Who is your countries biggest rival/historical enemy?

Who is your countries biggest rival/historical enemy?


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The entire planet lmao

How many layers of historical revisionism are you on

germany isnt ur biggest empire retard u tried to unify with them for hundreds of years

But Austrians are German



biggest rival would be germany from 1917 to 1945 then the USSR. Nowadays im not sure

> India
Our only rival are Indians



Apart from the fact that it kinda sounds wrong to say Germany instead of Prussia, shouldn't it be Turkey/the Ottomans?



It should actually be the Habsburgs in general, but you get the point


based smartposter

Now that I think about it may actually be the Papal State.

Uhm have you forgot guys what the g*rmans did to us in ww2?

China. Enemy for thousand years and will be.

You literally are Germans. You literally are as much German as the Saxonians or the Bavarians or the Wurttembergians

Lmao nobody falls for that anymore Fritz.

We don't even care about you

New Zealand for rival and abos for enemy

now you know what it feels like to be an american talking to anyone.

No shit, you've lost the whole empire.
You wish you still had that nice port called Trieste.

Based rivalry for all of recorded history and pre-historic legends

a*glos in all their incarnations are only our enemy

good evening


E-everyone lost their possessions in Africa a-anyway!!!!

umaru chan did nothing wrong
well its better than speaking french like tunisia ayy?


Definitely Russia for us but Britain Germany and china are honorable mentions
Are you sure?



>Are you sure?


it will be either France itself or Germany

What did they do?

I take it you are Russian and not Kazakh? Why would a Kazakh give a fuck about Belarus?

Libya user, how is life atm?

For us, Germany.

We have owned France throughout our history so it would be silly to say them. We just see them as our funny sidekicks.

Do it again Genghis


You have only been opposed to unified Germany. Pre-unified German states like Prussia you were mostly aligned with.

any wh*te country

mmhm Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, ALL LATINAMERICA

Australia is much larger than Merklistan. Wtf are you talking about?

True but Two World Wars + Football puts Germany on top.

native american tribes

allah mouammar libya wa bass?


Turkey (pre-19th century) and Armenia (after 19th century)

Dunno there's still a case for France. Enemies for pretty much 800 years (1066-1815, or 1066-1904 depending on whether you count Waterloo or the Entente Cordiale as the end of hostilities).

Fucking Earthquakes

They are worse than the USA.

Meant to be to


Our greatest enemy our ourselves

you consider yourself british?
based here we're mini amerifats

>We have owned France throughout our history
pretty sure this is the contrary.

Russia I guess. They've been on our case since there's been a Russia.

I'm full Anglo but don't consider myself British, though I love British history, particularly the Napoleonic Wars.

No, only a retard would, if some neckbeard started yelling about waterloo here his jaw would be obliterated by some good samaritan.


Our victories are iconic and known throughout the world.

Russia. The Cold War was absolutely kino, and China/Iran are extremely shit substitutes.
OP said rival, not rapist.

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But Hastings is considered the beginning of British history

>Hastings is considered the beginning of British history

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its pretty good.
war is still going on and people die
but recently its not mass fights and i hear no missles.
living, food and entertiment would rate 6/10
always allhamdllah and never kofer in life abd always grateful for living.
how about u
is summer still up there?
right now is much better than before

explain the differences before vs now fren

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UK until later 19th century
Germany 1898-1918
Russia 1918-1938
Germany 1938-1945
Russia 1946-present
China in the future probably

Where do you live, in a city?
Near the front lines?

Who has political control, government or warlords?

What about g*eat Britain?
They cucked you pretty hard over the malvinas

Brazil and Argentina used to HATE each other on par with US and USSR

I too can totally cherrypick by talking about the battle of hastings and how the tapestry of bayeux is one of the most splendid work of art that transcends humanity. When it comes to the 100 years war I believe Joan of Arc is perhaps more iconic.

>All wh*Te """countries""",mainly Russia and Austria

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Australia, but it's usually a very friendly rivalry.


If you've ever heard of the Parguayan War, the Paraguayan strategy was basically to piggyback on the hatred and have Argentina kill Brazil.
Didn't end up going that way. But it provides reference for how bad their relations were if a country used it as a justification to start a war they could never win.

>When it comes to the 100 years war I believe Joan of Arc is perhaps more iconic.
She was a peasant whore who consorted with the devil

>Germany 1898-1918
>Russia 1918-1938
The Soviets were considered a backwards pariah state until it was necessary to ally them and our light rivalry with Britain extended into the 1910s. I remember hearing about American naval officers in WW1 being surprised when they ended up fighting alongside the British since all their training and drills were based around a war with the UK.

Rainbow Warrior

Russia soon to be China


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The first red scare and Soviet influence in US union groups
It's a bit more complicated. But the basic jist is not every rivarly is related to foreign relations.

And you're right that US and UK had bad relations. But that was because US thought the UK might attack to prevent us from becoming #1 commercial/naval power

Do it again Trevor Chapell

This. We’ve been at war with all other European powers, but with anglos it is always sluggish shit like The Great game or Cold war.

We're not "historical enemies"
We had a great relation with Britain... But Argentina screwed up. That's it

Wait no it was france

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No-no, actually it was japan

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We occupied Vladivostok

The Great Game was simply geo-political posturing and wasn't violent, unless you consider the Crimean War as a part of the Great Game, but France was more active/important in that than the UK.

I mean to say wasn't violent between UK and Russia, of course it was with the Anglo-Afghan War and the like.

>But that was because US thought the UK might attack to prevent us from becoming #1 commercial/naval power
That was even a concern during the interwar period.

>Cold war
Technologies and culture boom, space conquest
>Nowadays "Cold wars"
Shitty worthless opinions on media and mass butthurting

No, if you think about it logically, it’s Chechnya

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"Plaza Britania"
Buenos Aires

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What do you think I was referring to?
Wait were you originally referring to WWI?

I don't know too much about lead-up to WWI for USA. But I know the The Great Rapprochement basically led to US and UK having quality relations. And Germans sinking civilian ships, blowing up stuff, and trying to convince Mexico to invade made them obvious enemies.

nothing will ever compare to the cold war, it was two completely separated worlds fighting each other. Conflicts will still happen between world powers but they'll still trade with each other and know each other through the internet.

inner mongolia hahahahahahahahaha stay irrelevant
china has bigger fish to fry now

After early stages of Cold War we traded with USSR

We traded with them throughout. The Soviet Union was dependent on American grain supplies for most of the Cold War

t. Buttmad zhang

it's not comparable, China's economy relies on american consumers and America's economy relies on Chinese manufacturing. That wasn't the case during the cold war, both superpowers were self mostly economically independent and self sufficient.