Why are european guys so tall?
They make me feel emasculated :/
Why are european guys so tall?
I’m a 185cm manlet midget
Only the Dutch are
i'm only 177cm
my pediatrician told me I'd be 185cm :'(
This. I'm only 191cm, and the Dutch tower over me.
I'm 195 hi
hey, b
>I'm only 191cm
Fuck off Erik
All Germanics 2bh. The more they are mixed with Celts, the shorter (Brits, Bavarians)
I'm 191 cm and I mog all the Germans when I visit Deutschland.
I'm a fucking 186cm manlet, fucking kill me
Anyone below 215cm, the door is over there.
If anyone dares call himself a manley if they're 170+ cm. Well here's a shocking truth. I'm 165 cm tall. I'm a bloosy manlet even by my own country's standards.
im 183, aka the perfect height. above the average so med cuties call you tall, but not tall enough to have weird limbs and look like a freak.
How old are you user? I'm 21 and I gained 1cm this summer
King of Dwarfs
That's not 5'10 (180)
Christ, I stopped at 14
I'm quite short though.
so am I
Also, why are they so fucking gay?
171cm manlet reporting in. It's pure hell. My neck hurts from looking upwards to other people.
5'10 is 178cm pal. 180cm is more like 5'11.
good looking males are always gay
How much?
174cm reporting in.
This is so bs I don't even know where to start.
It could have been much worse brah.
2bh at least in Italy I don't even feel short, kinda average even if on the short end.
Actual short people are
Thanks for the fix.
The imperial system always fuck me up.
5 ft 7 king of manlets checking in
But why are the nederlanders so tall?
Is it true there was a massive flood and only the tallest that could keep their heads above water survived or is that a fairy tale like the kid that stuck his finger in the dike?
>It could have been much worse brah.
Yea if I lived in Dalmatia
I feel average in continental Croatia and Istria.
I live in Rijeka (Fiume) and locals both Croats and Italians aren't that tall but many Bosnian and Serbian migrants came in the last century so the average probably increased by over 10 cm.
I think it's my bad lifestyle making me short because I stopped growing at 14 and all that but both of my parents are already 5 cm shorter so I'm not sure.
>I think it's my bad lifestyle making me short because I stopped growing at 14 and all that but both of my parents are already 5 cm shorter so I'm not sure.
Afaik lifestyle has a really small impact on your growth unless you're malnourished or extremely stressed. To stop growing in height as a teenager is normal.
this guy's aussie and 6'10.
this i feel like a kid at 185cm when i go to nerdic/germanic countries even some women mog me there
>But why are the nederlanders so tall?
sexual selection
Dutch women perfected their race by only making offspring with tall mates, you can look it up
black genes, i am 200cm, measured today
The flood story isn't true then?
it's as true as alien theories
Average zoomer must be 185cm. What makes them grow taller? It's not like our generation was starving
185 cm Euro-manlet here. It's painful knowing good height is only 3 cm away but I will never reach it.
170cm manlet reporting in
Tfw 179cm
lanklet freaks
175cm small midget is where it's at
I am also 183cm but might be a cm more. Congratulations friend.
Same, I get mogged by women and school kids daily
Tall? I'm like 183cm, literal borderline dwarfism
Based medbro, i'm 182 cm
>mfw 165cm
Am I even human?
The average in italy is 177cm. So no
>even if on the short end.
Can you even read? Unless you're autistic "average" doesn't mean only 177cm, it means "177 and around 177". And a 3cm difference can be easily concealed by avoiding flat shoes.
>inb4 manlet
Yes and I don't care.
humanlet, like me
We suffer
I'm 168cm owo
Bend over
even girls are 180cm nowadays
I'm 1.90 when someone bigger than me feels like a manlet
they aren't girls then
>mfw seeing 15 year old high school girls taller than me
I want to die when I go outside