*spams antiwhite propaganda*

*spams antiwhite propaganda*

Attached: tenda.jpg (1024x768, 231K)

Is this the face of BBC posters?

Attached: 1560898834826.gif (220x211, 35K)

Is he Italian? That's the forum of Caesar I think.

100% identitarian

*spams prowhite propaganda*

Attached: 1515748192570.jpg (1080x720, 91K)

Not Mexican enough

Attached: 1560001598445.png (447x438, 401K)

no bro he be a hapa nigga that hates witey

You are a discord tranny

Attached: the jew.jpg (799x889, 153K)

Redpill me on this freak. Why does he want to turn blacks on whites just because he’s half chink? How is that even logical

>You are a discord tranny

Attached: 1524929061945.png (644x800, 15K)

I spam pro-white propaganda but only because of the anti-white garbage, there needs to be a balance. I wished people would just stfu about race

He can LITERALLY smoke a cigarette in the rain, what the fuck

>That schnoz
G-guys I swear we don't look like that please

Attached: 1566158431193.gif (250x188, 1.63M)

Attached: 1566955445076.jpg (1000x680, 235K)

WMBF is pro-white

>only because of the anti-white garbage
*pats head*

He's a chad

Attached: spencer.png (1242x567, 277K)

daddy issues AND mommy issues, what a catch

but really it's tragic

well you're a skype tranny

>I wish people would shut up about race
>t. Blue-eyed blonde Aryan ubermensch Nazi escapee descendant

my sides

Attached: 1489016823567.gif (230x250, 1.88M)

What a handsome young man

Attached: 4BA4B923-2B08-45F2-85B2-4241328D0CE2.jpg (200x200, 9K)

Supreme gentleman

Attached: D7F05584-E6D4-43F8-8E32-5F8FDA9495F0.jpg (280x280, 11K)

He legit doesn't look ugly if he didn't have autism and a 1 inch dick he could have lived a normal life unlike some incels


Attached: 5112E72F-2D89-4526-B063-F0E71AB93AB3.png (750x1334, 2.47M)


Attached: 51AE7ADF-0022-4721-9A40-86E7BD9184EC.jpg (303x566, 24K)

See, with a bit positive attitude your photo suddenly becomes very acceptable.