The good guys

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Chaos good maybe.

>waging war against countries for their economic interests
>funding coups and dictatorships again for their economic interests
Yeah, no, I'm not a low IQ retard who falls for neocon propaganda.

> the goods
No, but they are better than Russia or China

daily reminder that we never asked to be the world leader, it just happened.

Why is this dominigger so keen on sucking american dick? Is he looking for a visa?

We all know what has been done for the Petro Dollar, but you can also thank the US for policing the waters.
It's not just pirates stealing foreign vessels, bud.

I mean, you are a fucking superstate.
If you correct the size/shape due to stretching a spheroid onto a flat surface, it's pretty plain to see why you have so much power.

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that's all based though.

Deal with it. Pax americana is the best thing ever

people often see the British Empire and the Roman empire as the good guys yet they did the same things.

I wish that we could be isolated so and irrelevant while keeping our way of life. I hate how the world has their eyes pried on us 24/7

>irrelevant shithole in arab country gets bombed
>Somehow this is the worst thing in the world.

uuuuuh lol? The only people that viewed the British and Roman empires as "the good guys" were the British and Romans themselves and loyal subjects. Everyone else hated them. Same goes for the US

You can't keep your way of life while in isolation
Your entire country is founded on internationalism

I have nothing to deal with, keep worshipping america for all I care. Just saying le good guys muh democracy propaganda doesn't work on me because I didn't eat crayons during childhood.

this has got to be a joke. Europeans we wuzzed as Romans for millennia

Mostly because of the title and prestige not because they liked them lol wtf

>it just happened.
nope. it was a conscious and deliberate decision taken in the aftermath of WWII and the start of the Cold War to lead an anti-soviet alliance.

Although, you can say that after the fall of the soviets, we didn't ask to continue being "leader", but that just kind of happened (i.e. GHW Bush had a plan to continue American leadership, and he lost his bid for a second term, largely because American voters didn't want it).

>muh democracy propaganda
Why do you think this is the reason why I like them?

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Romans weren't exactly bad though. They acted almost no different than other empire and people of the era in terms of treatment and war.

bois will be bois

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And the Russians, the Ottomans, the French Empire, the Romanians, the Austrians, the Papacy, etc.

>Just saying le good guys muh democracy propaganda doesn't work on me because I didn't eat crayons during childhood.

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Because you referred to them as the "good guys"?

you sound like a tankie

>They acted almost no different than other empire
That's just it. There was no benevolent empire. They all did bad things and that is what made them bad. Roman empire was corrupt as fuck and treated outsiders like second class citizens and slaves. Jesus christ man

>worthless Amerilards in a large tower builsing get AIRPLANE'D
>I'm not allowed to bring my own toothpaste to international flights anymore

Because of "muh democracy"? You're the one with brainwashed propaganda if you think that's the case. You should get to know some basics of geopolitics

Again, it's not like american foreign policy bears relevance to my day to day life. I just don't believe in movie-tier terms such as "good guys" being applied to geopolitics.

>putting your countrymen first is communism
Sums up the cold war honestly

Yeah I answered that already in my previous post

The Romans were actually pretty benevolent if your tribe was loyal to them.

>There was no benevolent empire

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>hol up lemme just conquer all of europe real quick

If not being allowed to bring toothpaste is one of the worst things to happen to you in this age then I would say Pax america is pretty based.

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I was first born in NY so I am American
secondly, you are confusing me with another user because I have never even spoken to an Argentine in / int /
Estupido racista

If you didn't pick our side then you picked the other side by default

Precisely because I've read a fair bit ok geopolitics is that I couldn't call any state the "good guys" as if talking about some Harry Potter plot. Not even an isolationist country like Iceland let alone Usa.

>if your tribe was loyal to them
see stfu pierre

>sandniggers do sandnigger shit
>americas fault


it could be a lot worse. Loyal satellite states in the USSR were treated like shit and same goes for Nazi Germany's "allies"

>all of europe declares war on you
>you beat them

>born in NY
>decides to go to a third world Latin american country anyway and leave a comfy life behind
Let me guess, you're a CIA agent

Not him, Napoleon was pretty based but he was very unstable. His sons never really had a chance to do succeed.

>9/11 wasn't an inside job

>Your entire country is founded on internationalism
Even if that were true, there's no reason why we should continue that.

good guys

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>9/11 wasn't an inside job
God Jow Forumsturds are fucking dumb. Flat earth and space bubble too right?

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what does a flag of spain have to do with anything?

Let me guess, you think global warming is real but cultural marxism is not, right? Cringe

sure! thanks for your service my dude.

for some weird reason a 3rd wolrd weak country decided to attack the most powerfull empire in the history of humanity.

>the country of al qaeda attacked the USA

>London attacks
>Attacks in Spain
>Attacks in France
>Attacks in Russian metros

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al qaeda members are all criminals that cannot feel love for their families, and they are ok with exposing them to a war against nato criminals just because...

all of them colonialist nations.

No nation's history of colonialis justifies terrorism.

because they are religious extremists with room temperature iq, willing to blow themselves and their children to bits for jihad

Why do you think I am a CIA agent?
Lo unico que me espera en esa es ser un mecanico o limpiador de autos, mi familia ahora vive bien aqui y me gusta mi clima tropical
Tener sexo conspiranoico

>idiots radicalized by a pedophile who outlawed string instruments because it can cast spells do something incredible stupid for promise of eternal life in sky palace filled with virgins.

>because they are religious extremists with room temperature iq, willing to blow themselves and their children to bits for jihad

do you really believe that shit? they are just dumb people who make dumb desitions?

Well Heroes for some Villians for the most
they always protected us and even went against the jews for us which is almost unbelievable and currently backing the best leader we had in ages

sooooo the good guys in my book

>do you really believe that shit? they are just dumb people who make dumb desitions?
You do realize they tried to blow up the towers before right? All America did was launch cruise missiles at them. They probably expected the same thing to happen.

Good goy.

Ching chong

and why do you think they were trying to attack america before? why do you think they would ever want to pick a fight against the most powerfull nation in the world?

amerigoys actively fund foreign Islamist insurgents
Look at what has happened to Syria, you fucking retard

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Oh look two russian puppets.

for the same reason that they behead Christians, rape children and women, terrorize peoples and all that:
they are a lot of inbred retardants who believe in fairy tales and should be shot

>and why do you think they were trying to attack america before? why do you think they would ever want to pick a fight against the most powerfull nation in the world?
Why does anyone ever attack anyone?

I think overall US policy wants to see a stable Middle East for both Ar*bs and J*ws. Giving weapons to both Israel and Arab countries was probably pivotal in that. Having Egypt being aligned with the west is also super important because of the suez. Israel has no real strategic value but we for some reason Israel has a massive lobby in our government.

Oh look, a proud citizen of Israel's vassal state.

Fuck the United States, Russia and China

Kek, I'm not Chinese.

There's a Dominican flag poster that gets defensive towards America, sorry if I mistook you for him and sorry for the word dominigger. I didn't mean it in a racist way.

All dominican flags are like this here for some reason, and very racist as well

>Pot calling the kettle black

UBL literally stated why he wanted to attack America and hooo it was because the US involvement in the Gulf War defending Kuwait. He was mad about troops being stationed temporarily in Saudi Arabia and wanted to defend Kuwait from Saddam while riding an afghan horse.

America agreed to be the military leader for the western world, in exchange, everyone had to take our side against the soviets. so we kind of did "ask" although it was probably the most peaceful option in the long run

Cold War is over though, which is why things are feeling more hectic. The US no longer really WANTS to be so involved in world affairs

>US no longer wants to be involved in world affairs
Is that why you have over 500 military bases all over the world?

The Cold War never ended my friend

>world policeman meme

the US currently has less soldiers abroad than at any point since the great depression and the withdraws are happening at a more frequent pace. US now has a plan for a big withdraw from afghanistan and is even mulling leaving germany. so yes, US is less interested in being spread all over the world. of course we have so many bases from the post WW2 world order

Literally less cucked by Israel than your country, which actively funnels gorillions in tax money to Israel and is sworn to eternally protect that pathetic strip of sand.

President Trump is the greatest president ever!

you don't see people taking sides anymore, the world isn't hemispherical anymore

Por me confundes con el?
Dije literalmente que los gringos no son los buenos, solo que a mi entender son mejores que los rusos o chinos

This is so stupid and probably originated as Russia disinformation. It tried to make 1 American liaison working with Iceland’s coastguard and counts it as a military base even if we shut down our actual base decades ago.

Hillary colluded with Russia

But you do. What countries do you think are aligned with Russia. Look at China spreading influence to places like Cambodia or Africa. US does the same also.

WW3 Africa is going to be amazing to watch.
Imagine the gopro footage.

Russian disinformation is pretty wide spread really. They've been at this for ages.

Too bad that it's too late to shrug off the effects.
The neomarxist garbage they shove down the throats of students will leave scars throughout Western civilization for hundreds of years.

the world is going to become multipolar, with Europe (germany) creating it's own sphere of influence, Russia having some states and then China creating it's own sphere like the Soviets did in the 50s

Watch this post disappear, guys.

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Russia did a pretty good job destroying cooperation.
>elected trump to create division between west and china, and europe and US.

>muh Russian disinformation
Your own disinformation, brainwashing programs have a 10,000 times bigger budget, are far more successful and have managed to pacify everyone under your boot
>muh marxism
Marxism is dead. Nearly all of its intellectuals and followers were massacred and very few remain nowadays