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shut up breivik

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Take guns off liberals and watch mass shooting disappear overnight

Imagine being Australian and not owning guns

>not linking it

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I have like 20 guns and I'm not giving them up

If everyone can get a gun why don't we get news about civilians killing the shooter?

Bc no one is brave enough to duel wild west style

only a few percent actually carry guns with them, and it's generally lower in cities

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How was he not shot dead after the first shot he fired in texas?
I thought everyone carried guns openly there.

We don’t. That’s just a meme

maybe the solution is more guns?

Why does the burger police always kill these shooters?

Maybe if we kept them alive we could hear from them that it's been the power of Trump that gave these white males their strength.

Greetings from gun free wonderland, your mass shootings are a meme here at this point. Why don't you use your guns to overthrow the government that allows for this to happen?

>why don't you use your guns to overthrow the government
The military would probably fuck those gun-wielding rednecks up

>believing in stereotypes

The guy lost his shit over a traffic stop. Our laws needs to be revamped to prevent maniacs from acquiring guns.

>Greetings from gun free wonderland
There's no such thing as a "gun free" wonderland. If you can't have access to basic tools of self defense then you live in anything BUT a wonderland and are brainwashed to think you live in safety from a totalitarian state

imagine being an american

You spoke to the dead guy first!

Also, if you ban "maniacs" from getting guns, who would H&K sell to?

>go shopping, get shot
>go to a concert, get shot
>go to a restaurant, get shot
>go watch a movie, get shot
>go to college, get shot
>got to school, get shot

>at least I am free

To the muh guns Americans,
How many people need to die before we do something? There must be a number.

H&K isn't that big in the civilian market anymore which is a shame.

Don't worry. Democrats will attempt to pass federal red flag laws and an assault weapons ban that leads to mass confiscation and the next civil war. Everyone on Jow Forums will post memes about us while we Balkanize and kill each other.

Your AR-15 won’t save you from a drone strike

doesnt switzerland get shootings from time to time

True that's what .50 BMG is for.

They do not.

Attached: global_hawk.jpg (1000x667, 284K)

The military is pro guns and will be on our side

neither will it save you from police, people saying guns are important to defend yourself from the evil gobbernment really overestimate themselves.

most don't carry guns around with them and many of those who do aren't crazy enough to go try to duel people with it, the whole "good Samaritan with a gun" thing is mostly a meme aside from a few extraordinary cases.

Not everyone is. The military is a split community.

>The military is pro guns and will be on our side
Then you wouldn't need guns to defend yourself from the gubment the first place.

I can’t imagine you get to train shooting drones with AMRs often, or were you planning to rely on a machine gun?


What if we replace guns with drones

Does it come with hellfire missiles? I'd turn in my WASR for a drone with missiles.

mass shootings are demoralizing bur are a drop in the bucket compared to other gun homicides

Let's consider the following:
- There are millions of weapons in the streets.
- If you were to outlaw them, it would create a black market. If you consider how easily available drugs are, well, you can probably imagine how effective this will be.
- If you were to confiscate them, you would have more people dying defending their shit than in all the mass shootings (Not including those from regular crimes) put together, ever.
- A huge, and I mean it, A HUGE part of the American economy and manufacture depend on weapons. If you were to strongly restrict their sell you will be placing thousands and thousands on the streets.
- Most of the deaths caused by guns come from regular ass criminals, the ones that don't give a shit about restrictions. As a matter of fact, this mass shootings are insignificant, yet people keep taking the bait.
- Mass shootings are not done by regular citizens, they are done by individuals with mental issues.
- The same mental issues that are driving the already disturbing and growing suicide rates and drug abusive epidemics. Why isn't people talking more about these two far more serious issues that alone kill in one year far more than in these oh so promoted mass shooting, ever?

Now, considering the last point, do you really care about the well-being of your sister and brothers or are you just repeating the same shit some psychopaths with ulterior motives want you to repeat?

TL;DR: It's a widespread mental health issue.

the have a high homicide rate

The black market of American guns already exists. It's fuelling our cartels.

Shit did i miss one
>tfw you get news faster from Jow Forums

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>It's a widespread mental health issue.
I know it's a scary thought but the truth is most mass murderers are angry, they aren't mentally ill.

pbs . org/newshour/science/why-mental-illness-cant-predict-mass-shootings

All I know is we are the only 1st world country with this problem, we have way more guns and no reason to think only America has suicidal mass shooter mental illnesses.

Isn't it mostly cocaine sales that funds the cartels?

>- Most of the deaths caused by guns come from regular ass criminals, the ones that don't give a shit about restrictions. As a matter of fact, this mass shootings are insignificant, yet people keep taking the bait
You say this, but guns being easier to get means criminals get them easier too. Obviously every cunt has some illegal guns circulating, but first world cunts don't have so many gun homicides for a reason.

Treating mental illness will still help though since ~60% of all gun deaths are suicides.

Jokes on you (and us) it's the American government that supplies them with weapons.

>most mass murderers are angry, they aren't mentally ill.
I thought most were so angry they became mentally ill. How can you tell whether these dead people were or not sane?

It will help 1% at best, most mass shooters don't have a history of mental illness. My friend was murdered by a mass shooter with no MH issues and was "completely normal". The Vegas guy had no issues either.
It's literally not a mental health problem. Even if it was, if you don't decrease guns, what would you possibly do to stop it?
medpagetoday . com/publichealthpolicy/publichealth/81495

Most have no history of mental illness, and blanketing every mass shooter as "mentally ill" is comforting but ignores the real problems of too many guns and various forms of disenfranchisement.

>Most have no history of mental illness
A mental illness can be acquired no? You don't have to have a hystory to have it.

How would treating mental illness help if the people who are shooting aren't identified as mentally ill and/or have been normal until that moment of their life?

I wasn't arguing for anything, i was just asking for source on the "not mentally ill" thing. Since it sounds suspect as well as hard to verify.

Well, at least you can prevent the people who do have a history.

You can thank Obama and his "fast and furious" program for that.
With that said, if they outlaw them, I can see the cartels finding a new and extremely lucrative market for them to take over. Can you imagine how powerful those cartels will be managing the drugs AND weapons trade?
user, angry people don't plan ahead to murder people. Angry people may slap and do something stupid, insane people do the former. You can drive people insane, though. And there is something in the current culture driving a lot of people to the edge.
Second the link you provided is terrible for these reasons:
- It confabulates violent crimes with mass shootings, to justify its shady position. They are drowning a very specific criminal profile and crime with the overwhelming majority of regular ass criminals and violent crimes.
Number torture.
- It reeks of partisan shit as it focuses on attacking the current president's position.
- It acknowledges that mass shooters were indeed mentally ill, but it claims "not all mentally ill people shoot others", so the claim is false.
Mental gymnastics
- > "While most mass shooters have a history of showing symptoms of a mental illness, only about a quarter actually have a diagnosis of a mental illness.".
Mental gymnastics
- Then it goes with the usual "white male, angry, slightly paranoid, disaffected, isolated”, protip, mental illness doesn't give a shit about your skin color. Today's shooting wasn't a white person, for example.
- > And often, he said, the mental health narrative after mass shootings is tinged with racism.
> “We tell the mental illness story often when the shooter is white. We want to look for an answer in an individual brain. But when the shooter is black or Muslim or Latino, then it’s a disorder of a culture,”
Do I need to say something?

user, this article is trash, it consistently swaps numbers (apples to oranges) to justify it's preconceived conclusion: Weapons are the problem not mental illness.

>user, angry people don't plan ahead to murder people
there are different kinds of anger, grudges are a thing.

You can google it or read the two articles I already posted.

If you're going to be pedantic, you can't know if anyone is ever mentally ill. You can define any mass shooter as mentally ill, since for most people we would like to believe someone would have to be mentally ill to shoot lots of random people, but it doesn't help in any practical way. Mental illness and it not being treated is a real problem in the US largely unrelated to mass murderers randomly shooting up schools and malls.
I have had multiple people I know DIE in random mass shootings, and I live in a safe 'white' state. In fact, the Italian exchange student at my school was shot (she survived, her host sister died though.) The problem is GUNS.

Depending on the gun you could probably shoot a full clip before someone can pull out their gun.

I hope we can move all socialization to VR soon so these shootings are just virtual and fully harmless

mass shootings are some of the only shootings where completely innocent people get shot
No one cares if rednecks or Chicago gangbangers kill each other

I wasn't being pedantic, i just asked, also saying most people would call them mentally ill doesn't make sense, mental illness isn't a democracy.

Don't ban guns please. I need to keep my revolution fantasy alive.

>America is the only 1st world with mass shootings everyday
>it's because America is the only country with mental illness, not because America is the only one with easy to buy guns
imagine being this much of a brainlet.

Cat's out of the bag, guns are here to stay. Best thing you could do is crack down on private sellers, register existing firearms, and enforce red flag laws.

also I didn't see the articles i will check them.

I'd somehow imagine it'd make the situation worse unless the person carrying a gun is an off duty cop or soldier. I'd imagine most scenarios would just end up with the other person either accidently shooting someone else or just the wrong person in general and leading to even more confusion and panic.

While I don't have the numbers to back up this claim, out of the sheer numbers of regular ass shootings, I would imagine that more innocents are hurt/killed in the cross fire of these sort of shootings.

I mean that's fair but it depends on how one would define mental illness. That is an interesting topic, but regardless, any practical method for screening will do little to stop mass shooters since most don't raise enough red flags beforehand to get help. Does that make sense?

what about spouses?

I would definitely be ok with this as a start. The fact that at least this much doesn't already exist is a crime and everyone who acted to prevent it should get the rope. Or at least have to meet every family affected by the bs legislation/lack of legislation.

>I mean that's fair but it depends on how one would define mental illness
I am talking about real clinically recognised mental illness, not "wew user is a crazy weirdo", it doesn't need defining. Also what you say does make sense(i think, I don't know how easily they could be screened) but i still am not arguing with that, i just asked for source.

It's because America is the only country with niggers and widespread nigger culture

most of the mass shooters in these news stories are white incels though

>what is mafia?

Spouses tend to corroborate with their criminal partners or are criminals themselves. I'm not saying innocents don't die, but just browsing through reports doesn't paint a picture that innocents are getting shot dead around gangbangers and rednecks like bi-weekly like innocent mass shooting victims.


You think weapons are hard to acquire in third world countries?... in countries with recent wars that left behind tremendous amounts of military grade weapons on the streets? In countries with worthless justice systems?
And yet, you don't hear of people losing their shit and killing a bunch of innocents as it does in America.

user, there is a cultural problem causing a lot of issues in your country. But since you avoided my correlated point concerning suicide and drug abuse, I think you are just another narcissist too focused on cheap (wrong) solutions to (poorly) diagnosed problems. So you can claim you did something to "fix the world".

the mass shooters are white and a lot are white supremacists that think just like you. They probably sipped your retard koolaid and decided to go full Fredo.

Hawaii has low gun homicide rates because of similar laws. All guns, including sporting rifles and shotguns are registered with the local police. Also it being an island makes smuggling difficult.

he meant domestic violence

>Why does the burger police always kill these shooters?
You do realize there's been a ton of mass shooters that haven't been shot by police right?

Attached: fox.jpg (352x395, 45K)

wow, so high

Attached: homicide rate.png (1082x8892, 1.92M)

I am not so sure about this. If everybody has a gun it definitely raises the difficulty in supressing a civil uprising. That's not going to happen as us politicians masterfully divide the people along race, gender and wealth groups, HOWEVER if at some point there will be an uprising I see that guns are necessary.

Disagree. When I was in middle school I knew someone who was later killed in a murder suicide. That's sort of my reference point, but I would agree that in many cases the victims are often unbalanced people themselves

I'm not talking about 3rd worlds I'm talking about 1st worlds.

If most people who shoot random people have no history of mental illness I don't know how fixing mental illness will help that.

Mental illness isnt the problem. Just because you keep repeating it doesn`t make it a fact.

I'll just say this one thing. Guns aren't the problem, Americans are

A Venezulean friend told me something that froze my blood as it wasn't the first time I heard it and the way he said it was... touching.
> "The first thing they took from us, was our weapons. And now, all we have are our sticks and stones against their rifles"
While It's a complex situation, it really made me reconsider my earlier thoughts that having weapons was pointless.

I meant to say gun homicides. The overall murder rate is lower, but a greater percentage of people are murdered by a firearms than in neighboring countries, perhaps not Italy.

Switzerland has lax gun rules and a lot of em have guns iirc,they're first world and don't have mass shootings every day

oh they also have lots of tourists/brown people/white people btw

> I'm not talking about 3rd worlds I'm talking about 1st worlds.
So, if weapon availability isn't the problem, then, is it a cultural problem? My point?
> If most people who shoot random people have no history of mental illness I don't know how fixing mental illness will help that.
They have, and quarter of them was diagnosed. The shit tier article that was posted earlier conceded exactly that.

Do read the previous conversation, you will find some interesting points to start an actual argument instead of just claiming a slightly more wordier version of a "nuh uh".

It doesn't matter if you had one gun or twenty, the military has top-notch equipment and people who's sole purpose is to shoot people.
It's the same why you almost never hear of civilians killing mass shooters, as soon as the first shot took place, most people will just piss their pants. The military and police are trained to keep a cool head in a shootout.

They're like Israel. Former conscripts get to keep their guns. If anywhere Austria has the more liberal gun laws

Shut the fuck up, Germany is Mass Shooting Center of europe man

I think it's more of a wealth/economic problem. Switzerland and iirc Norway or Finland also have very liberal gun laws and mass shootings arent a thing there. That's because even underclass people have a solid social security and health care is much better. Imagine if you start to think about shooting up random people but then it comes to your mind that you could also try a therapy free of charge, contact a social worker to fix your dire life situation.

Why do people get so triggered by the shootings when there are over 800 each day who die from obesity related causes.

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If you are thinking in a powerful army such as the US, Russia, China, etc. Then yeah, arming your population is going to be far more ineffective to fight against an oppressive regime.
However, if it's a bare-bones army, an armed population can do wonders at keeping funny thoughts from their leaders.
You also have to consider that civil wars are very different to normal wars. If the army makes themselves the enemy of their people, well... I have to remind you that soldiers and leaders are humans... with family and needs. Unless they want to live inside walled gardens for the rest of their lives, it's better not to make an sworn enemy of the population.

obesity is usually a choice

America's gun problem will never be fixed. It's so ingrained into their culture (don't mean to insult) that if anything was done about it it would most likely cause some kind of civil war. It would be like banning meat pies and sausage sizzles for aussies or banning the haka in New Zealand or banning coffee in Italy or banning fast food in the US. It's impossible