Be me walking on campus

>be me walking on campus
>guy comes up to me tells me his friend thinks Im cute but shes too scared to talk to me
>his friend is a beautiful lightskin girl
>tells me to talk to her
>feel like this might be some prank
>tell them I have a gf when I dont
>they congratulate me for being loyal

Did I get mired or humiliated?

Attached: sad neet.jpg (250x226, 7K)

fuck that roastie anyways. if she was worth it she wouldn't send her friend with benefits to tell a stranger she thinks he's cute.

>In college
You're retarded

You're delusional

It doesnt makes much sense that she would congratulate me for being loyal if shes too shy talk to me

It depends on how attractive you are. You should have asked for her number maybe.

BTW this whole "lmao you thought she would be interested in you?" prank is insane, never heard of anyone doing it here in Italy

they know you lied

>beautiful light skin girl
so basically a muttess?

There are a lot of Youtube pranksters who make money this way

Why would anyone find hilarious to see someone humiliated? The fuck

>Not toying her back
>Not fucking the guy in the ass in front of his girl friend
You got that coming

Tbh you shouldn't even be surprised, theres an audience for everything

It's funny looking at the victim's expression

That sounds kinda sadic if you ask me.

people turn into assholes when they are in a group


>feel like this might be some prank
Good instincts

>girl in college class sits next to me
>gives me her number and says we should study
>text her but she doesn't seem interested
>she sits somewhere else next class
I still don't get what happened

Kek, happend to me in high school

Really proves that women all around the world don't know what they want

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I want to die

You are lucky

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>cute airline counter checkin worker who is my age (early 20s) waived my excessively overweight luggage when i smiled and said please
literally made my month
why am i such a loser?