Can somebody tell me what's the big deal with this bitch?
Can somebody tell me what's the big deal with this bitch?
what's her full name?
she's attractive dumb shit
Maria Lulu Wallis
Who's this bitch?
She looks normal. You are thirsty
She's like a 6 at best.
Do you have a white girl fetish?
not really, it's split between black and white. I prefer mixed girls though.
>Can somebody tell me what's the big deal with this bitch?
I have good memory.
I agree she's not that pretty but she's more attractive than 90% of the German women she interviews so she's gotta be higher than a 6.
More like you have 57 pics of maria
>OP outs himself
This nigga is probably the one proxy posting her under the US flag as well
Yes. What ethnic man doesn't?
White women aren't really that popular amongst most non-whites, especially Asians. I feel like the idea that all races of men lust after white women is just some kind of Jow Forums or Jow Forums propaganda to justify their fear of non-whites.
wtf is a white woman seriously speaking, no pol shit
Why is anime white then?
Depends on who you ask, but probably the most mainstream definition is anyone descended from any of the indigenous peoples of Europe. I realize this definition is still shit, but its the most agreed upon definition at least in the US.
On Jow Forums or Jow Forums its northern/northwestern European women.
Anime usually has pale skin, but their facial features are about as divorced from Caucasian features as it gets.