Why are there still people who buy the PS4 when the PS5 will be on sale in 1 year - 1 year and a half ?
Why are there still people who buy the PS4 when the PS5 will be on sale in 1 year - 1 year and a half ?
I have a better question.
Why would anyone buy a console in the first place?
It's cheap
Who even buys consoles on release? Are you that desperate to play every hot new game as it comes out? Just sweep up all the stuff you missed from the last few years, if it's not Nintendo it's $20 at most and still just as fun.
It's more comfortable to play on a console than on a computer.
Because they are stupid and don't realize that if you wait long enough you can pirate console games and emulate them on your computer with upscaled graphics. People who don't pirate their entertainment are bad with money.
Because not everyone is poor and can play only pirate games and want to play Bloodborne, RDR2, Uncharted 4, GoW4 etc.
Literally, bloodborne and Gof of War. Every other game on the PS4 sucks.
I'm a PC gamer.
4K144fps is the best experience.
PS4 is 1080p30fps garbage.
I'm going to play Cyberpunk 2077 with RTX ON.
I've a better question. Why are gamers like this?
>wasting your money on video games
The absolute state of manchildren, yikes.
comfort and ease. Also perk like gamesharing. When ever my friends purchase a game I can play it digitally and vice versa.
Loading times killed console gaming for me, maybe I should try again
>using money to having fun is wasting it
The absolute state of cucks.
>b-b-but I'm having fun!!!
Not only are you over 18 but still playing vidya like some immature teen, but you're also irresponsible with money because m-muh fun. What an absolute waste of human flesh.
>video games are only for children
>you are only allowed to use money for something I like not you
What's your problem retardo?
It's cheap and have great catalog of games
>video games are only for children
Yes, video games are for children, manchildren and retards. Everyone with more than two healthy brain cells grows out of it when they're around 16 (at worst). How an adult with no developmental hindrances manages to enjoy repetitive gameplay, mind-numbingly dumb stories, trope-filled character development, and generally just the sheer childishness of it all without feeling a tinge of embarrassment, or maybe some vague need to introspect, to ask himself WHY THE FUCK do I enjoy a medium that fails to produce anything but exceptionally retarded and immature interactive diarrhea, is something I will never ever understand.
Is this a european thing? In the US no one cares as long as you are stable (job, security, ect.) and what you do on your time is your business.
It isn't, Europeans are just as infantile as Americans. It's just that I am personally annoyed by these subhumans acting like their awful lifestyle choices are alright because hurr durr I'm having fun.
Considering this logic I shouldn't "waste" money on movies, music, etc. Just because you have shit taste it dosen't mean everyone has it too, cuck. Stop throwing tantrum so much.
He's some poor cuck probably and need to waste all his resources on his wife's son.
>Considering this logic I shouldn't "waste" money on movies, music, etc.
>hurr all mediums are equal
What part of "video games are targeted SPECIFICALLY at manchildren" do you not understand? Target audience shapes the medium, and since manchildren are the most subhuman target audience imaginable, even worse than middle-aged mom's, video games are bound to end up the same -- infantile, shallow, tediously stupid to anyone with no cognitive disabilities, and so on. Now, if you weren't an infantile manchild yourself, I'd tell you to waste your time and money on something worthwhile. But since you are, in fact, an infantile manchild, I know that any sort of rationalization is futile, and I'm expecting you to respond with more shrieking about "Hurrrrfff but I'm having fun!!! It's muh money!!!! Don't you dare criticize my awful lifestyle choices!!!!!"
G*mers don’t deserve rights
>What part of "video games are targeted SPECIFICALLY at manchildren" do you not understand? video games are bound to end up the same -- infantile, shallow, tediously stupid to anyone with no cognitive disabilities, and so on
What part of your shitty personal opinion is not a definition and fact you don't understand? Why do you shout with capslock and stutter like some toddler with advanced autism? Why do you care so much that people like video games? Seems like you are insecure man child man.
Hobby like hobby, someone like to reading books, watching movies, running, playing football, chess, someone just like to play video games, nothing wrong with that at all.
I love your country so much for it.
>low-midle settings
Absolute state of console-serfs
Not everyone play on Switch.
I didn't even know that there is a PS5.
>What part of your shitty personal opinion is not a definition and fact you don't understand?
What part of "not an argument" do you not understand? Why do manchildren get so defensive whenever someone criticizes their god-awful decisions?
>b-but u must be ackshually poor
>a-and taking care of a child that isn't in fact yours
>gotcha hehe :^)))))
Literally monkey-tier comebacks, which is to be expected from a mental infant that wastes his precious time and money on the sort of entertainment that most of his peers (the ones that will amount to something, at least) have grown out in their teens.
The absolute state of your life, lad, yiiikes.
>Hobby like hobby
No, sorry, but not all hobbies are equal. There are productive hobbies that are actually worthwhile, will teach you a skill, help you attain knowledge of a certain topic, improve your understanding of the world and improve you in some way. And then, there's vapid brainless escapism like video games and anime, where the only purpose it serves is making your free time pass faster.
Now, we can pretend that none of it matters as long as "you're having fun," but it's clear to anyone with fully developed mental faculties that that's not the case, and it is extremely intellectually dishonest to pretend otherwise.
>No, sorry, but not all hobbies are equal.
Sure you are right.
But I disagree with you that every hobby has to be productive.
Some people just do not want to accomplish big thing they do not want to be the best. They just want to have normal life. In this case they have free time, during that they can do something not productive just for fun.
Life is not the competition to be the most productive or the best, but it's for having fun from it. At least in my own opinion.
>Why do manchildren get so defensive whenever someone criticizes their god-awful decisions?
Yeah, why do manchildren like you get so defensive when people prefer using money for their god-tier hobbies over your shitty hobbies in your shitty life? Some people are not poor and defensive cucks like you.
>you shouldn't watch movies, listening to music, reading books, because you won't make money of it
What a fucking retard, holy shit, I can't stop laughing at you.
>Some people just do not want to accomplish big thing they do not want to be the best.
Then these people should accept their inferiority and not act smug in front of reasonable people who don't want to waste their shekels on manchild activities. Imagine having the audacity to accuse people of being poor solely because they refuse to waste their money irresponsibility like that other Poolack here.
>>you shouldn't watch movies, listening to music, reading books, because you won't make money of it
>What a fucking retard, holy shit, I can't stop laughing at you.
See, if you weren't a braindead monkey who hasn't read a single book ever since he was forced to read The Stranger in high school, you'd be able to understand that "something actually worthwhile, that will teach you a skill, help you attain knowledge of a certain topic, improve your understanding of the world and improve you in some way" is not necessarily something that will make you money. But it isn't escapistic media consumption either.
It's okay, man, I understand that playing video games can't exactly develop your reading comprehension, so this misunderstanding is to be expected. Just, for the sake of everything holy, try to read my posts multiple times and think about what I wrote before responding.
>kids here pretending to be "adults"
>calling others "manchildren" for enjoying something
You do realize you are currently on a picture board where no sane adults hang out, right?
You are a manchild. You are nothing but a fucking loser.
>"b..but I don't play videogames, I am more adult than you"
Nope, just a cunt who "thinks" he's more adult.
Guess what? I have two kids of my own. I see that kind of behavior all the time. Little shits pretending to be grown ups even though they aren't. I know this because I would fucking hate to "grow up" if that meant becoming a dry old old cunt who can't enjoy anything.
So stop the holier than thou act and take a good, long look at your self. Perhaps one day you will actually be a grownup, a responsible person (though I doubt it) but you are not. Not now. Not the way you are behaving.
>See, if you weren't a braindead monkey who hasn't read a single book ever since he was forced to read The Stranger in high school
Actually I read books you inbreed mongoloid and waste of your dad semen. It's hobby like video games, dosen't actually give me any money like my job, but I like to do it from time to time, because I have time and money for it. You are such a dumb pathetic, insecure retard, holy shit.
Why are on Jow Forums then? You are wasting your time and it dosen't improve you in any way subhuman monkey.
who said?
PS5 certain launch date is not yet right?
>You are such a dumb pathetic, insecure retard, holy shit.
Interesting coming from a tard with no reading comprehension who somehow managed to understand the most straightforward sentence imaginable. You're a fucking joke, dude. Just, y'know, learn where your place is and try not to act so smug in the future.
And, by the way, reading garbage fiction that people with your mental capabilities usually read is not much better than video games. But let's not change the topic.
>no u
Pathetic, but something I expected from insecure toddler that getting apeshit because not every person is poor cuck like him and throwing tantrum on that on japanese-anime based imageboard. What a waste of oxygen you are man.
It's time to give up kid. Go to bed or something, this little larping session of yours is getting a bit.. tiresome and honestly it's kinda cringe.
>waaah waaah u didn't respond with an argument to my complete non-argument
>le poor cuck projection again
Get your shit together and practice that reading comprehension, lad. I'm not even angry or annoyed anymore, now I feel nothing but complete and utter pity.
By the way, why are you so fixated on people who don't waste money irresponsibility being poor? Some underlying insecurity, perhaps? You sound like one of those kids who grew up poor but then managed to become sub-par codemonkeys so now they're acting uppity. What a joke. Have a nice day, and don't forget to work on your reading comprehension, I mean this shit is just embarrassing like holy fuck...
Because only fucking losers buy day 1. Bought my ps3 in 2013 for 40€ and my ps3 games for 5€ each. Bought my ps4 in 2018 for 100€ and each ps4 game for 10€. You must be retarded to buy a GAME console for 350€ lol
>video games are bad
>if you use money for things I say they are bad you must [put random insult here]
This is how I know you are an underage toddler.
>you are so fixated on people who use money differently
Wut? Where did I say that? It's you who have problems and advanced period because I have money and time for video games and can use my resources for entertainment. If you can't stand it maybe neck yourself? You won't reproduce too so we all win.
what does this have to do with international culture?
I bought ps4 last year because it will be my last gaming experience since video games are for children and i just turned 20
Or you could play on xbone x and enjoy 60fps at 4k
To play Death Stranding of course.