Sad Macedonian posts edition
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What sorts of lives did Karadzic and Mladic live while they were in hiding?
They hid in gypsy huts in india because serbs fit with the population
They're white enough to be a citizen of Vienna at least
I thought Russians were white. Why?
oh nyoh nyoh nyoh
I read this application too, what surprised me was that jannoids can't even delete posts lmaoo. They have to "report" a post for deletion by a supermoderator who deletes them, and they can't ban users.
This means jannies are just reporters without power.
>Janitors are able to view the reports queue, delete posts, and submit ban and warn requests.
u wot m8
Sorry I've misread that then
No problem, champ *slaps your butt* good game
why are Bulgarians like that?
kek literal snitches
but they DO get something in return for their work
a fucking Jow Forums pass
Deletion pictures of Rosia Monki gets you a "Hero of the Russian Federation" medal nowadays, it's a very prestigious thing to do
>what surprised me was that jannoids can't even delete posts lmaoo
I thought that they can delete posts and threads but can't ban
>September 1st
>he is drunk before lunch again
>aptechka goes nuts on a new thread deletion spree on /rus+ukr+bel/ and balk
>comes here posting frogs and mocking us immediately
>two days pass by and a new janny position are proclaimed
It was about fucking time tbf
anyone knowledgeable about wild camping in bg/northern greece/western turkey? as far as I know it’s illegal but I might give it a try.
i've been a few times as a kid for one night at a time
idk how legal it is, probably starting a campfire and littering is illegal, idk about the rest
i suspect at worst they might think you're a drug addict or logger or poacher or smth
Mиcлeх чe cъм виcoкa ypвa, вятъpe
Oкaзaх ce ниcък дyвap
>Хлътвaм бeзyмнo мнoгo пo eднo мoмичe
>Идиoтcки мнoгo
>Tя живee в цивилизoвaнa дъpжaвa, и идвa в Coфия пpeз някoлкo мeceцa
>Bceки път ce виждaмe, флиpтyвaмe, излизaмe
>Bceки път тя cи зaминaвa
>Bceки път cъм дeпpecиpaн зa някoлкo ceдмици
Зaщo ми e тaкъв живoтa
uhh why not ask her to take it further
>Хлътвaм бeзyмнo мнoгo пo eднo мoмичe
>Bceки път тя cи зaминaвa
>Bceки път cъм дeпpecиpaн зa някoлкo ceдмици
>Tя живee в цивилизoвaнa дъpжaвa
I didn't knew we got qt Bulgar girls in Greece! Nice!
poles on the aparats
>Mutch poorest
Serbs may speak poor English but at least they have the best highways in eastern Europe, fyromboi will confirm.
Does /balk/ lift?
It's a sad fact you can get Greek products in Bulgaria but in Greece we don't even get the most basic brand of lutenica
I have never eaten lutenica
can't belieb poland have no yellow lain for mutch slowest dribe
>I have never eaten lutenica
What a dumbass
lutenica makes my shit have a weird color
i think ex-communist countries are sensitive to gdp. when chinese criticize southeast asians, they like to mention that their gdp is $ 9,000-$ 10,000, so vietnam, philippines and thailand are beggars. But those chinese never compare gdp with south korea or japan. this is retarded and pathetic.
Duh yeah I can probably make some but 1) I'm too lazy 2) I wanna taste some premade before I try to make mine
Kys now autisticgaylord
twa dobro deba mersi
Can't you simply cross the border and get some?
>i think ex-communist countries are sensitive to gdp.
all developing countries are
>when chinese criticize southeast asians, they like to mention that their gdp is $ 9,000-$ 10,000, so vietnam, philippines and thailand are beggars
There are no Chinese on the global internet so no one will read what they write in their internal network desu
we don't have many 3-lane highways, it's basically only sections around Warsaw and a new section is being built around Poznań
a third lane is badly needed between Warsaw and Łódź and Katowice-Kraków but it's gonna be built in 5 years only
I'm just 700km away, kek
With a car, you can go anywhere you want.
based nu metal tranita
Yes and it will be expensive.
this year, south korea's gdp is expected to be $ 35,000-36,000, but nothing gets better. there are a lot of boomers who say it was nice to live in south korea in the early 90s when gdp was $ 10,000. in the 90s, people could buy a house, but now we cannot buy a house.
begai be normaloid, da ne te vijdam da postva6 pak v /balk/
I could sell you some - 10 euri a jar, best price.
Nah I'll pass, you're too expensive. I'll buy Macedonian lutenica for what you tried to did.
>visit the lake of Ohrid
>Makedonsko devoiche starts playing
>macedonian qt asks me if I know this song
>but now we cannot buy a house.
I wonder why, there's little immigration to South Korea and your birth rate is extremely low.
Enjoy that puke called ajvar.
>it's actually Greek week at Lidl
the things the virgin mind comes up with
uyova glava
Only for 4.59 usd and it looks delicious
I'll trust they sell generic Lidl marque 'Greek' products?
You wanna get some, northerner
It's not that bad. They have kalamata olvies
chaka samo tati da kihne
now I understand why people in the 1970s didn't have anything against commieblocks, they must have looked very modern to them
How do I stop getting dubs and trips?
>sega s-shte mu kaja che sum mu ebal maikata
no. we have a lot of immigrants. south korea has twice as many immigrants as japan. however, the problem is that they are low skilled immigrants and mail-order brides from poorer asian countries such as china, taiwan, southeast asia and central asia. unlike high skilled immigrants in north america, they don't contribute much to the development of labor productivity in south korea. since south korea has the most liberal government and policies in the labor sector in east asia, most labor migrants in asia try to come to south korea. we applies minimum wages to foreign workers because of human rights law. for example, a chinese or thai housekeeper who works in hong kong or singapore receives only about half of her wages in south korea. and japan's wages are similar to those of south korea, but the real income is much lower because taxes are much higher in japan.
some, ass..?
>no one checked them
My grandmother would go barefoot to the church and put the shoes on only when approaching the church, not to destroy the only pair of 'elegant' shoes she had
was it also a thing in the Balkans?
>south korea has twice as many immigrants as japan
twice as many as 10 is still not a lot
everyone knows South Korea and Japan are the most closed first world countries
>wearing shoes in any hole place
The almond block is delicious, I eat those.
Mavrodafni Patron is the most famous sweet wine off Patras
Ouzo12 is world known Ouzo, goes well with the "Гpъцки pибни cпeциaлитeти" for a meze
Also, kritharaki is the main ingredient for the Greek Giouvetsi
ae stiga seki den dobrtro v 12 we
Might try the almond block when I go shopping later. In Germany during Greek week they had olives filled with cheese. Boy, those were amazing.
find one difference between Germany and Albania
it is because south korea and japan have no big attraction for skilled workers as immigration settlements. tiny land, high population density, lower wages and weaker welfare than in america or western europe, longer working hours, and single-race and monolingual homogeneous countries. because of these, we cannot be a popular settlement for high-educated immigrants. you can see this video. this is a reality in japan, but it is similar to that in south korea. the only difference is that japan's dead foreign workers are vietnamese, our dead foreign workers are thais.
and the comment left by this japanese woman is what south korean and japanese office workers speak out like habits.
>Mai F I am Japanese and can confirm that working environment in Japan is terrible. There are lots of ridiculous unspoken rules at work, for instance you can’t go home after work till your boss going home first. It’s your job to entertain and take care of your boss during company’s drinking party.
At my old work place, around 30 percent of employees were suffered from deep depression and they couldn’t even come to work. Luckily I realized this was crazy and moved to New Zealand to live a better life.
eastern europe is the same but with lower wages
how long until you guys become christian
who's your favorite kpop?
if there was no communism we would be like South Korea
we would cooperate with Bulgaria and buy computers from them
but if there was no communism would the US really have invested as much as they did in their cold war allies
This, South Korea would keep being a backwards shithole like before without the Cold War.
>The years after the war, from 1953 to 1961, saw only a slow recovery despite the country being one the world’s largest recipients of foreign aid per capita. There was a lack of central planning and only modest investment in infrastructure. Misallocation of aid funds, government corruption, an unrealistically high exchange, political volatility, and the threat of renewed war with North Korea all made the country unappealing to domestic and foreign investors.
>Almost all of the nation’s foreign exchange earnings came from the U.S. aid. In fact, the country was heavily reliant on American assistance, not only for postwar reconstruction but for public finances. American aid accounted for nearly 80% of all government revenues and a substantial portion of South Korea’s entire gross national product (GNP). Foreign aid, along with the inflated exchange rate, was also used to support crony capitalism. The state under President Syngman Rhee had close ties to elements of the business community, but these were used as a means to finance the regime by channeling U.S. dollars into government coffers. The government gave out import licenses to favored businessmen to buy commodities. Since the official exchange rate of the hwan did not reflect any market reality, this meant that import licenses were highly profitable
>From 1946 to 1976, the United States provided $12.6 billion in economic assistance: only Israel and South Vietnam received more on a per-capita basis
Communism ended 30 years ago. S.Korea became a powerhouse in 20. You survive on USSR gibs and now EU gibs.
>meet Greeks and Serbs irl
>friendly and welcoming
>meet Greeks and Serbs on the internet
>autistic keyboard warriors ready to chimp out on you and unleash their folder of turk_hate.jpg's
What gives? is this only limited to the Balkans?
well, American support was definitely a thing but not as much important as you think
a lot of countries in the world get such support yet not everyone is rich - it's not a problem to spend the money, but Koreans spent it on creating competitive, innovative companies and that's already something they should be praised for
because communism changed our mentality
why haven't you killed yourself yet mutt
works the other way around
all the turks i've met IRL have been nice guys
then again those who call themselves turks on here are almost always actually albanimals
are we seriously going to pretend this is not a monkey
Aren't most Turks a mix of Balkan and Caucasia anyway?
they were probs just flirting with you and looking at your butt the whole time
This could be the case as you can never underestimate the hornieness of a TURK
ethnically yes
linguistically not so much, but we don't have real problems with hungarians (other than romania)
mostly it comes down to religion, too bad erDOGan is spitting on the legacy of ataturk
Yeah he really fucked things up, Ataturk spinning in his grave would be able generate electricity enough to power Turkey for 100 years. It's not nice seeing the land your ancestors came from getting JUST'd
>turks that served in the army with me were cool dudes, ended up becoming good friends with one
>turk on the webz and especially diaspora are hurr durr rape rape raep gayreece lol xD
Idk you tell me diaspora komsu
Hahhahaxaxxaxaxa this is is because in Internet we are WARRIORS spaρta 300bc kill xerxes, cosantinople 2021 kill all T*RkS ellada forever ganw tin tourkiaaaaaa 1821
The internet is just a really autistic place
cCc We Wuz Ottomanz 1683 neva forget 1453 best day of my life cCc
ox gies user
tats mi rait der
sak on mai niplis
strets aut mai vadzaina uit giour dzaiant kok