What do the language choices in that order reveal about me?

What do the language choices in that order reveal about me?

Attached: lange.png (231x213, 7K)

You like MED countries?



you need big chicano cock (BCC)

Probably a deluded Muslim from a shithole diaspora who believes in forging some kind of Neo Al Andalus

Mexican with Arabic name that converted to Islam
You also like gay sex

Getting ready for the brown century, pal?

>Saudi Arabia

If Turkey is Med, so is Saudi Arabia.

ازيك يا مكسيكي

you're probably moroccan

but it literally isn't

but that's not the saudi flag

that your a niga

You're a Moor?

did you know Arabic is spoken in the Mediterranean nations of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria?

rate mine

Attached: langs.png (166x157, 4K)

That you came from g*Rmany and are an exchange student.

d*Aspora pulii.


turkey is meder than spain. it was core of roman empire.