>Christmas Man
>literally just Christmas Man
Way to challenge those stereotypes, Germany.
>Christmas Man
>literally just Christmas Man
Way to challenge those stereotypes, Germany.
>t."white" man from Jow Forums
rent free
Based and supported by genetics.
Only Jow Forumstard incels care about MUH TRUE BORDERS OF EUROPE which there are alot on this imageboard
Jul is Christmas in Danish. So saying "Julemanden" is the same as saying Christmas Man.
Shut the fuck up turkroach. You aren’t even remotely related to the ancient people of Anatolia. Anglos are closer to the people of gobleki tepe than modern day Turk roaches ie mongol’D Arabians.
rent free
>t.levantine mutt
I just wanted to make a thread about different names for Santa Claus . . .
itt new worelders arguing who is less mutt
hey kid have you been nice
Christmas log is pretty funny
>tfw you will never have Saint Corn bring you gifts
Not being Welsh is suffering
>tfw you will never have Christmas Log smash through your window killing you in your sleep
>t.slav rapebaby
>Christ Child
>"little god" or "little son of god"
>somehow means Father Christmas
Every Christmas map is worse than the other
Fun fact the Christmas Log dosnt magically appear in chrismas day, most of the time its around the home for like a month eating the food scraps you give him so that he gets full and shits out a good present.
Your chart is wrong. Only a small part of protestants in the North say "Weihnachtsmann". The largest part of Germany believe in the Christkind.
t: I have relatives from all over Germany
Why do some get Saint Nicholas, but we don't? Nicholas is way more important than stupid Christmasman in our culture.
We usually cal him ''sala vecis'' and it means ''old man Frost''
Also these maps imply we have Russian speaking territory bordering Russia and it's not true as the territory that could be considered as ''Russian speaking'' borders Belarus!
Tbh this map is horribly innaccurate, both in terms of translations and in its disregard to regional differences within particular countries.
Because it's about Christmas and not Saint Nicholas day.
Not really
But really, though. Jul is Christmas. Mand is man. So Julemanden is Christmas mand. Are you being retarded right now?
Jul predates Christmas up here.