Why are normies slaves of alcohol so much? It's almost impossible to go to parties or meet another normies if you don't like it.
Why are normies slaves of alcohol so much...
Because its the only legal drug
prob cause it gets them laid. people lose inhibitions. Somebody without a sex life might not understand.
Because even normies aren't really normies. It's the alcohol that allows us to pretend that we are.
Nobody is forcing you to drink and if they are then they aren't your friends.
Just go sober.
Oh, yeah, sure. Try to go to a night club in Canada without like alcohol
>i can i have fun without alcohol
What about non-single normies?
>Why are normies slaves of alcohol so much
Shit personality and lack of interest in their peers so they need alcohol to have fun. That's turbo-individualism for you. we live in a society
just pop a molly dude
Why are normies slaves of water so much? It's almost impossible to be alive or meet another normies if you don't have it.
frogs are so retarded from their shitty alcohol that they can’t form a valid english sentence
I hate clubs and bars even when I drink.
I just avoid those places in general.
Is it that you just don't like alcohol, or do you have a problem with others' drinking?
Going to clubs is dumb. Why would anyone looking for genuine interaction go to those?
The first one. I feel excluded
I'd rather get drunk off knowledge. Books are my bottles, podcasts are my nightclubs, essays are my drugs. I'm addicted to the cultivation of my intellect. I toss aside the meddling tentacles of nightlife and its promiscuity in the pursuit of wisdom.
Alcohol making your IQ fall below double digit score. Wait, if you like alcohol, then you are already double digit IQ retard.
Coming from a country of drunkards this is pretty funny
Just got non-alcoholic drinks like virgin martinis or virgin caesars (virgin is nonalcoholic)
Intellectual psychoactive substances are LSD & DMT.
This, once you get a job and actually listen to the shit people unironically say, you will realize that literally everyone is autistic.
> drinking alco while you can smoke weed
I just take a beer can, throw the liquid out and pretend I'm drinking it.
I hate alcohol too, but in social ambients and pretend to be a normie
>smoking weed at parties
always makes me more anti social and retarded
Make new friends, and go to different places.
>branded marijuana products
I like living in a legal recreational marijuana state.
yeah, weed is the loser's drug.
Just drink soda if you don't like alcohol. I don't know about Brazil, but in my country most people respect your choice to abstain from alcohol
>t. winner
Soda is bad for your health. As bad as alcohol.
I prefer orange juice
Drink sperm then, faggot
>I prefer orange juice
Good start. Now, add yeast, and let it ferment for awhile.
That's great af. It's often the case here, that if you abstain = you are fucking pussy
t. Abstaining
>if you abstain = you are fucking pussy
I thought that's something most men grow out of by age 20.
not in third world shitholes
Because one day it tastes like vanilla ice cream to you, and that very night, you get instant cirrhotic liver and struggle with it for the rest of your life with everyone else that's dead too.
It also means you will never ever wake up feeling good again, even if you're not drinking, pretty much. It kills all of the mucus in your nose, ears and throat, makes you instantly fat, and everyone loves it. So, everyone spends all day waiting to drink.
There's a reason snobs drink wine and hold cocktail parties too.
Liquor is another story. Suicide
>alcoholism is a disease
What is Jow Forums‘s most embarrassing drinking story?
I threw up all over the bathroom and passed out on the toilet at Oktoberfest in Munich last year. Someone climbed into the stall to check if I was alive
>Oktoberfest in Munich
unironically kill yourself you subhuman travelling normie
I got drunk and a girl wanted to have sex with me, but instead I talked to her (more like at her) about LaVey and satanism for severl hours.
I also hooked up with a Canadian while I was there :^)