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America isn’t run by Anglos no more. America is run by the worst people imaginable

America isn’t run by Anglos no more. America is run by the worst people imaginable.

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The only good capitalist is a dead capitalist, doesn’t matter whether they’re Irish, Anglo, Jewish, Greek, or whatever

they probably have jewish handlers. do you think micks are smart enough to operate above an 11th grade level?

Damn Irish Americans are really successful.

average irish america IQ is like 110-115

Kill yourself commie

>come to america because you're too retarded to plant more potatoes
>your progeny become some of the most powerful men in the world
god bless these great united states

God bless Ireland

Look up the greenpill and realize the Irish are the true powerbrokers in the US. The Jews are nothing compared to Sheamus

considering Kentucky more like