Mexico of Europe

Mexico of Europe

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But that's Turkey


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Based, I love Mexico.

jesus of europe

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Nah, Turks are the Americans of Europe
>Muh history
>Muh military
>Damn minorities
>Everyone is butthurt about them

I think the Mexico of Europe title goes to Romania

>insufferable, overly proud people
>migrate into Germany for oppoturnity
>don't integrate themselves into German culture
>either stuck with low-end jobs or going a criminal path

That's why

I reckon all those turkish restaurants and kebab places are all covers for weapons and drug trafficking.
....but they sure make some good shit over there.

What are the mexicos of asia and oceania?

Turks in Germany actually came from rural conversation places and were the ones who voted for Erdogan while majority of Turkey voted against him, Germany got all the dumb redneck Turks kek

and africa

>I reckon all those turkish restaurants and kebab places are all covers for weapons and drug trafficking.
You're definitely not entirely wrong. The hookah bars these roaches set up all over this country have been raided by the police under suspicion of exactly these things.

I like beans.

Africa: Egypt
Asia: Filipinas
Oceania: Australia

El sucio kaffir tiene razón.

If that's Mexico, wich one is Honduras?

The Philippines


Nothing wrong with being Mexico, pendejo.

I agree but it's obvious what OP meant

i'm surprised i haven't seen this before