Something really bad is about to happen to /v/ that will make it an absolutely unbearable board and I'm scared...

Something really bad is about to happen to /v/ that will make it an absolutely unbearable board and I'm scared. Give me reasons to make Jow Forums my new home board so I never have to go back to /v/ - Politics.
Please. Trick my brain into staying here. I even promise to cut down a little on my shitposting/hatred of spaniards. I beg you Jow Forums.

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Nah fuck off back to your cumbrain sub 70 iq shit filled board

>that will
user i...

Please don't send me back, Jew-sama.

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>avenging a game dev murdered by a tranny thot

Nothing bad about that, just gamers rising up

video games are escapist toys for cumbrain manchildren
by allah don’t even get me started on an*Me

>Nothing bad about that, just gamers rising up
Think about repercussions and potential butterfly effects, the board was horrible but this will burn what's left of it to the ground.

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Some sacrifices are necessary to achieve justice

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Vita is underrated.

jesus dude

>xe deleted xir twitter account


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I swear to god if any more normies are joining the website as a result I'm fucking gone. The site is dog shit since at least 2016.


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This. Also can I get a recap of what OP I talking about ? Don't want to wade through the cesspool that is /v/ in order to find out.

Quick rundown on this? I usually stay out of reddit/pol subboards

So what happened now, lad? Is gamergoy 2 happening?

Pic related, AKA the very same tranny who was responsible for gamergate in the first place, accused an indie dev of assaulting her. His project was cancelled, his career ruined, and he fucking killed himself this morning.

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time to kill this trannie

Provide a link or something bro, I want to read

>Zoe Quinn acuses dev of beloved indie game of "mentally abusing her" 10 years back
>every sjw bandwagons it and some throw accusations at him despite never having met him
>he tweets that he denies the allegations and is seeking legal aid in as how to handle the situation
>The game he worked on gets cancelled, he gets thrown out of the studio publically, all he's friends throws him under the buss and even his sister bends the knee to queen quinn.
>dude realises all is lost, he will never win even if this goes to court because nothing can be proved or disproved so this will follow him to the grave.
>kills himself
>Even his own sister defends Zoe Quinn

I'm scared

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They are mobilizing as we speak

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Go back normalfag

Man, I've heard a similar story about Jeremy Soule being accused of rape that happened 10 years ago. What the fuck is happening?
>Still no source

been here since ytmnd and you dumb zoomer

Get the fuck out of here cumbrain
You are the cancer that ruined the site completely

Well nice, let's hope Zoe turns another whole generation of young men into nazis.

Learn Norwegian and join /norgetråden/.

Zoe Quinn is hot I would love to be a video game "journalist" and nut in her

Don't learn Italian and join /ita/.

>site only bad after 2015
Hello newfaggot

Isn't she fat now?


Fuck this website, the internet was also a mistake

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I don't care about your stupid gamerspaz bullshit
You guys are such enormous faggots.
Now post picture of your butt. If you are cute you can stay.

Correct, fren. Let's talk about taco

I don't know what's going on but i am hoping that the internet has grown past making another gamergate.

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It hasn't...

>muh gaymes
Piss off


It's life and death now, blood has been spilled.

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>It's life and death now, blood has been spilled.

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quick rundown, please

Read the fucking thread.

also nvm figured it out

What is happening on /v/? What stupid thing are people now upset about?

Man I was actually sort of enjoying /v/ for a while and now this happens.
And the election is next year so Jow Forums is going to shit up the site even more

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Zoe Quinn caused a guy to kill himself

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who gives a shit about gaming journalism and e celebs? just enjoy video games and don't bother with that nonsense

>just enjoy video games and don't bother with that nonsense
That is exactly what will stop being possible after this whole thing blows up, and I guarantee it will.

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Wait, the fuck is going on? I haven’t touched /v/ in a month


Zoe Quinn bullied a man to death and then deleted its twitter account

I just went back to /v/ for the first time in five years and it's the exact same trash as back then.

He apparently lost his job which is probably the reason why he commited suicide

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my single player games won't be affected tbqh

aren't you being a bit of a drama queen?

gamers rise up

How does more SJW shit being shoved into those single player games sound, user?

You're a Mexican, don't you have better things to do pedazo de joto agringado que te importa que se mate un gringo cualquiera

No me importa el gringo, pedazo de estúpido. Me importa las consecuencias que pueda traer al medio. Cualquier excusa es buena para que [ellos] ataquen a los videojuegos, así ha sido desde los últimos 3 años.

puta si los juegos lo hacen los gringos, si de por si ya son un método para indoctrinar a la gente. que importa si atacan los videojuegos, solo se destruyen entre ellos