Which country has the best last names? And which kind are best? Patronyms? Place names? Trade names? Something else?
Last Names
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I think Poland has the best last names because my last name is from Poland and I like my last name :3
So what does Martin mean after all?
Smith looks like such a cuck last name
Ours are metal as fuck
Can't go wrong with that reasoning. My last name's an Irish patronym, and I tend to prefer Irish last names. The patronyms, at least, have a very nice order to them, and reflect the gender and familial status of its bearer in the original language.
>Hoxha is the most common surname in Albania
So Enver Hoxha the communist dictator just had a generic surname and nothing "mighty leader" like?
Can you imagine if Stalin's last name was Jones?
Rome, ðe -us at ðe end of names sounds so cool.
Ours are ok.
I am partial to house names. Surnames are okay but they don't quite have the same ring to them.
My last name is an animal that doesn't even live here. It's at home in the deserts of North Africa.
hey my last name is Garcia, that means I'm from Spen haha, cool, haha
My last name is the Spanish word for pigeon. I wonder why the original would name themself "pigeon."
the only Smiths worth caring about is The Smiths.
It’s because every Russian has the same name.
Surprised, thought it would be a bunch of Arabic surnames.
Of course OP's map approaches the subject in totally the wrong way. It just picks the most common spelling, not the most common surname. For history reasons, every surname has several ways to spell it. Like there are four ways to spell "Meier" in German. If you account for that, the most common name in Poland for example becomes "Kowalek/Kowalski", and the colour changes from red to green.
Based names tb.h
The name Martin derives from Martinus, which itself comes from Mars, who refers to the god of the Roman war. This name is also taken from the Latin term "martius", which means "warrior".
The Christian saint called Saint Martin was a roman soldier who spread Christianity through pagan Gaul
"Stalin" was a nickname, m8, not his actual surname.
In the old days people didn't really choose their last name. Your last name was something that would discribe you, like your job or the place where you lived. So your ancesters was probably dealing with pigeons on the regular, for messages or food or anything else. Probably. You'll never know for sure
We because we have a large variety of last name origins.
Too many Englishmen
Are you north african?
I once read there are five groups of surnames in German.
1 father's name "Heinrichs", "Jansen", ...
2 profession "Müller", "Meier", "Schmidt", ...
3 place/region of origin "Landauer", ...
4 adjectives, hair colour etc. "Groß", "Schwarz", ...
5 house names "Rothschild" etc.
Source: dtv Book of German Names
No, German all the way. And the name is also in Nether German, so it's a couple of hundred years old. It's from the Hannover region. I figured it was a category 5 name. (See )
A category from which the surname "Mohr"?
Mohr could be 4 or 5. It's not a common name, though.
>no balts are totally not slavs
>the most common surname in slovakia is hungarian
>it's also the surname most commonly associated with gypsies
>pure Turk
>the most common surname in slovakia and the second most common one in hungary literally mean croat
get hrvated
In hungary it's the 5th, also here it doesn't have the gypsy connotation, only in slovakia and czechia. Here it could mean that your ancestors were either form or looked like they were from a south slavic country
No he is lying all Turks name are Achmed Al-Baghdad Bin Mohammed
(bizarro world)
Fun fact: Turks did not have surnames until 1934 in which families chose their own surname
ah no wonder the names are so nationalistic. I wouldn't expect super religious surnames being picked in the nationalistic 1930s
get jelachich'd
kek Croatia
Slovakia is even bigger kek
It's like with the Jews in the 1700/1800s when they got citizen status. Their names appearing in official documents like catastres or last wills meant they could no longer be named David ben Shlomo ben Yehuda ben Dan ben Ruben ben Isaac ben Abraham etc. So they chose their own last names.
Which is why they have names that are "too pretty" to be real surnames and can easily be spotted by their surname. Goldberg, Rosenthal, Blumfeld etc. etc.
mohr is 4
Fucking based.
my last names means blackwolf. it doesnt get cooler than this.
Smith master-race
it would be Faggocki
A lot of Turks before that had names formulated the same as Northern Europeans.
For example, John-son (Son of John) would be the equivalent of Mehmet-oǧlu.
Mehmetoǧlu literally means son of Mehmet.
Garcia is a Basque surname, but if you asked in Euskadi, they'll gonna renegated about it 'No, no. that a spanish surname, nothing related to Basque Country. Iparraguinalde, alsuaga or artxentxe, yeah, that a truly basque surname'
Da Silva literallly means from the jungle btw
unironically based names
fuck i wanna be called unbeatable
Of course a lot are named Hansen in Norway, but actually only 25% of the population have patronyms.
The large majority, 70%, have farm names.
Juan Palomo, yo me lo guiso yo me lo como.
100% because of el presidente
every child born the past 8 years in estonia have been blessed with the surname ivanov. they think it acts as a good luck charm and so far they seem to be right
>pure Turk
sounds like and actually IS an insult
García is absolutely not a Basque surname. 99.9% of the people living in the Basque Country or Navarre who carry it are the children/grandchildren of immigrants.
fuck off alman
unironically fucking based
Why do we need names_surnames, if all of us are still identified by the numbers in the passport and fingerprints?
كرم Karam
Tипичнaя бeлopyccкaя фaмилия, хyли
Mohr could also come from 3 Moor
99.9% of the Navarrese kings, nobles and peasants were called Sancho García or García Sánchez.
More like from the forest no?
I've been wondering, are there still some people with last name Hitler?
How many people have you met in your life with this surname?
I'm Kurdish and my last name is Öztürk
andersson, anders(of other, anothers) + son
I like Germanic surnames ;)
no. Garcia is most definetly a surname with basque origins and the ultimate proof that basque people are double spaniards who've had an active role in shaping this country and npt the oppressed bitches some try to portrait themselves as.
your grandfather was a jew, and changed the name to avoid the oven
No. It's not a Jewish name at all. As I have explained here Jewish names are easily recognizable. And they can't be changed, you need to appeal for that and have a good reason. Like if you were named "Hitler" for example, that would be a good reason and they would grant you a request to change the name.
So it's Fennecsomething? My surname is unironically Fuchsman, apparently it's because muh ancestors dealt in fox fur
my friends surname is Fuchs
Is he a Croat or German or what? It's also somewhat common among Jews
I know people with every last name on the list.
Croatian, plenty of us have germanized surnames
t. Alfonso Mohamed el Moro
Da Silva means "Of the Woods"
Incredibly based
Of course the Netherlands.
>van der berg
>of the mountain
>there are no mountains in the Netherlands
This is proof we are living in a simulation
I'm not going to give my real name, but it's obviously nothing with fennec as that is (a) not a German word and (b) wasn't around in the 1200s when family names were introduced.
Alright, another proof for the simulation theory
italian surnames usually sound very classy for some reason
t. Swen Anderson
t. Mykola Menlyk
t. Pierre Martin
t. Eren Yilmaz
t. John Smith
t. Vladimir Smirnov
t. Francesco Borg
t. Peter Novak
t. Hans Muller
t. Ivan Ivanov
t. Wilhelm van de Jong
t. Marko Horvat
t. Arnold Gruber
t. Mario Rossi
t. Sandor Nagy
t. Adamus Kazlauskas
t. Radovan Jovanovic
t. Jacek Nowak
t. Fernando Gracia
t. Christian Nielsen
t. Bjorn Hansen
t. Slavomir Hodzic
t. Pepik Novak
t. Alberto Barbosa
My last name comes from the first name of a great-grandfather from ~200 years ago, but it's super rare and I like that.
I feel sorry for the namelets like Ivanov, Georgiev, Dimitrov and the likes. It must suck to have the same family name as 3-4% of the people in the country.