Am I the only one who thinks Mexicans larping as cowboys is cringe? Why do they dress like this?

Am I the only one who thinks Mexicans larping as cowboys is cringe? Why do they dress like this?

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it is literally the same as confederates doing it, stop being so fucking butthurt you dumb f*Rstie

It's actually hot so shut the fuck up

Where does the cowboy culture even come from? It's common here as well.

pretty sure cowboys as we know them came from mexico originally. that's what i learned in Jow Forums anyway

That's how my grandpa dressed since he was a kid

Like a cute cowboy girl? So progressive!

>no large harem of Jow Forums cuties to breed into 56% goblins

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nigga half of american cowboy culture is shared with mexico

cowboy culture is from mexicans
americans are just cringe lords with no culture of their own

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Cowboy culture originated from Spain and then Mexico you dumbass Indio.

Even here we have them.

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I see chicanos do this too and I cringe. They do it because that's how they dress in their parents' poverty rancho in Michoacán or Guanajuato.

>Even here we have them

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Because they want to larp as North americans.

cowboy culture is originally from spain,

They aren't cowboys they are vaqueros you dumbass leaf
and stop having such shit taste

its only cringe when its women who do it

mexican cowboys are cute and based

How come there is a white guy in that pic, are they going to cook and eat him?

I want this beaneress to fart in my face

Mexicans were the original cowboys here in north america dumbass.

>Chicano lies

Who's the white one?


our cowboy is different though

Yeah you probably think faggot anglos invented rodeo

It's literally the same thing

Cowboys are Mexican, the Americans are the larping ones

I am a gaucho

mexicans got cowboy culture from spainards


Spaniards are goat herders, vaqueros in Mexico and the new world are another thing

just because you change the name doesn't make it different carlos. before spain came along you were dressed in leaf skirts and sacrificing children by the thousands. then they came along, civilized you, gave you a bunch their hand-me-down culture and now you claim it as your own. pathetic man

It comes from Spain, cattle herding wasn't an indio thing

Different animal same lifestyle. Same for the Argentinian cowboys

are you retarded, Juán?

abhorrent post. what a spastic nerd you are. vaqueros is a mexican thing. deal with it faggot white american. you have no culture

We don't larp as cowboys, we literally invented them. And stop fucking pretending to be a leaf.

not an argument, please reply when you have one
>ad homing because he knows he ain't got no argument

>le adhoming
>not an argument
retarded polack just stay in your shitty board lol

>not an argument, please reply when you have one
There are no mexicans before the spanish invaded.
Their ethos actualy develop much later

not even a polack and you're still doing it. stop replying anytime
>There are no mexicans before the spanish invaded.
semantics argument. You know what I mean


>semantics argument. You know what I mean
No. Modern mexicans are genetically closer to spaniards than to ancient indios

also not an argument

They will tell you otherwise.

they're wrong then.

youre literally just spamming "not an argument" and then complaining about ad homing
you have to goooooo back

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I'm spamming it because you don't have any. And I'm complaining about you ad homing because you are. Are you fucking retard? Do you not understand that these terms pre-date pol? Embarrassing dude

>abloo abloo im gay and retarded
ok buddy

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last (you)

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Indios in the americas were the vaqueros

Cowboys as we know them originated in Mexico, and its part of Mexican culture

it's a mestizo thing

Have you ever heard of a Vaquero. mexico started that shit

cowboys came from mexico shithead

>Am I the only one who thinks Mexicans larping as cowboys is cringe? Why do they dress like this?

I don't know, you tell me

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you're a MASSIVE faggot OP
i love mexican queens who dress like this but they unfortunately never take an interest towards me, the things I'd do if i could get my hands on one of these girls...

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How can cowboys compete?

>ad homing

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the girl in the OP is white in the northern part of mexico. No lie.

how do you know he's a cowboy?

Cowboys ARE mexican culture

in your dreams sureñoid

kek keep dreaming you're white, alan pulido looking ass nigga lmao.

nigga you must be retarded or a sur*Ño if you think that's what i was implying fucking shit for brains

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>Different animal same lifestyle
You're stupid beyond belief.

ok alan, calm down m8. JUST A JOKE, YOU WHITE FR.

where is this at? he looks fucking ridiculous

Hardly, but that a picture taken in America. So I'm going to guess she came to the US from some shithole in southern Mexico. Either way, she looks very indigenous to me.

I've noticed that firsties tend to be very stupid here in this board, while thirdies are generally smarter.
Why is that? Firsties were supposed to have higher IQs

i am not white
quit projecting
que tengas sexo

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Shut The Fuck Up

Weren't Mexicans the original cowboys?

The thirdies that post in this kind of places are generally introverts and autists who learned english by themselves and have odd interests. Some (SOME) of them might come off as smart.
Firsties here are normies hunting for fresh "spicy" memes.

All firsties know some english, so any retard can come here.
In the third world this is not the case, and if you know English there are big chances you are from the minority which had good education.

people from the north look like her...



I think he refer to the one with red flash in his eye, obviously another brazillian that just accidentally happened to look like an american in the pic tho.

>civilized you

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Mexicans are cowboys.

Eurasian steppes

>tfw no Mexican cowgirl gf

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There were and are cowboys in mexico, brainlet leaf. Stop being retarded you silly stupid canuck. Don't make me fucking take you over my table you jackass


ebin bait