste Indians, muslims, Eastern Europeans and Christians.


Russians and balts.

My dad doesn't like Japan because of the war crimes they committed. Also his dad and uncles fought in WWII

Any sort of sand nig or regular nig, really.

Also, my dad generally does not like South Americans and North Americans except Canada

Freeriders. Kinda racist, but gave everyone a fair shake.

He just thinks they are poor and uneducated, and he hates both poor and uneducated people

Dad hates british people
Mom hates arabs (we lived in Barbès for several years so that's pretty normal)

Absolutely hate moors, gypsies, people from Sevilla and liberals.


>people from Sevilla


No, he just dislikes protestants and muslims

Classic boomer scared of muh muslims

>My dad absolutely hates gypsies and French people.
Rightly so

My (black) dad absolutely fucking despises asians, i have no idea why.

Do we have those? I don't think our laws would work very well in their favor. Beating the shit out of pickpockets might be seen as a reasonable reaction in most jurisdictions.

For real, he considers them pseudo-gypsy subhumans.

Why only Sevilla? Where are you from?

Gypsies but everyone hate them.
Also Jews

They've been almost completely integrated, they don't cause crime, hard to even tell them apart from loud and boisterous Italian Americans.

Yeah, a surprising amount actually. But I think they don't really cause an issue because we get "the good ones" because it's harder and more expensive to come to the US.

my dad holds his breath if niggers are close, he says that they spread black plague and leprosy

My mom hates black people, she pretends not to, but whenever a crime happens on tv and it's by a black person she mutters something about niggers.

Blacks, jews, bolivians, paraguayans, peruvians, bolivians

Idk, try asking him, see if he will aknwoledge your existence

My dad is Polish. He hates Albanians and dislikes Jews

My dad does't hate anubody. My mom tho hates asians from central asian countries, but she hates them less now because of my propaganda work.

my mom hates congolombians because she says they dress like whores

Japanese, he says I'm as them and that it's so bad, I'm a diagnosed autist bu he can't accept it

We live in Cáceres, he is from Barcelona but moved here when he was young. He's a commercial in charge of the South-West area in the peninsule, and can't deal with sevillans at all. Apparently people from all the other regions pay religiously and are serious about business, but sevillians... "killo, qué se ma olvidao' el dinero!! El lunes te lo pago jajaja que todavía no he cobrao' " shitty professionals in general.

You know all the offensive cliches about the Andalusians? Well he loves Andalusians but looks like the only that actual act that badly are sevillians... Si ya lo dice la canción "Sevilla tiene un color especiaaaal"

What propaganda work If I may ask? I hope its not Aya

Holy shit lmao

that is why I dont hate anyone too
judging people as groups rather than individuals is pretty disgusting desu

Yes he hates numerous ethnic groups
But above anything else jews
After that gypsies, niggers and sandniggers
He kinda dislikes every european nationality except for the Irish
He tolerates asians

This. My parents have always tried to put up a facade since i was a child, but i'm sure they're actually racist to an extent

Have no idea what Aya is. But I'm trying to persuade her to understand their working and living conditions. + they are really humble and nice. I've never seen any person or worker form these countries in any incident. So when some anger episode happens I'm acting in very rational way and she agrees with me in the end of discussion. I guess it's fear of unknown culture and there not so much reasoning behind that fear in her head,


It's not fun, dude

>No unfortunately
... my seething hatred of poo coloured people was all of my own making :)

To be fair, Sevillians also have a bad rep all over Andalusia though not all of them have that shitty mindset. But yeah I know that attitude, "los enteraos", Smilling and being extremelly friendly to you while they are about to backstab you.

My mum on the otherhand hates
>and Niggers
in that order!

Thought you were a troll, sorry you got a retarded father man

My dad hates poms, asians, muzzies and indians mainly poms tho

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Hates ruskies and ukrainians
Dislikes germs
Despises french
Laughs at jews and their random demands
Laughs whenever something bad happens to westoids/scandis/richer countries in general
Likes USA
Likes Hungary
Simple as.

Russians (USSR) are the only nationality my father respects other than my own (Indian)

I don’t know, my dad is latino so making casual racist jokes is the norm but he doesn’t seem to hate or dislike any race in particular. He’s nice to anyone who’s respectful back.

My dad only hates white people

Does he dislike Portugal too? Because it's westoid but can into Eastern Europe

My dad hates americans, italians, germans, swedes, french, anglos, Iberians, canadians, indians, russians, chinese, australlians, turks, hispanics, koreans and brazilians

also laughs at negroes ("Bamboes" as he calls them) and hates gypsies, but that's the default for local boomers
I mean who the fuck doesn't hate gypsies

You must have a healthy childhood

My father hates Croats and Serbs
t. Turk